A. G. Greenhill


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Differential and Integral Calculus: With Applications 2009 A. G. Greenhill
+ The applications of elliptic functions 2007 A. G. Greenhill
+ Obituary notices 1928 A. G. Greenhill
+ The third elliptic integral and the ellipsotomic problem. 1904 A. G. Greenhill
+ IX. The third elliptic integral and the ellipsotomic problem 1904 A. G. Greenhill
+ The Third Elliptic Integral and the Ellipsotomic Problem. [Abstract] 1904 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat HZöhere Analysis für Ingenieure 1903 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat The Catenary, and Associated Trajectory, on the Paraboloid, the Cone, &c 1897 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Higher Mathematics: a Text-book for Classical and Engineering Colleges 1897 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat The Transformation and Division of Elliptic Functions 1895 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat The Spherical Catenary 1895 A. G. Greenhill
+ A Treatise on Bessel Functions and their Applications to Physics 1895 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Les modules dans la multiplication complexe des fonctions elliptiques 1894 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Elliptic Integrals and their Dynamical Applications 1893 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Modern Infinitesimal Calculus 1892 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat The Elastical Researches of Barré de Saint-Venant 1890 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Table of Complex Multiplication Moduli 1889 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Spherical Eggs 1889 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Lumé's Differential Equation 1888 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Kinematics and Dynamics 1888 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Complex Multiplication Moduli of Elliptic Functions 1887 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Confocal Paraboloids 1887 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat A History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of Materials, from Galilei to the Present Time 1887 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Note on the Weierstrass Elliptic Functions, and their Applications 1886 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Some Applications of Weierstrass's Elliptic Functions 1885 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Solution of the Cubic and Quartic Equations by means of Weier-strass's Elliptic Functions 1885 A. G. Greenhill
+ PDF Chat The Application of Elliptic Coordinates and Lagrange's Equations of Motion fo Euler's Problem of Two Centres of Force 1879 A. G. Greenhill
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