Patrizia Rogolino


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A thermodynamical suspension model for blood 2024 Matteo Gorgone
Carmelo Filippo Munafó
Annunziata Palumbo
Patrizia Rogolino
+ Nonlinear thermal analysis of two-dimensional materials with memory 2023 Carmelo Filippo Munafó
Patrizia Rogolino
Róbert Kovács
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Aspects in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 2023 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
Francesco Oliveri
+ PDF Chat The Role of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in Continuum Physics: A Muschik and Ehrentraut Theorem Revisited 2022 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat A Thermodynamical Description of Third Grade Fluid Mixtures 2022 Matteo Gorgone
Patrizia Rogolino
+ A thermodynamical description of third grade fluids mixtures 2021 Matteo Gorgone
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat When theories and experiments meet: Rarefied gases as a benchmark of non-equilibrium thermodynamic models 2021 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
David Jou
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamical analysis and constitutive equations for a mixture of viscous Korteweg fluids 2021 Matteo Gorgone
Francesco Oliveri
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat On the characterization of constitutive equations for third-grade viscous Korteweg fluids 2021 Matteo Gorgone
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat Continua with non-local constitutive laws: Exploitation of entropy inequality 2020 Matteo Gorgone
Francesco Oliveri
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat Numerical treatment of nonlinear Fourier and Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte heat transport equations 2020 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
+ Analytical and numerical modelling of ballistic heat conduction observed in heat pulse experiments 2020 Gábor Balassa
Patrizia Rogolino
Ágnes Rieth
Róbert Kovács
+ Numerical treatment of nonlinear Fourier and Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte heat transport equations 2019 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat Differential consequences of balance laws in extended irreversible thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors 2019 Patrizia Rogolino
Vito Antonio Cimmelli
+ When theories and experiments meet: rarefied gases as a benchmark of non-equilibrium thermodynamic models 2019 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
David Jou
+ Numerical treatment of nonlinear Fourier and Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte heat transport equations 2019 Róbert Kovács
Patrizia Rogolino
+ PDF Chat Generalized heat-transport equations: parabolic and hyperbolic models 2018 Patrizia Rogolino
Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
Vito Antonio Cimmelli
+ PDF Chat Relativistic phenomenological equations and transformation laws of relative coefficients 2017 Patrizia Rogolino
Francesco Farsaci
+ PDF Chat A mesoscopic approach to diffusion phenomena in mixtures 2005 Nunzia Palumbo
Christina Papenfuß
Patrizia Rogolino
+ A mesoscopic approach to diffusion phenomena in mixtures 2005 Annunziata Palumbo
Christina Papenfuß
Patrizia Rogolino
+ A domain of influence theorem in linear thermo-elasticity with thermal relaxation and internal variable 2002 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
Patrizia Rogolino
+ Acceleration waves and stability 1998 Marina Dolfin
Patrizia Rogolino
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Entropy Principle and Recent Results in Non-Equilibrium Theories 2014 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
David Jou
Tommaso Ruggeri
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Differential consequences of balance laws in extended irreversible thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors 2019 Patrizia Rogolino
Vito Antonio Cimmelli
José Casas-Vázquez
G. Lebon
+ PDF Chat Generalized heat conduction in heat pulse experiments 2015 Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
+ A modified Navier-Stokes equation, and its consequences on sound dispersion 1972 Mario Carrassi
Angelo Morro
+ PDF Chat Generalized heat-transport equations: parabolic and hyperbolic models 2018 Patrizia Rogolino
Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
Vito Antonio Cimmelli
+ Propagation of ultrasonic sound waves in dissipative dilute gases and extended irreversible thermodynamics 1989 G. Lebon
A. Cloot
+ PDF Chat Kluitenberg–Verhás Rheology of Solids in the GENERIC Framework 2019 Mátyás Szücs
Tamàs Fülöp
+ PDF Chat Weakly nonlocal thermodynamics of binary mixtures of Korteweg fluids with two velocities and two temperatures 2020 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
Matteo Gorgone
Francesco Oliveri
A. R. Pace
+ PDF Chat Continua with non-local constitutive laws: Exploitation of entropy inequality 2020 Matteo Gorgone
Francesco Oliveri
Patrizia Rogolino
+ Analytical solution method for rheological problems of solids 2018 Tamàs Fülöp
Mátyás Szücs
+ On compressible Korteweg fluid-like materials 2010 Martin Heida
Josef Málek
+ PDF Chat Implicit numerical schemes for generalized heat conduction equations 2018 Ágnes Rieth
Róbert Kovács
Tamás Fülöp
+ PDF Chat Guyer-Krumhansl–type heat conduction at room temperature 2017 P. Ván
Arkadi Berezovski
Tamàs Fülöp
Gyula Gróf
Róbert Kovács
Ádám Lovas
József Verhás
+ PDF Chat Deviation from the Fourier law in room-temperature heat pulse experiments 2015 Soma Both
Balázs Czél
Tamàs Fülöp
Gyula Gróf
Ákos Gyenis
Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
József Verhás
+ A generalized Coleman–Noll procedure for the exploitation of the entropy principle 2009 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
A. Sellitto
V. Triani
+ A new thermodynamic framework for second-grade Korteweg-type viscous fluids 2009 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
A. Sellitto
V. Triani
+ PDF Chat On the Rarefied Gas Experiments 2019 Róbert Kovács
+ Some remarks about dispersion and absorption of sound in monoatomic rarefied gases 1973 Mario Carrassi
Angelo Morro
+ Rational Extended Thermodynamics beyond the Monatomic Gas 2015 Tommaso Ruggeri
Masaru Sugiyama
+ Extended thermodynamics of real gases with dynamic pressure: An extension of Meixnerʼs theory 2012 Takashi Arima
Shigeru Taniguchi
Tommaso Ruggeri
Masaru Sugiyama
+ PDF Chat Analytic solution of Guyer-Krumhansl equation for laser flash experiments 2018 Róbert Kovács
+ PDF Chat Distinguished rheological models for solids in the framework of a thermodynamical internal variable theory 2014 Csaba Asszonyi
Tamàs Fülöp
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Non-Fourier Hierarchies 2018 Tamàs Fülöp
Róbert Kovács
Ádám Lovas
Ágnes Rieth
Tamás Fodor
Mátyás Szücs
P. Ván
Gyula Gróf
+ PDF Chat Continuum thermodynamics of chemically reacting fluid mixtures 2014 Dieter Bothe
Wolfgang Dreyer
+ Non-linear extended thermodynamics of real gases with 6 fields 2015 Takashi Arima
Tommaso Ruggeri
Masaru Sugiyama
Shigeru Taniguchi
+ Nonlocal effects and second sound in a nonequilibrium steady state 2009 Vito Antonio Cimmelli
A. Sellitto
David Jou
+ PDF Chat Universality in heat conduction theory: weakly nonlocal thermodynamics 2012 P. Ván
Tamàs Fülöp
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium theories of rarefied gases: internal variables and extended thermodynamics 2020 Róbert Kovács
Damir Madjarević
Srboljub Simić
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Second sound and ballistic heat conduction: NaF experiments revisited 2017 Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Models of Ballistic Propagation of Heat at Low Temperatures 2016 Róbert Kovács
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Identification of an average temperature and a dynamical pressure in a multitemperature mixture of fluids 2008 Henri Gouin
Tommaso Ruggeri
+ Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing 2007 William H. Press
Saul A. Teukolsky
William T. Vetterling
Brian P. Flannery
+ On the kinetic theory of rarefied gases 1949 Harold Grad
+ Weakly Nonlocal And Nonlinear Heat Transport In Rigid Solids 1998 G. Lebon
David Jou
J. Casas‐Vázquez
W. Muschik
+ Extended thermodynamics of classical and degenerate ideal gases 1983 I-Shih Liu
I. M�ller
+ Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics: An Overview of Recent Bibliography 1992 David Jou
José Casas-Vázquez
G. Lebon
+ PDF Chat Systems of Conservation Equations with a Convex Extension 1971 Kurt Friedrichs
Peter D. Lax
+ Recent Bibliography On Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics and Related Topics (1992-1995) 1996 David Jou
José Casas-Vázquez
G. Lebon
+ Generalized ballistic-conductive heat conduction in isotropic materials 2019 A. Famà
Liliana Restuccia
P. Ván
+ Lie remarkable partial differential equations characterized by Lie algebras of point symmetries 2019 Matteo Gorgone
Francesco Oliveri
+ Extended thermodynamics of dense gases 2011 Takashi Arima
Shigeru Taniguchi
Tommaso Ruggeri
Masaru Sugiyama
+ PDF Chat Dynamic phase transitions in a van der Waals gas 1988 Michael Shearer
+ Heat-pulse propagation in thermoelastic systems: application to graphene 2018 A. Sellitto
Vito Antonio Cimmelli
+ Hyperbolic heat conduction and local equilibrium: a second law analysis 1997 A. Barletta
Enzo Zanchini
+ A new representation theorem for isotropic functions: An answer to Professor G. F. Smith's criticism of my papers on representations for isotropic functions 1970 Chunhua Wang
+ Dispersion relation for sound in rarefied polyatomic gases based on extended thermodynamics 2012 Takashi Arima
Shigeru Taniguchi
Tommaso Ruggeri
Masaru Sugiyama
+ A new representation theorem for isotropic functions: An answer to Professor G. F. Smith's criticism of my papers on representations for isotropic functions 1970 Chunhua Wang
+ On differential equations characterized by their Lie point symmetries 2006 Gianni Manno
Francesco Oliveri
Raffaele Vitolo
+ Theories of rarefied gases 2018 Róbert Kovács
Damir Madjarević
Srboljub Simić
P. Ván