E. Emsiz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the basic representation of the double affine Hecke algebra at critical level 2022 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
Ignacio Zurrián
+ Affine Pieri rule for periodic Macdonald spherical functions and fusion rings 2021 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
Ignacio Zurrián
+ PDF Chat Cubature Rules for Unitary Jacobi Ensembles 2020 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Cubature rules from Hall–Littlewood polynomials 2020 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Wave functions for quantum integrable particle systems via partial confluences of multivariate hypergeometric functions 2019 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Branching rules for symmetric hypergeometric polynomials 2019 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Exact cubature rules for symmetric functions 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Representation Theory, Special Functions and Painlevé Equations — RIMS 2015 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Solutions of convex Bethe Ansatz equations and the zeros of (basic) hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Quadrature rules from finite orthogonality relations for Bernstein-Szegö polynomials 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Discrete Fourier transform associated with generalized Schur polynomials 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Completeness of the Bethe Ansatz for an Open $$\varvec{q}$$ q -Boson System with Integrable Boundary Interactions 2018 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
Ignacio Zurrián
+ PDF Chat Bispectral Dual Difference Equations for the Quantum Toda Chain with Boundary Perturbations 2017 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Orthogonality of Bethe Ansatz Eigenfunctions for the Laplacian on a Hyperoctahedral Weyl Alcove 2016 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Spectrum and Eigenfunctions of the Lattice Hyperbolic Ruijsenaars–Schneider System with Exponential Morse Term 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Branching formula for Macdonald–Koornwinder polynomials 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Difference equation for the Heckman–Opdam hypergeometric function and its confluent Whittaker limit 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Quantum Integrals for a Semi-Infinite q-Boson System with Boundary Interactions 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Integrable Boundary Interactions for Ruijsenaars’ Difference Toda Chain 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Difference equation for the Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric function 2014 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Diagonalization of the infinite q-boson system 2014 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Boundary Interactions for the Semi-Infinite q-Boson System and Hyperoctahedral Hall-Littlewood Polynomials 2013 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat The Semi-Infinite q-Boson System with Boundary Interaction 2013 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Orthogonality of Macdonald polynomials with unitary parameters 2013 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Discrete harmonic analysis on a Weyl alcove 2013 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat A discrete Fourier transform associated with the affine Hecke algebra 2012 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Unitary representations of affine Hecke algebras related to Macdonald spherical functions 2012 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Macdonald Operator 2010 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Pieri formulas for Macdonald’s spherical functions and polynomials 2010 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Completeness of the Bethe ansatz on Weyl alcoves 2010 E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Completeness of the Bethe Ansatz on Weyl Alcoves 2009 E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric Cherednik algebra at critical level and quantum many-body problems 2009 E. Emsiz
Eric Opdam
Jasper V. Stokman
+ PDF Chat Periodic Integrable Systems with Delta-Potentials 2006 E. Emsiz
Eric Opdam
Jasper V. Stokman
+ Affine Weyl groups and integrable systems with delta-potentials 2006 E. Emsiz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Root Systems 1990 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Affine Hecke Algebras and Orthogonal Polynomials 2003 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Properties of some families of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials in several variables 1999 J. F. van Diejen
+ PDF Chat Diagonalization of an Integrable Discretization of the Repulsive Delta Bose Gas on the Circle 2006 J. F. van Diejen
+ Orthogonal polynomials associated with root systems 2000 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions 1993 V. E. Korepin
N. M. Bogoliubov
A. G. Izergin
+ Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues 2010 Roelof Koekoek
Peter Lesky
René F. Swarttouw
+ PDF Chat Periodic Integrable Systems with Delta-Potentials 2006 E. Emsiz
Eric Opdam
Jasper V. Stokman
+ PDF Chat Cylindric Versions of Specialised Macdonald Functions and a Deformed Verlinde Algebra 2012 Christian Korff
+ PDF Chat Orthogonality and completeness of the Bethe Ansatz eigenstates of the nonlinear Schroedinger model 1993 T. C. Dorlas
+ PDF Chat Complete integrability of relativistic Calogero-Moser systems and elliptic function identities 1987 S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ Boundary conditions for integrable quantum systems 1988 E. K. Sklyanin
+ PDF Chat Quantum inverse scattering method for the q-boson model and symmetric functions 2006 Н. В. Цилевич
+ PDF Chat Correlation functions for a strongly correlated boson system 1998 N. M. Bogoliubov
A. G. Izergin
N Kitanine
+ PDF Chat Kernel Functions for Difference Operators of Ruijsenaars Type and Their Applications 2009 Yasushi Komori
Masatoshi Noumi
Jun’ichi Shiraishi
+ PDF Chat Difference Calogero–Moser systems and finite Toda chains 1995 J. F. van Diejen
+ Quantum integrable systems related to lie algebras 1983 M. A. Olshanetsky
A. M. Perelomov
+ Discrete harmonic analysis on a Weyl alcove 2013 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Double Affine Hecke Algebras 2005 Ivan Cherednik
+ Exact results for one-dimensional totally asymmetric diffusion models 1998 Tomohiro Sasamoto
Miki Wadati
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric Cherednik algebra at critical level and quantum many-body problems 2009 E. Emsiz
Eric Opdam
Jasper V. Stokman
+ The<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">sl</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-WZNW fusion ring: A combinatorial construction and a realisation as quotient of quantum cohomology 2010 Christian Korff
Catharina Stroppel
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Factorized Weight Functions vs. Factorized Scattering 2002 S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ PDF Chat Yang's System of Particles and Hecke Algebras 1997 Gerrit Heckman
Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat Differential equations in the spectral parameter 1986 J. J. Duistermaat
F. A. Gr�nbaum
+ PDF Chat Kostka–Foulkes polynomials and Macdonald spherical functions 2003 Kendra Nelsen
Arun Ram
+ Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions on Symmetric Spaces 1995 Gerrit Heckman
Henrik Schlichtkrull
+ None 1997 Ivan Cherednik
+ Double Affine Hecke Algebras 2005 Ivan Cherednik
+ Askey-Wilson polynomials for root systems of type BC 1991 Tom H. Koornwinder
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis for certain representations of graded Hecke algebras 1995 Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat Determinantal construction of orthogonal polynomials associated with root systems 2004 J. F. van Diejen
Luc Lapointe
Jennifer Morse
+ Lecture Notes on Dunkl Operators for Real and Complex Reflection Groups 2000 Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat Spectral theory for the -Boson particle system 2014 Alexei Borodin
Ivan Corwin
Leonid Petrov
Tomohiro Sasamoto
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory of discrete (pseudo) Laplacians on a Weyl chamber 2005 J. F. van Diejen
+ PDF Chat On the Plancherel Formula for the (Discrete) Laplacian in a Weyl Chamber with Repulsive Boundary Conditions at the Walls 2004 J. F. van Diejen
+ Diagonalization of the infinite q-boson system 2014 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ Commuting difference operators with polynomial eigenfunctions 1993 J. F. van Diejen
+ The Bispectral Problem: An Overview 2001 F. Alberto GrĂĽnbaum
+ Buildings and Hecke algebras 2005 James Parkinson
+ PDF Chat Branching formula for Macdonald–Koornwinder polynomials 2015 J. F. van Diejen
E. Emsiz
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 5
+ Classical and quantum mechanical systems of Toda-lattice type 1986 Roe Goodman
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Discrete Fourier Analysis on Fundamental Domain and Simplex of A d Lattice in d-Variables 2009 Huiyuan Li
Yuan Xu
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Cubature Arising from Hybrid Characters of Simple Lie Groups 2014 Robert V. Moody
Lenka Motlochová
J. Patera
+ PDF Chat Action-angle map and duality for the open Toda lattice in the perspective of Hamiltonian reduction 2013 L. Fehér
+ PDF Chat Spherical functions on a đť”­-adic Chevalley group 1968 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Self-dual Koornwinder-Macdonald polynomials 1996 J. F. van Diejen
+ PDF Chat Multivariable Wilson polynomials and degenerate Hecke algebras 2009 Wolter Groenevelt