Louis DeBiasio


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Powers of Hamilton cycles in oriented and directed graphs 2024 Louis DeBiasio
Jie Han
Allan Lo
Theodore Molla
Simón Piga
Andrew Treglown
+ PDF Chat A bounded diameter strengthening of K\H{o}nig's Theorem 2024 Louis DeBiasio
António Girão
Penny Haxell
Maya Stein
+ PDF Chat Unavoidable structures in infinite tournaments 2024 Alistair Benford
Louis DeBiasio
Paul Larson
+ A lower bound on the multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of paths in hypergraphs 2024 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
+ PDF Chat A note on the multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of connected graphs 2024 Louis DeBiasio
+ PDF Chat On the multicolor Ramsey numbers of balanced double stars 2024 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
Ella Oren-Dahan
+ PDF Chat Large monochromatic components in expansive hypergraphs 2024 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ PDF Chat Large monochromatic components in hypergraphs with large minimum codegree 2023 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ Unavoidable structures in infinite tournaments 2023 Alistair Benford
Louis DeBiasio
Paul Larson
+ Large monochromatic components in hypergraphs with large minimum codegree 2023 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ Large monochromatic components in expansive hypergraphs 2023 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ A lower bound on the multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of paths in hypergraphs 2023 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
+ PDF Chat Covering 2‐colored complete digraphs by monochromatic d $d$‐dominating digraphs 2022 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
+ PDF Chat New Lower Bounds on the Size-Ramsey Number of a Path 2022 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ PDF Chat Powers of Hamiltonian cycles in multipartite graphs 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Ryan R. Martin
Theodore Molla
+ PDF Chat Generalizations and Strengthenings of Ryser's Conjecture 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Yigal Kamel
Grace McCourt
Hannah Sheats
+ PDF Chat On Hamiltonian cycles in balanced k-partite graphs 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Nicholas Spanier
+ Powers of Hamiltonian cycles in multipartite graphs 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Ryan R. Martin
Theodore Molla
+ PDF Chat A note about monochromatic components in graphs of large minimum degree 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ Covering 2-colored complete digraphs by monochromatic $d$-dominating digraphs 2021 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
+ PDF Chat Transitive Tournament Tilings in Oriented Graphs with Large Minimum Total Degree 2021 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ Ramsey numbers of path-matchings, covering designs, and 1-cores 2020 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Generalizations and strengthenings of Ryser's conjecture 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Yigal Kamel
Grace McCourt
Hannah Sheats
+ Density of monochromatic infinite subgraphs II 2020 Jan Corsten
Louis DeBiasio
Paul McKenney
+ A note about monochromatic components in graphs of large minimum degree. 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-colored bipartite graphs 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ PDF Chat Large monochromatic components in 3‐edge‐colored Steiner triple systems 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Michael Tait
+ Generalizations and strengthenings of Ryser's conjecture 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Yigal Kamel
Grace McCourt
Hannah Sheats
+ Density of monochromatic infinite subgraphs II 2020 Jan Corsten
Louis DeBiasio
Paul E. McKenney
+ A note about monochromatic components in graphs of large minimum degree 2020 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian cycles in k‐partite graphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Dan Pritikin
Eli Thompson
+ PDF Chat Large monochromatic components in multicolored bipartite graphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ PDF Chat Upper density of monochromatic infinite paths 2019 Jan Corsten
Louis DeBiasio
Ander Lamaison
Richard Lang
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic balanced components, matchings, and paths in multicolored complete bipartite graphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Robert A. Krueger
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ New lower bounds on the size-Ramsey number of a path 2019 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ Ramsey numbers of path-matchings, covering designs and 1-cores 2019 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Large monochromatic components in 3-edge-colored Steiner triple systems 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Michael Tait
+ PDF Chat Density of Monochromatic Infinite Subgraphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Paul McKenney
+ On Hamiltonian cycles in balanced $k$-partite graphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Nicholas Spanier
+ Transitive tournament tilings in oriented graphs with large minimum total degree 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ PDF Chat Spanning Trees with Few Branch Vertices 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
+ Ramsey numbers of path-matchings, covering designs and 1-cores 2019 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ New lower bounds on the size-Ramsey number of a path 2019 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ Large monochromatic components in 3-edge-colored Steiner triple systems 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Michael Tait
+ On Hamiltonian cycles in balanced $k$-partite graphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Nicholas Spanier
+ Transitive tournament tilings in oriented graphs with large minimum total degree 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ Large monochromatic components and long monochromatic cycles in random hypergraphs 2018 Patrick Bennett
Louis DeBiasio
Andrzej Dudek
Sean English
+ Partitioning edge-coloured complete symmetric digraphs into monochromatic complete subgraphs 2018 Carl Bürger
Louis DeBiasio
Hannah Guggiari
Max Pitz
+ Large monochromatic components in multicolored bipartite graphs 2018 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-colored bipartite graphs 2018 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ Partitioning Edge-Coloured Complete Symmetric Digraphs into Monochromatic Complete Subgraphs 2018 Carl Bürger
Louis DeBiasio
Hannah Guggiari
Max Pitz
+ Monochromatic balanced components, matchings, and paths in multicolored complete bipartite graphs. 2018 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Robert A. Krueger
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ Large monochromatic components in multicolored bipartite graphs 2018 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-colored bipartite graphs 2018 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
+ Monochromatic balanced components, matchings, and paths in multicolored complete bipartite graphs 2018 Louis DeBiasio
András Gyárfás
Robert A. Krueger
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Partitioning Edge-Coloured Complete Symmetric Digraphs into Monochromatic Complete Subgraphs 2018 Carl Bürger
Louis DeBiasio
Hannah Guggiari
Max Pitz
+ Spanning trees with few branch vertices 2017 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
+ Large monochromatic components and long monochromatic cycles in random hypergraphs 2017 Patrick Bennett
Louis DeBiasio
Andrzej Dudek
Sean English
+ Hamiltonian cycles in `fair' k-partite graphs 2017 Louis DeBiasio
Bob Krueger
Dan Pritikin
Eli Thompson
+ Hamiltonian cycles in $k$-partite graphs. 2017 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Dan Pritikin
Eli Thompson
+ Partitioning Random Graphs into Monochromatic Components 2017 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ Hamiltonian cycles in $k$-partite graphs 2017 Louis DeBiasio
Robert A. Krueger
Dan Pritikin
Eli Thompson
+ Spanning trees with few branch vertices 2017 Louis DeBiasio
Allan Lo
+ Large monochromatic components and long monochromatic cycles in random hypergraphs 2017 Patrick Bennett
Louis DeBiasio
Andrzej Dudek
Sean English
+ Density of monochromatic infinite subgraphs 2016 Louis DeBiasio
Paul McKenney
+ Monochromatic cycle partitions of graphs with large minimum degree 2016 Louis DeBiasio
Luke L. Nelsen
+ Tiling directed graphs with tournaments 2016 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ Tiling directed graphs with tournaments 2016 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
Andrew Treglown
+ Density of monochromatic infinite subgraphs 2016 Louis DeBiasio
Paul E. McKenney
+ PDF Chat Semi-Degree Threshold for Anti-Directed Hamiltonian Cycles 2015 Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
+ Partitioning random graphs into monochromatic components 2015 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ PDF Chat Ore-degree threshold for the square of a Hamiltonian cycle 2015 Louis DeBiasio
Safi Faizullah
Imdadullah Khan
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary Orientations of Hamilton Cycles in Digraphs 2015 Louis DeBiasio
Daniela Kühn
Theodore Molla
Deryk Osthus
Amelia Taylor
+ Partitioning random graphs into monochromatic components 2015 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the Hajnal–Szemerédi Theorem to Directed Graphs 2014 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
Theodore Molla
+ Monochromatic cycle partitions of graphs with large minimum degree 2014 Louis DeBiasio
Luke L. Nelsen
+ Arbitrary Orientations of Hamilton Cycles in Digraphs 2014 Louis DeBiasio
Daniela Kühn
Theodore Molla
Deryk Osthus
Amelia Taylor
+ Arbitrary Orientations of Hamilton Cycles in Digraphs 2014 Louis DeBiasio
Daniela Kühn
Theodore Molla
Deryk Osthus
Amelia Taylor
+ Monochromatic cycle partitions of graphs with large minimum degree 2014 Louis DeBiasio
Luke L. Nelsen
+ Improved degree conditions for 2-factors with<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si6.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math>cycles in hamiltonian graphs 2013 Louis DeBiasio
Michael Ferrara
Tim R. Morris
+ PDF Chat Semi-degree threshold for anti-directed Hamiltonian cycles 2013 Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
+ On the co-degree threshold for the Fano plane 2013 Louis DeBiasio
Tao Jiang
+ Semi-degree threshold for anti-directed Hamiltonian cycles 2013 Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
+ An extension of the Hajnal-Szemeredi theorem to directed graphs 2013 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
Theodore Molla
+ PDF Chat Tiling 3‐Uniform Hypergraphs With 2013 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
Brendan Nagle
+ Tiling in bipartite graphs with asymmetric minimum degrees 2013 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
+ Semi-degree threshold for anti-directed Hamiltonian cycles 2013 Louis DeBiasio
Theodore Molla
+ An extension of the Hajnal-Szemeredi theorem to directed graphs 2013 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
Theodore Molla
+ On the co-degree threshold for the Fano plane 2012 Louis DeBiasio
Tao Jiang
+ On the co-degree threshold for the Fano plane 2012 Louis DeBiasio
Tao Jiang
+ Tiling 3-uniform hypergraphs with K_4^3-2e 2011 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
Brendan Nagle
+ Pósa's conjecture for graphs of order at least 2 × 10<sup>8</sup> 2011 Phong Châu
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
+ A note on bipartite graph tiling 2011 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
+ Pósa's Conjecture for graphs of order at least 2\times 10^8 2011 Phong Châu
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
+ PDF Chat A Note on Bipartite Graph Tiling 2011 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
+ A note on bipartite graph tiling 2011 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
+ Tiling 3-uniform hypergraphs with K_4^3-2e 2011 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
Brendan Nagle
+ 2-Factors of Bipartite Graphs with Asymmetric Minimum Degrees 2010 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Ramsey-Type Problems 2009 Edy Tri Baskoro
+ A Dirac-Type Theorem for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs 2006 Vojtěch Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Embedding large subgraphs into dense graphs 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ Partitioning edge-coloured complete graphs into monochromatic cycles and paths 2014 Alexey Pokrovskiy
+ PDF Chat Generalizing the Ramsey Problem through Diameter 2001 Dhruv Mubayi
+ On Hamiltonian bipartite graphs 1963 J. W. Moon
Leo Moser
+ On some Multicolor Ramsey Properties of Random Graphs 2017 Andrzej Dudek
Paweł Prałat
+ Star Versus Two Stripes Ramsey Numbers and a Conjecture of Schelp 2012 András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Szemeredi''s Regularity Lemma and its applications in graph theory 1995 János Komlós
Miklós Simonovits
+ Partitioning Random Graphs into Monochromatic Components 2017 Deepak Bal
Louis DeBiasio
+ How to avoid using the Regularity Lemma: Pósa’s conjecture revisited 2009 Ian Levitt
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ Large Monochromatic Components in Edge Colorings of Graphs: A Survey 2010 András Gyárfás
+ PDF Chat Path Ramsey Number for Random Graphs 2015 Shoham Letzter
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic Cycles in 2-Coloured Graphs 2012 Fabrício Benevides
Tomasz Łuczak
Alex Scott
Jozef Skokan
Matthew White
+ Blow-up Lemma 1997 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Maximum degree and fractional matchings in uniform hypergraphs 1981 Zoltán Füredi
+ Vertex coverings by monochromatic cycles and trees 1991 Péter L. Erdős
András Gyárfás
L. Pyber
+ None 2009 András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
R. H. Schelp
+ A Ramsey-type problem in directed and bipartite graphs 1973 András Gyárfás
Jenö Lehel
+ On the square of a Hamiltonian cycle in dense graphs 1996 J�nos Koml�s
G�bor N. S�rk�zy
Endre Szemer�di
+ A Measure of Asymptotic Efficiency for Tests of a Hypothesis Based on the sum of Observations 1952 Herman Chernoff
+ PDF Chat Triangle packings and 1-factors in oriented graphs 2009 Peter Keevash
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Seymour conjecture for large graphs 1998 János Komlós
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat The minimum degree threshold for perfect graph packings 2009 Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ The Ramsey number for hypergraph cycles I 2005 Penny Haxell
Tomasz Łuczak
Yuejian Peng
V. Rödl
Andrzej Ruciński
Miklós Simonovits
Jozef Skokan
+ PDF Chat An Ore-type theorem on equitable coloring 2007 H. A. Kierstead
Alexandr Kostochka
+ Large Monochromatic Components in Edge Colored Graphs with a Minimum Degree Condition 2017 András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ Path-path Ramsey-type numbers for the complete bipartite graph 1975 Ralph J. Faudree
R. H. Schelp
+ PDF Chat Partitioning 2-edge-colored graphs by monochromatic paths and cycles 2014 József Balogh
János Barát
Dániel Gerbner
András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
+ PDF Chat An Alternative Proof of the Linearity of the Size-Ramsey Number of Paths 2014 Andrzej Dudek
Paweł Prałat
+ $$F$$ F -Factors in Hypergraphs Via Absorption 2014 Allan Lo
Klas Markström
+ Some Ramsey–Turán type problems and related questions 2011 R.H. Schelp
+ PDF Chat An exact minimum degree condition for Hamilton cycles in oriented graphs 2008 Peter Keevash
Daniela Kühn
Deryk Osthus
+ PDF Chat Density of Monochromatic Infinite Subgraphs 2019 Louis DeBiasio
Paul McKenney
+ Monochromatic cycle partitions of graphs with large minimum degree 2016 Louis DeBiasio
Luke L. Nelsen
+ PDF Chat The Ramsey Number of Diamond-Matchings and Loose Cycles in Hypergraphs 2008 András Gyárfás
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ Oriented hamilton cycles in digraphs 1995 Roland Häggkvist
Andrew Thomason
+ Covering t-element Sets by Partitions 1991 Zoltán Füredi
András Gyárfás
+ R(Cn,Cn,Cn)⩽(4+o(1))n 1999 Tomasz Łuczak
+ Hamiltonian Square-Paths 1996 Genghua Fan
H. A. Kierstead
+ PDF Chat Tiling Transitive Tournaments and Their Blow-ups 2003 Raphael Yuster
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the Hajnal–Szemerédi Theorem to Directed Graphs 2014 Andrzej Czygrinow
Louis DeBiasio
H. A. Kierstead
Theodore Molla
+ The Square of Paths and Cycles 1995 Genghua Fan
H. A. Kierstead
+ The chromatic numbers of random hypergraphs 1998 Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ On Hamilton's ideals 1972 Vašek Chvátal
+ New Lower Bounds on the Multicolor Ramsey Numbers Rr(C2m) 2006 Yongqi Sun
Yuansheng Yang
Feng Xu
Li Bingxi
+ Monochromatic infinite paths 1993 Paul Erdo ̋s
Fred Galvin
+ 2-factors in dense bipartite graphs 2002 Andrzej Czygrinow
H. A. Kierstead
+ PDF Chat A multipartite Hajnal–Szemerédi theorem 2015 Peter Keevash
Richard Mycroft