Sébastien Court


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Feedback Stabilization of a Two-Fluid Surface Tension System Modeling the Motion of a Soap Bubble at Low Reynolds Number: The Two-Dimensional Case 2023 Sébastien Court
+ PDF Chat A damped elastodynamics system under the global injectivity condition: local wellposedness in $$L^p$$-spaces 2023 Sébastien Court
+ Lifting-based variational multiclass segmentation algorithm: Design, convergence analysis, and implementation with applications in medical imaging 2023 Nadja Gruber
Johannes Schwab
Sébastien Court
Elke R. Gizewski
Markus Haltmeier
+ PDF Chat Relaxation approach for learning neural network regularizers for a class of identification problems 2023 Sébastien Court
+ PDF Chat Approximate controllability of a 2D linear system related to the motion of two fluids with surface tension 2023 Sébastien Court
+ Variational multichannel multiclass segmentation using unsupervised lifting with CNNs 2023 Nadja Gruber
Johannes Schwab
Sébastien Court
Elke R. Gizewski
Markus Haltmeier
+ A damped elastodynamics system under the global injectivity condition: Local wellposedness in $L^p$-spaces 2023 Sébastien Court
+ Approximate controllabillity of a 2D linear system related to the motion of two fluids with surface tension 2023 Sébastien Court
+ Modeling defibrillation as a hybrid optimal control problem constrained with hyperelasticity and the global injectivity condition 2023 Sébastien Court
+ PDF Chat Design of the monodomain model by artificial neural networks 2022 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ Lifting-based variational multiclass segmentation algorithm: design, convergence analysis, and implementation with applications in medical imaging 2022 Nadja Gruber
Johannes Schwab
Sébastien Court
Elke R. Gizewski
Markus Haltmeier
+ Feedback stabilization of a two-fluid surface tension system modeling the motion of a soap bubble at low Reynolds number: The two-dimensional case 2022 Sébastien Court
+ Relaxation approach for learning regularizers by neural networks for a class of optimal control problems 2021 Sébastien Court
Markus Haltmeier
+ Design of the monodomain model by artificial neural networks 2021 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ Relaxation approach for learning neural network regularizers for a class of identification problems 2021 Sébastien Court
+ PDF Chat Optimal control problem for viscous systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the Shallow-Water equations 2019 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ A fictitious domain approach for a mixed finite element method solving the two-phase Stokes problem with surface tension forces 2019 Sébastien Court
+ Optimal control problem for systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the Shallow-Water Equations 2018 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ PDF Chat Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system for a class of strain energies 2018 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system for a class of strain energies 2018 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat Hybrid optimal control problems for a class of semilinear parabolic equations 2018 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ PDF Chat Optimal Control for a Class of Infinite Dimensional Systems Involving an ‐term in the Cost Functional 2017 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ Hybrid Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 2016 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system with general strain energy 2016 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat XFEM-Based Fictitious Domain Method for Linear Elasticity Model with Crack 2016 Olivier Bodart
Valérie Cayol
Sébastien Court
Jonas Koko
+ Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system for a class of strain energies 2016 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
+ Hybrid Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 2016 Sébastien Court
Karl Kunisch
Laurent Pfeiffer
+ PDF Chat Existence of 3D Strong Solutions for a System Modeling a Deformable Solid Inside a Viscous Incompressible Fluid 2015 Sébastien Court
+ PDF Chat A fictitious domain finite element method for simulations of fluid–structure interactions: The Navier–Stokes equations coupled with a moving solid 2015 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
+ XFEM based fictitious domain method for linear elasticity model with crack 2015 Olivier Bodart
Valérie Cayol
Sébastien Court
Jonas Koko
+ PDF Chat A fictitious domain approach for Fluid-Structure Interactions based on the eXtended Finite Element Method. 2014 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
Alexei Lozinski
+ A fictitious domain approach for Fluid-Structure Interactions based on the eXtended Finite Element Method 2014 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
Alexei Lozinski
+ Stabilization of a fluid-solid system, by the deformation of the self-propelled solid. Part II: The nonlinear system. 2014 Sébastien Court
+ Stabilization of a fluid-solid system, by the deformation of the self-propelled solid. Part I: The linearized system. 2014 Sébastien Court
+ A fictitious domain approach for Fluid-Structure Interactions based on the eXtended Finite Element Method 2014 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
Alexei Lozinski
+ PDF Chat A fictitious domain approach for the Stokes problem based on the extended finite element method 2013 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
Alexei Lozinski
+ Existence of 3D strong solutions for a system modeling a deformable solid inside a viscous incompressible fluid 2013 Sébastien Court
+ Stabilization of a fluid-solid system, by the deformation of the self-propelled solid. Part I: The linearized system 2013 Sébastien Court
+ Existence of 3D strong solutions for a system modeling a deformable solid inside a viscous incompressible fluid 2013 Sébastien Court
+ Stabilization of a fluid-solid system, by the deformation of the self-propelled solid. Part II: The nonlinear system 2013 Sébastien Court
+ Problèmes d'interactions entre une structure déformable et un fluide visqueux et incompressible 2012 Sébastien Court
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Remarks on the Euler equation 1974 J P Bourguignon
Haı̈m Brezis
+ The Barzilai and Borwein Gradient Method for the Large Scale Unconstrained Minimization Problem 1997 Marcos Raydan
+ PDF Chat Boundary value problems for the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations treated by pseudo-differential methods. 1991 Gerd Grubb
V. A. Solonnikov
+ Über ein Variationsprinzip zur Lösung von Dirichlet-Problemen bei Verwendung von Teilräumen, die keinen Randbedingungen unterworfen sind 1971 Johannes M. Nitsche
+ Problèmes mathématiques en plasticité 1983 Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat A fictitious domain approach for the Stokes problem based on the extended finite element method 2013 Sébastien Court
Michel Fournié
Alexei Lozinski
+ PDF Chat Analysis of strong solutions for the equations modeling the motion of a rigid-fluid system in a bounded domain 2003 Takéo Takahashi
+ Global Strong Solutions for the Two-Dimensional Motion of an Infinite Cylinder in a Viscous Fluid 2004 Takéo Takahashi
Marius Tucsnak
+ PDF Chat None 1996 David G. Ebin
+ Global smooth solutions and stabilization of nonlinear elastodynamic systems with locally distributed dissipation 2009 Zhifei Zhang
Peng‐Fei Yao
+ PDF Chat Compact sets in the spaceL p (O,T; B) 1986 Jacques Simon
+ Global solutions of the equations of elastodynamics of incompressible neo-Hookean materials. 1993 David G. Ebin
+ Almost global existence for 2-D incompressible isotropic elastodynamics 2015 Zhen Lei
Thomas C. Sideris
Yi Zhou
+ Feedback Stabilization of a Fluid-Structure Model 2010 Jean‐Pierre Raymond
+ Global existence for a model of inhomogeneous incompressible elastodynamics in 2D 2016 Silu Yin
+ Global existence for three‐dimensional incompressible isotropic elastodynamics 2007 Thomas C. Sideris
Becca Thomases
+ Optimal Boundary Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Switched Boundary Data 2015 Sebastian Pfaff
Stefan Ulbrich
+ Weak Solutions for the Motion of a Self-propelled Deformable Structure in a Viscous Incompressible Fluid 2011 Šárka Nečasová
Takéo Takahashi
Marius Tucsnak
+ PDF Chat Analytic Solutions for the Two-phase Navier-Stokes Equations with Surface Tension and Gravity 2011 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ R-Boundedness, Fourier Multipliers, and Problems of Elliptic and Parabolic Type 2003 Robert Denk
Matthias Hieber
Jan Prüß
+ PDF Chat The Interaction between Quasilinear Elastodynamics and the Navier-Stokes Equations 2005 Daniel Coutand
Steve Shkoller
Lionel Rosier
+ PDF Chat Existence of a solution for an unsteady elasticity problem in large displacement and small perturbation 2002 Céline Grandmont
Yvon Maday
Paul Métier
+ Existence of 3D strong solutions for a system modeling a deformable solid inside a viscous incompressible fluid 2013 Sébastien Court
+ Solvability in Hölder spaces of a model initial-boundary value problem generated by a problem on the motion of two fluids 1994 И. В. Денисова
V. A. Solonnikov
+ First order quasilinear equations with boundary conditions 1979 Claude Bardos
Alain Leroux
Jean-Claude Nédélec
+ Nonexistence of global solutions in nonlinear cauchy elastodynamics 1979 R. J. Knops
L. E. Payne
+ PDF Chat Solvability of the linearized problem on the motion of a drop in a liquid flow 1991 И. В. Денисова
V. A. Solonnikov
+ Partial Differential Equations 2010 Lawrence Evans
+ Global existence for three‐dimensional incompressible isotropic elastodynamics via the incompressible limit 2004 Thomas C. Sideris
Becca Thomases
+ PDF Chat Existence of Weak Solutions for the Unsteady Interaction of a Viscous Fluid with an Elastic Plate 2005 Antonin Chambolle
Benoı̂t Desjardins
Maria J. Esteban
Céline Grandmont
+ PDF Chat Existence of strong solutions for the motion of an elastic structure in an incompressible viscous fluid 2012 Muriel Boulakia
Erica Schwindt
Takéo Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Local stability conditions for the Babuška method of Lagrange multipliers 1980 Juhani Pitkäranta
+ Problem of the motion of two viscous incompressible fluids separated by a closed free interface 1994 И. В. Денисова
+ PDF Chat Existence of weak solutions for the motion of an elastic structure in an incompressible viscous fluid 2003 Muriel Boulakia
+ PDF Chat A Sensitivity and Adjoint Calculus for Discontinuous Solutions of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Source Terms 2002 Stefan Ulbrich
+ Boundary feedback stabilization of a coupled parabolic–hyperbolic Stokes–Lamé PDE system 2009 George Avalos
Roberto Triggiani
+ PDF Chat Semismooth Newton Methods for Time-Optimal Control for a Class of ODEs 2010 Kazufumi Ito
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat Geometric Aspects of Force Controllability for a Swimming Model 2007 Alexander Y. Khapalov
+ PDF Chat Locomotion and Control of a Self-Propelled Shape-Changing Body in a Fluid 2010 Thomas Chambrion
Alexandre Munnier
+ Adjoint-based derivative computations for the optimal control of discontinuous solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws 2003 Stefan Ulbrich
+ PDF Chat Modeling and Analysis of an Elastic Problem with Large Displacements and Small Strains 2007 Céline Grandmont
Yvon Maday
Paul Métier
+ PDF Chat Global existence of nonlinear elastic waves 2000 Rentarô Agemi
+ PDF Chat Riccati-Based Feedback Control of the Monodomain Equations With the Fitzhugh--Nagumo Model 2014 Tobias Breiten
Karl Kunisch
+ PDF Chat On the two-phase Navier–Stokes equations with surface tension 2010 Jan Prüß
Gieri Simonett
+ Boundary conditions for nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws 1988 François Dubois
Philippe Le Floch
+ PDF Chat The vanishing viscosity method for the sensitivity analysis of an optimal control problem of conservation laws in the presence of shocks 2013 Yaobin Ou
Peicheng Zhu
+ $H^\infty$ Feedback Boundary Stabilization of the Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations 2011 Sheetal Dharmatti
Jean‐Pierre Raymond
Laetitia Thevenet
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Linearized and Adjoint Approximations for Discontinuous Solutions of Conservation Laws. Part 2: Adjoint Approximations and Extensions 2010 Michael B. Giles
Stefan Ulbrich
+ PDF Chat Well posedness for the system modelling the motion of a rigid body of arbitrary form in an incompressible viscous fluid 2008 Takéo Takahashi
Patricio Cumsille