Reinier Bröker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Explicit computations in Iwasawa theory 2019 Reinier Bröker
David Hubbard
Lawrence C. Washington
+ PDF Chat Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2015 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Chat Genus-2 curves and Jacobians with a given number of points 2015 Reinier Bröker
Everett W. Howe
Kristin Lauter
Peter Stevenhagen
+ PDF Chat Evaluating Igusa functions 2014 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2013 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ Abelian surfaces admitting an<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>l</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>l</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>-endomorphism 2013 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
Marco Streng
+ Fourier coefficients of sextic theta series 2013 Reinier Bröker
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Chat Explicit CM theory for level 2-structures on abelian surfaces 2011 Reinier Bröker
David Gruenewald
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat Modular polynomials via isogeny volcanoes 2011 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
Andrew V. Sutherland
+ Abelian surfaces admitting an (l,l)-endomorphism 2011 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
Marco Streng
+ PDF Chat <i>p</i>-adic class invariants 2011 Reinier Bröker
+ Abelian surfaces admitting an (l,l)-endomorphism 2011 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
Marco Streng
+ Evaluating Igusa functions 2010 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat An explicit height bound for the classical modular polynomial 2010 Reinier Bröker
Andrew V. Sutherland
+ Evaluating Igusa functions 2010 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ Explicit CM-theory in dimension 2 2009 Reinier Bröker
David Gruenewald
Kristin Lauter
+ Explicit CM-theory for level 2-structures on abelian surfaces 2009 Reinier Bröker
David Gruenewald
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat Modular Polynomials for Genus 2 2009 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ Explicit CM-theory for level 2-structures on abelian surfaces 2009 Reinier Bröker
David A. Gruenewald
Kristin Lauter
+ Constructing elliptic curves of prescribed order 2008 Reinier Bröker
+ PDF Chat A $p$-adic algorithm to compute the Hilbert class polynomial 2008 Reinier Bröker
+ Modular polynomials for genus 2 2008 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials 2008 Juliana Belding
Reinier Bröker
Andreas Enge
Kristin Lauter
+ Constructing elliptic curves of prime order 2008 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
+ Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials 2008 Juliana Belding
Reinier Bröker
Andreas Enge
Kristin Lauter
+ Modular polynomials for genus 2 2008 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials. 2008 Juliana Belding
Reinier Bröker
Andreas Enge
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat Efficient CM-constructions of elliptic curves over finite fields 2007 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
+ Constructing elliptic curves of prime order 2007 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
+ Constructing elliptic curves in almost polynomial time 2005 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
+ Elliptic Curves with a Given Number of Points 2004 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Action of Modular Correspondences around CM Points 2002 Jean-Marc Couveignes
Thiérry Hénocq
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography 2005 Henri Cohen
Gerhard Frey
Roberto Avanzi
Christophe Doche
Tanja Lange
Kim Nguyễn
Fréderik Vercauteren
+ PDF Chat A $p$-adic algorithm to compute the Hilbert class polynomial 2008 Reinier Bröker
+ PDF Chat The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations 2008 Andreas Enge
+ PDF Chat Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials 2008 Juliana Belding
Reinier Bröker
Andreas Enge
Kristin Lauter
+ Constructing elliptic curves of prescribed order 2008 Reinier Bröker
+ Isogeny Volcanoes and the SEA Algorithm 2002 Mireille Fouquet
François Morain
+ Hilbert’s 12th Problem, Complex Multiplication and Shimura Reciprocity 2018 Peter Stevenhagen
+ PDF Chat Constructing elliptic curves over finite fields using double eta-quotients 2004 Andreas Enge
Reinhard Schertz
+ PDF Chat Weber's class invariants revisited 2002 Reinhard Schertz
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ PDF Chat Constructing hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 suitable for cryptography 2002 Annegret Weng
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves over finite fields and the computation of square roots mod 𝑝 1985 René Schoof
+ Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions 1998 Goro Shimura
+ The 2-Adic CM Method for Genus 2 Curves with Application to Cryptography 2006 Pierrick Gaudry
Thomas Houtmann
David Kohel
Christophe Ritzenthaler
Annegret Weng
+ Modular Forms and Projective Invariants 1967 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ On Siegel Modular Forms of Genus Two 1962 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ The exponents of the groups of points on the reductions of an elliptic curve 1991 René Schoof
+ Construction de courbes de genre 2 à partir de leurs modules 1991 Jean-François Mestre
+ A CRT algorithm for constructing genus 2 curves over finite fields 2004 Kirsten Eisentr
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat Constructing elliptic curves with a known number of points over a prime field 2004 Amod Agashé
Kristin Lauter
Ramarathnam Venkatesan
+ Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1994 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Elliptic Functions 1987 Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat Modular Polynomials for Genus 2 2009 Reinier Bröker
Kristin Lauter
+ PDF Chat A Rigorous Time Bound for Factoring Integers 1992 H. W. Lenstra
Carl Pomerance
+ Generating class fields using Shimura reciprocity 1998 Alice Gee
Peter Stevenhagen
+ Arithmetic Variety of Moduli for Genus Two 1960 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ PDF Chat Examples of genus two CM curves defined over the rationals 1999 Paul van Wamelen
+ Compactification of Arithmetic Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains 1966 Walter L. Baily
Armand Borel
+ On the Graded Ring of Theta-Constants 1964 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ PDF Chat Higher-dimensional 3-adic CM construction 2007 Robert Carls
David Kohel
David Lubicz
+ On Siegel modular forms. Part I. 1993 Bernhard Runge
+ On the Class-Number of the Corpus <i>P</i> (√−<i>k</i> ) 1928 J. E. Littlewood
+ Constructing elliptic curves with given group order over large finite fields 1994 Georg-Johann Lay
Horst G. Zimmer
+ The moduli space of curves of genus two covering elliptic curves 1994 Naoki Murabayashi
+ The number of curves of genus two with elliptic differentials. 1997 Ernst Kani
+ PDF Chat Factoring Integers with Elliptic Curves 1987 H. W. Lenstra
+ PDF Chat Explicit bounds for primality testing and related problems 1990 Eric Bach
+ PDF Chat Computing Igusa class polynomials 2013 Marco Streng
+ Elliptic Curves with a Given Number of Points 2004 Reinier Bröker
Peter Stevenhagen
+ PDF Chat Modular equations for hyperelliptic curves 2004 Pierrick Gaudry
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves and primality proving 1993 A. O. L. Atkin
François Morain
+ PDF Chat The Difference Between Consecutive Primes, II 2001 Roger C. Baker
G. Harman
J. Pintz
+ On the geometry of a Siegel modular threefold 1982 Gerard van der Geer
+ Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves using Monsky-Washnitzer Cohomology 2001 Kiran S. Kedlaya
+ PDF Chat Modular curves of composite level 2005 Andreas Enge
Reinhard Schertz
+ PDF Chat Curves of genus 2 with split Jacobian 1988 Robert Michael Kuhn