Ulrich Kohlenbach


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Effective Rates for Iterations Involving Bregman Strongly Nonexpansive Operators 2024 Nicholas Pischke
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Rates of Convergence and Metastability for Chidume’s Algorithm for the Approximation of Zeros of Accretive Operators in Banach Spaces 2024 Richard Findling
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Proof theory and non-smooth analysis 2023 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Nicholas Pischke
+ PDF Chat On Modified Halpern and Tikhonov–Mann Iterations 2023 Horaţiu Cheval
Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Fejér monotone sequences revisited 2023 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Pedro Pinto
+ PDF Chat Bounds for a nonlinear ergodic theorem for Banach spaces 2022 Anton Freund
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ R.E. Bruck, proof mining and a rate of asymptotic regularity for ergodic averages in Banach spaces 2022 Anton Freund
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ On modified Halpern and Tikhonov-Mann iterations 2022 Horaţiu Cheval
Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat R.E. Bruck, proof mining and a rate of asymptotic regularity for ergodic averages in Banach spaces 2022 Anton Freund
Ulrich Kohlenbach
Ronald E. Bruck
+ PDF Chat Quantitative translations for viscosity approximation methods in hyperbolic spaces 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Pedro Pinto
+ PDF Chat Quantitative analysis of a subgradient-type method for equilibrium problems 2021 Nicholas Pischke
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Bounds for a nonlinear ergodic theorem for Banach spaces 2021 Anton Freund
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Proof-theoretic uniform boundedness and bounded collection principles and countable Heine–Borel compactness 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat On the proximal point algorithm and its Halpern-type variant for generalized monotone operators in Hilbert space 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Quantitative translations for viscosity approximation methods in hyperbolic spaces 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Pedro Pinto
+ PDF Chat A uniform betweenness property in metric spaces and its role in the quantitative analysis of the “Lion-Man” game 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ Bounds for a nonlinear ergodic theorem for Banach spaces 2021 Anton Freund
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Quantitative translations for viscosity approximation methods in hyperbolic spaces 2021 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Pedro Pinto
+ Rates of convergence for iterative solutions of equations involving set-valued accretive operators 2020 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Thomas Powell
+ PDF Chat The finitary content of sunny nonexpansive retractions 2019 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Andrei Sipoş
+ PDF Chat Moduli of regularity and rates of convergence for Fejér monotone sequences 2019 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ The finitary content of sunny nonexpansive retractions 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Andrei Sipoş
+ On the reverse mathematics and Weihrauch complexity of moduli of regularity and uniqueness 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A quantitative analysis of the "Lion-Man" game 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ A uniform betweenness property in metric spaces and its role in the quantitative analysis of the "Lion-Man" game 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ On proximal mappings with Young functions in uniformly convex Banach spaces 2018 Miroslav Bačák
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ The finitary content of sunny nonexpansive retractions 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Andrei Sipoş
+ A uniform betweenness property in metric spaces and its role in the quantitative analysis of the "Lion-Man" game 2018 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ Moduli of regularity and rates of convergence for Fej\'er monotone sequences 2017 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ On proximal mappings with Young functions in uniformly convex Banach spaces 2017 Miroslav Bačák
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A Proof-Theoretic Bound Extraction Theorem for CAT $$(\kappa )$$ ( κ ) -Spaces 2017 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Adrian Nicolae
+ On proximal mappings with Young functions in uniformly convex Banach spaces 2017 Miroslav Bačák
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Moduli of regularity and rates of convergence for Fejér monotone sequences 2017 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ PDF Chat Quantitative results on Fejér monotone sequences 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
Adriana Nicolae
+ On the quantitative asymptotic behavior of strongly nonexpansive mappings in banach and geodesic spaces 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Quantitative asymptotic regularity results for the composition of two mappings 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ Proceedings Sixth International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Steffen van Bakel
Stefano Berardi
+ Proceedings Sixth International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Logical metatheorems for abstract spaces axiomatized in positive bounded logic 2015 Daniel Günzel
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Quantitative asymptotic regularity results for the composition of two mappings 2015 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ Effective asymptotic regularity for one-parameter nonexpansive semigroups 2015 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki
+ Quantitative asymptotic regularity results for the composition of two mappings 2015 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Genaro López-Acedo
Adriana Nicolae
+ Rates of convergence and metastability for abstract Cauchy problems generated by accretive operators 2014 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki
+ PDF Chat Quantitative image recovery theorems 2014 Muhammad Aqeel Ahmad Khan
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Addendum to “Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces” [Adv. Math. 231 (5) (2012) 2526–2556] 2013 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Rate of Metastability for Bruck'S Iteration of Pseudocontractive Mappings in Hilbert Space 2013 Daniel Körnlein
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Bounds on Kuhfittig’s iteration schema in uniformly convex hyperbolic spaces 2013 Muhammad Aqeel Ahmad Khan
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Effective metastability for modified Halpern iterations in CAT(0) spaces 2012 Katharina Schade
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces 2012 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Term extraction and Ramsey's theorem for pairs 2012 Alexander Kreuzer
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat On the computational content of convergence proofs via Banach limits 2012 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces 2011 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Effective rates of convergence for Lipschitzian pseudocontractive mappings in general Banach spaces 2011 Daniel Körnlein
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Gödel's Functional Interpretation and Its Use in Current Mathematics 2011 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ On the asymptotic behavior of odd operators 2011 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces 2011 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ On quantitative versions of theorems due to F.E. Browder and R. Wittmann 2010 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat On Tao's “finitary” infinite pigeonhole principle 2010 Jaime Gaspar
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex hyperbolic spaces 2009 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat A quantitative mean ergodic theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces – ERRATUM 2009 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Ramsey's Theorem for Pairs and Provably Recursive Functions 2009 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Alexander Kreuzer
+ PDF Chat A quantitative mean ergodic theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces 2009 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Gödel's Functional Interpretation and its Use in Current Mathematics* 2008 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A quantitative Mean Ergodic Theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces 2008 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Applied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and Their Use in Mathematics 2008 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Effective Uniform Bounds from Proofs in Abstract Functional Analysis 2007 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ General logical metatheorems for functional analysis 2007 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex hyperbolic spaces 2007 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Proof Interpretations and the Computational Content of Proofs in Mathematics. 2007 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Recent uses of proof theory in nonlinear analysis and geodesic geometry (abstract) 2007 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A Logical Uniform Boundedness Principle for Abstract Metric and Hyperbolic Spaces 2006 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat The approximate fixed point property in product spaces 2006 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Generalized metatheorems on the extractability of uniform bounds in functional analysis (extended abstract) 2006 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Strongly uniform bounds from semi-constructive proofs 2005 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat General Logical Metatheorems for Functional Analysis 2005 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Some computational aspects of metric fixed-point theory 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Approximate fixed points of nonexpansive functions in product spaces 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ The approximate fixed point property in product spaces 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Approximate fixed points of nonexpansive functions in product spaces. 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Strongly Uniform Bounds from Semi-Constructive Proofs 2004 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Some logical metatheorems with applications in functional analysis 2004 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Iterations of Asymptotically Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Branimir Lambov
+ PDF Chat Some Logical Metatheorems with Applications in Functional Analysis 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Uniform asymptotic regularity for Mann iterates 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Mann iterates of directionally nonexpansive mappings in hyperbolic spaces 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Mann Iterates of Directionally Nonexpansive Mappings in Hyperbolic Spaces 2002 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Uniform Asymptotic Regularity for Mann Iterates 2002 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat On Weak Markov's Principle 2001 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A note on Spector's quantifier-free rule of extensionality 2001 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ On the Computational Content of the Krasnoselski and Ishikawa Fixed Point Theorems 2001 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Effective Uniform Bounds on the Krasnoselski-Mann Iteration 2000 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ On the arithmetical content of restricted forms of comprehension, choice and general uniform boundedness 1998 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Proof Theory and Computational Analysis 1997 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat On the Arithmetical Content of Restricted Forms of Comprehension, Choice and General Uniform Boundedness 1997 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Analysing Proofs in Analysis 1996 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A note on the $\Pi^0_2$ -induction rule 1995 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Effective moduli from ineffective uniqueness proofs. An unwinding of de La Vallée Poussin's proof for Chebycheff approximation 1993 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat New effective moduli of uniqueness and uniform a priori estimates for constants of strong unicity by logical analysis of known proofs in best approximation theory 1993 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Effective bounds from ineffective proofs in analysis: An application of functional interpretation and majorization 1992 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Remarks on Herbrand normal forms and Herbrand realizations 1992 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some logical metatheorems with applications in functional analysis 2004 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Applied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and Their Use in Mathematics 2008 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ General logical metatheorems for functional analysis 2007 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Uniform Convexity, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Nonexpansive Mappings 1984 Kazimierz Goebel
Simeon Reich
+ Nonexpansive iterations in hyperbolic spaces 1990 Simeon Reich
Itai Shafrir
+ PDF Chat Krasnoselski-Mann Iterations in Normed Spaces 1992 Jonathan M. Borwein
Simeon Reich
Itai Shafrir
+ PDF Chat Mann iterates of directionally nonexpansive mappings in hyperbolic spaces 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of multiple ergodic averages for commuting transformations 2008 Terence Tao
+ Analysing Proofs in Analysis 1996 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Effective moduli from ineffective uniqueness proofs. An unwinding of de La Vallée Poussin's proof for Chebycheff approximation 1993 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Fixed points and iteration of a nonexpansive mapping in a Banach space 1976 Shiro Ishikawa
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ PDF Chat A convexity in metric space and nonexpansive mappings. I. 1970 Wataru Takahashi
+ Uniform asymptotic regularity for Mann iterates 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Iteration processes for nonexpansive mappings 1983 Kazimierz Goebel
W. A. Kirk
+ Strongly majorizable functionals of finite type: A model for barrecursion containing discontinuous functionals 1985 Marc Bezem
+ On the interpretation of non-finitist proofs—Part I 1951 G. Kreisel
+ On quantitative versions of theorems due to F.E. Browder and R. Wittmann 2010 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Nonexpansive mappings and asymptotic regularity 2000 W. A. Kirk
+ On the Computational Content of the Krasnoselski and Ishikawa Fixed Point Theorems 2001 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ A quadratic rate of asymptotic regularity for CAT(0)-spaces 2006 Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ PDF Chat New effective moduli of uniqueness and uniform a priori estimates for constants of strong unicity by logical analysis of known proofs in best approximation theory 1993 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ On the Interpretation of Non-Finitist Proofs: Part II. Interpretation of Number Theory. Applications 1952 G. Kreisel
+ Nonexpansive Mappings, Asymptotic Regularity and Successive Approximations 1978 Michael Edelstein
Richard O’Brien
+ PDF Chat Topological Methods in Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1983 S. P. Singh
S. Thomeier
Billy Watson
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of nonexpanding maps 1967 Benjamin Halpern
+ On the interpretation of non-finitist proofs–Part II 1952 G. Kreisel
+ On the quantitative asymptotic behavior of strongly nonexpansive mappings in banach and geodesic spaces 2016 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings 1992 Rainer Wittmann
+ Strong convergence theorems for resolvents of accretive operators in Banach spaces 1980 Simeon Reich
+ PDF Chat Approximate fixed points for nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex spaces 1990 W. A. Kirk
Carlos Martinez-Yanez
+ PDF Chat Local stability of ergodic averages 2009 Jeremy Avigad
Philipp Gerhardy
Henry Towsner
+ Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic 1999 Stephen G. Simpson
+ PDF Chat Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees 2015 Eike Neumann
+ PDF Chat A quantitative mean ergodic theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces 2009 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Proof Mining in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math>-trees and Hyperbolic Spaces 2006 Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ Some computational aspects of metric fixed-point theory 2005 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Iterations of Asymptotically Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings 2003 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Branimir Lambov
+ PDF Chat Effective bounds from ineffective proofs in analysis: An application of functional interpretation and majorization 1992 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Strongly uniform bounds from semi-constructive proofs 2005 Philipp Gerhardy
Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Convergence of approximants to fixed points of nonexpansive nonlinear mappings in banach spaces 1967 Felix E. Browder
+ A note on segmenting Mann iterates 1972 C. W. Groetsch
+ A Logical Uniform Boundedness Principle for Abstract Metric and Hyperbolic Spaces 2006 Ulrich Kohlenbach
+ Rates of convergence and metastability for abstract Cauchy problems generated by accretive operators 2014 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki
+ Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces 2012 Ulrich Kohlenbach
Laurenţiu Leuştean
+ PDF Chat Mean value methods in iteration 1953 W. Robert Mann
+ Logical metatheorems for abstract spaces axiomatized in positive bounded logic 2015 Daniel Günzel
Ulrich Kohlenbach