Л. И. Данилов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a periodic electric potential $V\in H^s_{\mathrm {loc}}({\mathbb R}^2;{\mathbb R})$, $s > 0$ 2024 Л. И. Данилов
+ On the spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a periodic smooth electric potential 2024 Л. И. Данилов
+ О спектре гамильтониана Ландау, возмущенного периодическим гладким электрическим потенциалом 2024 Л. И. Данилов
+ On a class of Besicovitch almost periodic type selections of multivalued maps 2023 Л. И. Данилов
+ О спектре гамильтониана Ландау, возмущенного периодическим электрическим потенциалом 2023 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a periodic electric potential 2023 Л. И. Данилов
+ On the spectrum of a multidimensional periodic magnetic Shrödinger operator with a singular electric potential 2021 Л. И. Данилов
+ Absolute Continuity of the Spectrum of a Periodic 3D Magnetic Schrödinger Operator with Singular Electric Potential 2021 Л. И. Данилов
+ Абсолютная непрерывность спектра трехмерного периодического магнитного оператора Шрeдингера с сингулярным электрическим потенциалом 2021 Л. И. Данилов
+ On the spectrum of a Landau Hamiltonian with a periodic electric potential $V\in L^p_{\mathrm {loc}}(\mathbb{R}^2)$, $p>1$ 2020 Л. И. Данилов
+ Spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian with a Periodic Electric Potential 2020 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of a relativistic Landau Hamiltonian with a periodic electric potential 2019 Л. И. Данилов
+ Shift dynamical systems and measurable selectors of multivalued maps 2018 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of a two-dimensional Schrödinger operator with a homogeneous magnetic field and a periodic electric potential 2018 Л. И. Данилов
+ О спектре периодического магнитного оператора Дирака 2016 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of a two-dimensional generalized periodic Schrödinger operator. II 2014 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat The uniform approximation of recurrent functions and almost recurrent functions 2013 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of a periodic Schrödinger operator with potential in the Morrey space 2012 Л. И. Данилов
+ On Absolute Continuity of the Spectrum of a 3D Periodic Magnetic Dirac Operator 2011 Л. И. Данилов
+ On absolute continuity of the spectrum of three- and four-dimensional periodic Schrödinger operators 2010 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On absolute continuity of the spectrum of a periodic magnetic Schrödinger operator 2009 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On a class of Weyl almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 2009 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On almost periodic sections of multivalued maps 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ On absolute continuity of the spectrum of a d-dimensional periodic magnetic Dirac operator 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of the spectrum of multidimensional periodic magnetic Dirac operator 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On Besicovitch almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ Absence of eigenvalues for the generalized two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator 2007 Л. И. Данилов
+ Weyl almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 2007 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absence of eigenvalues for the generalized two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator 2006 Л. И. Данилов
+ On Weyl almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 2005 Л. И. Данилов
+ On Besicovitch Almost Periodic Selections of Multivalued Maps 2005 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat О спектре двумерного периодического оператора Шредингера 2003 Л. И. Данилов
Л. И. Данилов
+ None 2003 Л. И. Данилов
+ On Equi-Weyl Almost Periodic Selections of Multivalued Maps 2003 Л. И. Данилов
+ None 2003 Л. И. Данилов
+ Almost periodic measure-valued functions 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ On almost periodic multivalued maps 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the periodic Dirac operator 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a periodic dirac operator 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ On the spectrum of the two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator 1999 Л. И. Данилов
+ Measure-valued almost periodic functions and almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 1997 Л. И. Данилов
+ Measure-valued almost periodic functions 1997 Л. И. Данилов
+ Resolvent estimates and spectrum of the Dirac operator with periodic potential 1995 Л. И. Данилов
+ Effective sufficient conditions for the uniform oscillation of a linear differential equation 1991 Л. И. Данилов
А. Г. Иванов
+ Spectrum of the dirac operator in ? n with periodic potential 1990 Л. И. Данилов
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
А. Г. Иванов 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the structure of spectra of periodic elliptic operators 2001 Peter Kuchment
Sergei Levendorskiı̌
+ Floquet Theory for Partial Differential Equations 1993 Peter Kuchment
+ Absence of singular spectrum for a perturbation of a two-dimensional Laplace-Beltrami operator with periodic electromagnetic potential 1998 Abderemane Morame
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ None 2001 Zhongwei Shen
+ On the Spectrum of a Class of Second Order Periodic Elliptic Differential Operators 2002 Leonid Friedlander
+ Absolute continuity of the periodic magnetic Schrödinger operator 1999 Alexander V. Sobolev
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the periodic Dirac operator 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absolute Continuity of Spectra of Two-Dimensional Periodic Schrodinger Operators with Strongly Subordinate Magnetic Potentials 2005 Roman Shterenberg
+ The periodic Dirac operator is absolutely continuous 1999 M. Sh. Birman
T. A. Suslina
+ Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a periodic dirac operator 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ The Periodic Schrödinger Operators with Potentials in the Morrey Class 2002 Zhongwei Shen
+ None 2003 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absence of the singular continuous component in spectra of analytic direct integrals 2006 N. Filonov
A. V. Sobolev
+ Spectrum of the dirac operator in ? n with periodic potential 1990 Л. И. Данилов
+ On absolute continuity of the spectrum of a d-dimensional periodic magnetic Dirac operator 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ Measure-valued almost periodic functions and almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 1997 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a generic periodic potential 2009 Frédéric Klopp
+ PDF Chat An overview of periodic elliptic operators 2016 Peter Kuchment
+ None 2001 Ján Andres
Alberto Maria Bersani
Krzysztof Leśniak
+ None 2003 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Spectrum of the Landau Hamiltonian with a Periodic Electric Potential 2020 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of the spectrum of multidimensional periodic magnetic Dirac operator 2008 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat Almost Periodic Functions 1933 A. S. Besicovitch
+ On the spectrum of the two-dimensional periodic Dirac operator 1999 Л. И. Данилов
+ Uniform Sobolev inequalities and absolute continuity of periodic operators 2007 Zhongwei Shen
Peihao Zhao
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of the “even" periodic Schrödinger operator with nonsmooth coefficients 2005 Михаил А Тихомиров
N. Filonov
+ PDF Chat Absolute continuity of periodic Schrödinger operators with potentials in the Kato class 2001 Zhongwei Shen
+ PDF Chat None 2001 I. S. Lapin
+ Almost Periodic Functions and Differential Equations 1982 B. M. Levitan
V. V. Zhikov
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ The absolute continuity of the spectrum of Maxwell operator in a periodic media 2000 Abderemane Morame
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal mappings and periodic spectral problems in dimension two 2003 Eugene Shargorodsky
Alexander V. Sobolev
+ On the spectrum of a Landau Hamiltonian with a periodic electric potential $V\in L^p_{\mathrm {loc}}(\mathbb{R}^2)$, $p>1$ 2020 Л. И. Данилов
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat None 2003 Roman Shterenberg
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of an "even" periodic Schrödinger operator with a rational magnetic flux 2015 N. Filonov
Alexander V. Sobolev
+ On absolute continuity of the spectrum of three- and four-dimensional periodic Schrödinger operators 2010 Л. И. Данилов
+ On Weyl almost periodic selections of multivalued maps 2005 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of a two-dimensional Schrödinger operator with a homogeneous magnetic field and a periodic electric potential 2018 Л. И. Данилов
+ Continuous selections for a class of non-convex multivalued maps 1983 Andrzej Fryszkowski
+ On almost periodic multivalued maps 2000 Л. И. Данилов
+ PDF Chat A restriction theorem for the Fourier transform 1975 Peter A. Tomas
+ Resolvent estimates and spectrum of the Dirac operator with periodic potential 1995 Л. И. Данилов
+ Schrodinger Operators: With Application to Quantum Mechanics and Global Geometry 1987 Hans L. Cycon
Barry Simon
+ Schrödinger Operators 1987 Hans L. Cycon
Richard Froese
Werner Kirsch
Barry Simon
Hans L. Cycon
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional Schrödinger operators in periodic fields 1985 S P Novikov
+ PDF Chat О спектре двумерного периодического оператора Шредингера 2003 Л. И. Данилов
Л. И. Данилов
+ Multivalued almost-periodic mappings and selections of them 1991 A. M. Dolbilov
I. Ya. Shneĭberg