Adam Idzik


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Isometric copies of directed trees in orientations of graphs 2019 Тарас Банах
Adam Idzik
Oleg Pikhurko
Ігор Протасов
Krzysztof Pszczoła
+ PDF Chat On the size of a map 2018 Adam Idzik
W. Kulpa
Piotr Maćkowiak
+ Equivalent forms of the Brouwer fixed point theorem 2016 Adam Idzik
W. Kulpa
Piotr Maćkowiak
+ Effective conductivity in two-dimensional two-component structures: macroscopic isotropy 2014 Piotr Kowalczyk
W. Bielski
Adam Idzik
+ Fixed Simplex Property for Retractable Complexes 2010 Adam Idzik
Anna Zapart
+ Combinatorial lemmas for oriented complexes 2008 Adam Idzik
Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
+ Combinatorial lemmas for polyhedrons I 2006 Adam Idzik
Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
+ PDF Chat Estimation of cut-vertices in edge-coloured complete graphs 2005 Adam Idzik
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial lemmas for nonoriented pseudomanifolds 2003 Adam Idzik
Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
+ Almost fixed point theorems I 2001 Adam Idzik
M. van de Vel
+ Heredity properties of connectedness in edge-coloured complete graphs 2001 Adam Idzik
Zsolt Tuza
+ Intersecting Balanced Families of Sets 2001 Adam Idzik
Gyula O. H. Katona
Rajiv Vohra
+ Borsuk-Ulam type theorems on product spaces. 1 2000 Zdzisław Dzedzej
Adam Idzik
Marek Izydorek
+ PDF Chat Borsuk-Ulam type theorems on product spaces II 1999 Zdzisław Dzedzej
Adam Idzik
Marek Izydorek
+ Bipartite Subgraphs of Graphs with Maximum Degree Three 1999 Stanisław Bylka
Adam Idzik
Jan Komar
+ Maximum cuts: Improvements and local algorithmic analogues of the Edwards-Erdős inequality 1999 Stanisław Bylka
Adam Idzik
Źsolt Tuza
+ Heredity properties of connectedness in edge-coloured complete graphs 1999 Adam Idzik
Zsolt Tuza
+ Borsuk-Ulam type theorems 1995 Adam Idzik
+ PDF Chat A Leray-Schauder type theorem for approximable maps 1994 Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh
Adam Idzik
+ Covering Properties of Simplexes 1993 Adam Idzik
Kaidy Tan
+ Closed covers of compact convex polyhedra 1991 Tatsuro Ichiishi
Adam Idzik
+ PDF Chat Almost Fixed Point Theorems 1988 Adam Idzik
+ Theorems on Selectors in Topological Spaces II 1988 Adam Idzik
+ PDF Chat Almost fixed point theorems 1988 Adam Idzik
+ Edge-coloured complete graphs: Connectedness of some subgraphs 1987 Adam Idzik
Jan Komar
Marcin Malawski
+ Theorems on Selectors in Topological Spaces I 1983 Adam Idzik
+ Equivalent definitions for the measurability of a multivariate function and Filippov's lemma 1979 Adam Idzik
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Homological methods in fixed-point theory of multi-valued maps 1976 Lech Górniewicz
+ Survey of measurable selection theorems: An update 1980 Daniel H. Wagner
+ Fixed Point Theorems for Multi-Valued Transformations 1946 Samuel Eilenberg
Deane Montgomery
+ Largest bipartite subgraphs in triangle‐free graphs with maximum degree three 1986 J. A. Bondy
Stephen C. Locke
+ The fixed point theory of multi-valued mappings in topological vector spaces 1968 Felix E. Browder
+ A Further Generalization of the Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem, with Application to Nash Equilibrium Points 1952 Irving Glicksberg
+ PDF Chat Fixed-point and Minimax Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Linear Spaces 1952 Ky Fan
+ A Fixed Point Theorem for the Sum of Two Mappings 1982 Olga Hadžić
+ Fixed and almost fixed points 1963 Tharien Van der Walt
+ On Balanced Games without Side Payments 1973 L. S. Shapley
+ PDF Chat The Almost Fixed Point Property for Nonexpansive Mappings 1983 Simeon Reich
+ Some properties of convex sets related to fixed point theorems 1984 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat On some extremal problems in graph theory 1965 P. Erdős
+ On the Schauder’s fixed point theorem with respect to paranormed space 1977 K. Zima
+ Survey of Measurable Selection Theorems 1977 Daniel H. Wagner
+ PDF Chat On Almost-Fixed-Point Theory 1978 Michiel Hazewinkel
M. van de Vel
+ PDF Chat Distance Preserving Ramsey Graphs 2012 Domingos Dellamonica
Vojtěch Rödl
+ A generalized complementary pivoting algorithm 1974 Michael J. Todd
+ PDF Chat The almost fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings 1983 Simeon Reich
+ PDF Chat A generalized van Kampen-Flores theorem 1991 K. S. Sarkaria
+ PDF Chat A fixed point theorem for multifunctions in a locally convex space 1973 V. M. Sehgal
Evelyn Morrison
+ A combinatorial property of pseudomanifolds and covering properties of simplexes 1970 Ky Fan
+ PDF Chat Almost fixed point theorems 1988 Adam Idzik
+ On a problem related to a non-squeezing theorem 2004 Alessandro Fedeli
Attilio Le Donne
+ Approachability and fixed points for non-convex set-valued maps 1992 Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh
Paul Deguire
+ On measurable relations 1982 C. J. Himmelberg
T. Parthasarathy
F. S. Van Vleck
+ On the Sperner lemma 1967 Daniel I. A. Cohen
+ Neuer beweis für die invarianz der dimensionszahl und des gebietes 1928 Emanuel Sperner
+ A note on bipartite subgraphs of triangle‐free graphs 1992 James B. Shearer
+ Heredity properties of connectedness in edge-coloured complete graphs 2001 Adam Idzik
Zsolt Tuza
+ Nonsymmetric version of Bourgin-Yang theorem for multi-valued maps and free Zp-actions 1989 Marek Izydorek
+ PDF Chat �ber Abbildung von Mannigfaltigkeiten 1912 L. E. J. Brouwer
+ Bipartite Subgraphs of Triangle-Free Graphs 1994 Svatopluk Poljak
Źsolt Tuza
+ Chromatic number, girth and maximal degree 1978 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Some Extremal Properties of Bipartite Subgraphs 1973 C. S. Edwards
+ The Kakutani property and the fixed point property of topological spaces with abstract convexity 1992 Andrzej Wieczorek
+ Fixed points of compact multifunctions 1972 C. J. Himmelberg
+ Asymptotic lower bounds for Ramsey functions 1977 Joel Spencer
+ A set intersection theorem and applications 1974 John Freidenfelds
+ Extremal bipartite subgraphs of cubic triangle‐free graphs 1982 Glenn Hopkins
William Staton
+ On the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz-Shapley theorem 1981 Tatsuro Ichiishi
+ Remarks on Matroids and Sperner's Lemma 1990 Stanisław Kryñski
+ Equilibrium in a discrete exchange economy with money 1984 D. Gale
+ On maximum bipartite subgraphs 1982 Günther Malle
+ PDF Chat On a Topological Generalization of a Theorem of Tverberg 1981 Imre Bárány
Senya Shlosman
A. Szűcs
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Theorems on the Simplotope that Generalize Results on the Simplex and Cube 1986 Robert M. Freund
+ Ramsey-type results for oriented trees 1996 Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
Vojtěch Rödl
+ New development in freefem++ 2012 Frédéric Hecht
+ Laplacian eigenvalues and the maximum cut problem 1993 Charles Delorme
S. Poljak
+ PDF Chat An ideal-valued cohomological index theory with applications to Borsuk—Ulam and Bourgin—Yang theorems 1988 Edward Fadell
Sufian Y. Husseini