Robert J. Lastowski


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Living liquid crystals 2014 Shuang Zhou
Andrey Sokolov
Oleg D. Lavrentovich
Igor S. Aranson
+ Morphogenesis of defects and tactoids during isotropic–nematic phase transition in self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals 2013 Young‐Ki Kim
Sergij V. Shiyanovskii
Oleg D. Lavrentovich
+ PDF Chat Fluid flows created by swimming bacteria drive self-organization in confined suspensions 2014 Enkeleida Lushi
Hugo Wioland
Raymond E. Goldstein
+ Bacterial ratchet motors 2010 Roberto Di Leonardo
L. Angelani
Dario Dell’Arciprete
G. Ruocco
Valerio Iebba
Serena Schippa
Miriam Conte
Federico Mecarini
Francesco De Angelis
Enzo Di Fabrizio
+ PDF Chat Excitable Patterns in Active Nematics 2011 Luca Giomi
L. Mahadevan
Bulbul Chakraborty
Michael F. Hagan
+ PDF Chat Modelling the mechanics and hydrodynamics of swimming E. coli 2015 Jinglei Hu
Mingcheng Yang
Gerhard Gompper
Roland G. Winkler
+ PDF Chat Swimming in Circles: Motion of Bacteria near Solid Boundaries 2005 Eric Lauga
Willow R. DiLuzio
George M. Whitesides
Howard A. Stone
+ Fluid dynamics and noise in bacterial cell–cell and cell–surface scattering 2011 Knut Drescher
Jörn Dunkel
Luis Cisneros
S. Ganguly
Raymond E. Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order in bacterial vortex lattices 2016 Hugo Wioland
Francis G. Woodhouse
Jörn Dunkel
Raymond E. Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Active micromachines: Microfluidics powered by mesoscale turbulence 2016 Sumesh P. Thampi
Amin Doostmohammadi
Tyler N. Shendruk
Ramin Golestanian
Julia M. Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Data-driven quantitative modeling of bacterial active nematics 2018 He Li
Xia-qing Shi
Mingji Huang
Xiaohong Chen
Minfeng Xiao
Chenli Liu
Hugues Chaté
Hepeng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Bacteria display optimal transport near surfaces -- bacteria as intermittent active chiral particles: trapped by hydrodynamics, escaping by adhesion 2019 Emiliano Pérez Ipiña
Stefan Otte
Rodolphe Pontier-Bres
Dorota Czerucka
Fernando Peruani
+ PDF Chat Polar jets of swimming bacteria condensed by a patterned liquid crystal 2020 Taras Turiv
Runa Koizumi
Kristian Thijssen
Mikhail Genkin
Hao Yu
Chenhui Peng
Qi‐Huo Wei
Julia M. Yeomans
Igor S. Aranson
Amin Doostmohammadi
+ PDF Chat Collective motion 2012 Tamás Vicsek
Anna Zafeiris
+ Taming active turbulence with patterned soft interfaces 2017 Pau Guillamat
Jordi Ignés‐Mullol
Francesc Sagués
+ PDF Chat Bacteria display optimal transport near surfaces 2019 Emiliano Pérez Ipiña
Stefan Otte
Rodolphe Pontier-Bres
Dorota Czerucka
Fernando Peruani
+ PDF Chat Directed collective motion of bacteria under channel confinement 2016 Hugo Wioland
Enkeleida Lushi
Raymond E. Goldstein
+ PDF Chat Command of active matter by topological defects and patterns 2016 Chenhui Peng
Taras Turiv
Yubing Guo
Qi‐Huo Wei
Oleg D. Lavrentovich
+ Geometry of thresholdless active flow in nematic microfluidics 2017 Richard F. Green
John Toner
Vincenzo Vitelli
+ PDF Chat Self-organization of swimmers drives long-range fluid transport in bacterial colonies 2019 Haoran Xu
Justas Dauparas
Debasish Das
Eric Lauga
Yilin Wu
+ Looking at the world through liquid crystal glasses 2012 Oleg Lavrentovich