John De Cicco


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Noneuclidean geometry 2015 John De Cicco
+ Some theorems on near conservative fields of force 1972 John De Cicco
R. V. Anderson
+ A polygenic extension of the polynomials of Bernoulli and Euler 1969 John De Cicco
Arun G. Walvekar
+ Parallel families of ¥1 hypersurfaces in Riemannian space Vn 1968 John De Cicco
R. V. Anderson
+ Potential Theory in Space of <i>n</i> Dimensions (Part I) 1952 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Conformal Geometry of Polygenic Functions of Several Complex Variables 1950 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Functions of Several Complex Variables and Multiharmonic Functions 1949 John De Cicco
+ Functions of Several Complex Variables and Multiharmonic Functions 1949 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Osculating Conics of the Integral Curves of Third Order Differential Equations of the Type ( <i>G</i> ) 1949 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Note on Conjugate Harmonic Functions 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Partial differential equations related to rational functions of a complex variable 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ The Curvatures of the Polar Curves of a General Algebraic Curve 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ The Curvatures of the Polar Curves of a General Algebraic Curve 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ New Proofs of the Theorems of Kasner Concerning the Infinitesimal Contact Transformations of Mechanics 1947 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Curvature Theorems on Polar Curves 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Geodesic Perspectivities Upon a Sphere 1947 John De Cicco
+ Geodesic Perspectivities Upon a Sphere 1947 John De Cicco
+ Union-Preserving Transformations of Higher Order Surface-Elements 1947 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat A Partial Differential Equation of Fourth Order Connected with Rational Functions of a Complex Variable 1946 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Rational Functions of a Complex Variable and Related Potential Curves 1946 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Conformal Maps with Isothermal Systems of Scale Curves 1946 John De Cicco
+ Circle-to-Line Transformations [1] 1945 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Irregular Projective Invariants 1945 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ The Magnilong Near-Laguerre Transformations 1945 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat An Extension of Lie's Theorem on Isothermal Families 1945 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Scale Curves in Conformal Maps 1944 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ General Comparison of Conformal and Equilong Geometries 1942 John De Cicco
+ Infinite Groups Generated by Equilong Transformations of Period Two 1941 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Families of Curves Conformally Equivalent To Circles 1941 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Families of curves conformally equivalent to circles 1941 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Equilong and Conformal Transformations of Period Two 1940 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat The conformal near-Moebius transformations 1940 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ An Analog of the Nine-Point Circle in the Kasner Plane 1939 John De Cicco
+ An Analog of the Nine-Point Circle in the Kasner Plane 1939 John De Cicco
+ The Derivative Circular Congruence-Representation of a Polygenic Function 1939 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the Moebius Group of Circular Transformations 1939 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat The analogue of the Moebius group of circular transformations in the Kasner plane 1939 John De Cicco
+ Quadric Fields in the Geometry of the Whirl-Motion Group G 6 1939 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Conformal Geometry of Horn Angles of Second Order 1938 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ The Geometry of Whirl Series 1938 John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat The geometry of the whirl-motion group 𝐺₆: elementary invariants 1938 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat The geometry of whirl series 1938 John De Cicco
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Edward Kasner 23
Arun G. Walvekar 1
R. V. Anderson 1
R. V. Anderson 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Trihornometry: A New Chapter of Conformal Geometry 1937 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat Equilong invariants and convergence proofs 1917 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat The problem of partial geodesic representation 1906 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat Rational Functions of a Complex Variable and Related Potential Curves 1946 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Families of curves conformally equivalent to circles 1941 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Equilong Symmetry with Respect to Any Curve 1940 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Trajectories and the ∞ <sup>3</sup> Plane Sections of a Surface 1931 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat The second derivative of a polygenic function 1928 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the Moebius Group of Circular Transformations 1939 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ PDF Chat Transversality in space of three dimensions 1928 Edward Kasner
+ Infinite Groups Generated by Equilong Transformations of Period Two 1941 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Biharmonic Functions and Certain Generalizations 1936 Edward Kasner
+ Note on Conjugate Harmonic Functions 1947 Edward Kasner
John De Cicco
+ Infinite Groups Generated by Conformal Transformations of Period Two (Involutions and Symmetries) 1916 Edward Kasner
+ The Geometry of Differential Elements of the Second Order with Respect to the Group of All Point Transformations 1906 Edward Kasner
+ PDF Chat Conformality in connection with functions of two complex variables 1940 Edward Kasner
+ Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2012 1