Joachim Kerner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spectral comparison results for Laplacians on discrete graphs 2024 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
C. Rose
+ PDF Chat The curious spectra and dynamics of non-locally finite crystals 2024 Joachim Kerner
Olaf Post
Mostafa Sabri
Matthias Täufer
+ On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large intervals 2024 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
+ PDF Chat A modified local Weyl law and spectral comparison results for $\delta'$-coupling conditions 2024 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Some spectral comparison results on infinite quantum graphs 2024 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Interacting many-particle systems in the random Kac–Luttinger model and proof of Bose–Einstein condensation 2024 Chiara Boccato
Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ PDF Chat A note on Ambarzumian’s theorem for quantum graphs 2024 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Flat Bands on the Perturbed Kagome and the Perturbed Super-Kagome Lattice 2023 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
Jens Wintermayr
+ PDF Chat Comparing the spectrum of Schrödinger operators on quantum graphs 2023 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Mini-Workshop: A Geometric Fairytale full of Spectral Gaps and Random Fruit 2023 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
Pavlo Yatsyna
+ Robustness of flat bands on the perturbed Kagome and the perturbed Super-Kagome lattice 2023 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
Jens Wintermayr
+ On some notions of surface area and connectivity for graphs 2023 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ A note on Ambarzumian's theorem for quantum graphs 2023 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ Some spectral comparison results on infinite quantum graphs 2023 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ On Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting Bose gases in the Kac-Luttinger model 2023 Chiara Boccato
Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein condensation for particles with repulsive short-range pair interactions in a Poisson random external potential in 2022 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators 2022 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On the spectral gap of higher-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large domains 2022 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
+ Comparing the spectrum of Schrödinger operators on quantum graphs 2022 Patrizio Bifulco
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On the spectral gap of higher-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators on large domains 2021 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
+ Bose--Einstein condensation for particles with repulsive short-range pair interactions in a Poisson random external potential in $\mathbb R^d$ 2021 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ A lower bound on the spectral gap of Schr\"odinger operators with weak potentials of compact support 2021 Joachim Kerner
+ A lower bound on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators on large intervals 2021 Joachim Kerner
+ A lower bound on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators 2021 Joachim Kerner
+ On the spectral gap of the path graph in the limit of large volume 2021 Joachim Kerner
Pavlo Yatsyna
+ Bose--Einstein condensation for particles with repulsive short-range pair interactions in a Poisson random external potential in $\mathbb R^d$ 2021 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ A lower bound on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators 2021 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On the number of nodal domains on a rectangle with a slit 2021 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Bound states of a pair of particles on the half-line with a general interaction potential 2020 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
Konstantin Pankrashkin
+ On the effect of repulsive pair interactions on Bose–Einstein condensation in the Luttinger–Sy model 2020 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
+ On a condition for type-I Bose–Einstein condensation in random potentials in d dimensions 2020 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
Wolfgang Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Impact of surface defects on a condensate of electron pairs in a quantum wire 2020 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat О влиянии поверхностных дефектов на конденсат электронных пар в квантовом проводе 2020 Иоахим Кернер
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Many-Particle Quantum Graphs: A Review 2020 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On the number of isolated eigenvalues of a pair of particles on the half-line 2020 Joachim Kerner
+ On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large intervals 2020 Joachim Kerner
Matthias Täufer
+ PDF Chat Discrete spectrum of Schrödinger operators with potentials concentrated near conical surfaces 2019 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
Konstantin Pankrashkin
+ PDF Chat Attractive conical surfaces create infinitely many bound states 2019 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
Konstantin Pankrashkin
+ PDF Chat On Bound Electron Pairs on the Half-Line 2019 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein Condensation in the Luttinger–Sy Model with Contact Interaction 2019 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
Wolfgang Spitzer
+ PDF Chat On Bose–Einstein Condensation in the Luttinger–Sy Model with Finite Interaction Strength 2019 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
Wolfgang Spitzer
+ PDF Chat A remark on the effect of random singular two-particle interactions 2019 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On Lennard-Jones-type potentials on the half-line 2018 Federica Gregorio
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On pairs of interacting electrons in a quantum wire 2018 Joachim Kerner
+ On the Lennard-Jones potential in one dimension 2018 Federica Gregorio
Joachim Kerner
+ Der Konvergenzsatz von Cauchy-Cesáro-Dirichlet für lokalkonvexe Vektorräume 2018 Eugen Grycko
Joachim Kerner
Werner Kirsch
+ On surface defects and their impact on the superconducting phase in quantum wires 2017 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On the impact of surface defects on a condensate of electron pairs in a quantum wire 2017 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the numerical range with respect to a family of projections 2017 Waed Dada
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On a two-particle bound system on the half-line 2017 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ PDF Chat Scattering properties of two singularly interacting particles on the half-line 2017 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat On a non-separable quantum many-particle system on the half-line 2017 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ PDF Chat Two interacting particles on the half-line: resolvent and scattering properties 2017 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
+ On a non-separable quantum many-particle system on the half-line 2017 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ PDF Chat Instability of Bose-Einstein condensation into the one-particle ground state on quantum graphs under repulsive perturbations 2016 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Two interacting particles on the half-line 2016 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ Numerical range with respect to a family of projections 2016 Waed Dada
N. Erkurşun
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein condensation on quantum graphs 2014 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Many-particle quantum graphs and Bose-Einstein condensation 2014 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs with singular two-particle interactions 2013 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs with two-particle contact interactions 2013 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs with singular two-particle interactions 2013 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs with two-particle contact interactions 2013 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Two interacting particles on the half-line 2016 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ PDF Chat On a two-particle bound system on the half-line 2017 Joachim Kerner
Tobias Mühlenbruch
+ PDF Chat Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Dilute Trapped Gases 2002 Élliott H. Lieb
Robert Seiringer
+ Caught by Disorder: Bound States in Random Media 2001 Peter Stollmann
+ PDF Chat The Trace Formula for Quantum Graphs with General Self Adjoint Boundary Conditions 2009 Jens Bolte
Sebastian Egger
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat On pairs of interacting electrons in a quantum wire 2018 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs: Applications to quantum chaos and universal spectral statistics 2006 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Uzy Smilansky
+ Quantum graphs: I. Some basic structures 2004 Peter Kuchment
+ Bose‐Einstein condensation in the presence of impurities 1973 Mark Kac
J. M. Luttinger
+ PDF Chat On Bound Electron Pairs on the Half-Line 2019 Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat Proof of Bose–Einstein condensation for interacting gases with a one-particle spectral gap 2003 J. Lauwers
A. Verbeure
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Luttinger-Sy Model 2006 O. Lenoble
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation 2005 Elliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein condensation in random potentials 2004 O. Lenoble
L. А. Pastur
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ On a condition for type-I Bose–Einstein condensation in random potentials in d dimensions 2020 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
Wolfgang Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Long-lived resonances at mirrors 2016 Friedemann Queißer
W. G. Unruh
+ PDF Chat Optimal lower bound for the gap between the first two eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with symmetric single-well potentials 1989 Mark S. Ashbaugh
Rafael D. Benguria
+ PDF Chat Two particles on a star graph, II 2008 M. Harmer
+ PDF Chat Solvable quantum two-body problem: entanglement 2005 M. L. Glasser
L. M. Nieto
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein Condensation in the Luttinger–Sy Model with Contact Interaction 2019 Joachim Kerner
Maximilian Pechmann
Wolfgang Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Two particles on a star graph, I 2007 M. Harmer
+ Reduced density matrices and Bose-Einstein condensation 2007 Alessandro Michelangeli
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat One dimensional bosons: From condensed matter systems to ultracold gases 2011 Miguel A. Cazalilla
R. Citro
T. Giamarchi
E. Orignac
Marcos Rigol
+ On existence of a bound state in an L-shaped waveguide 1989 Pavel Exner
P. Šeba
P. Šťovı́ček
+ PDF Chat Many-particle quantum graphs and Bose-Einstein condensation 2014 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat The eigenvalue gap for one-dimensional convex potentials 1994 Richard Lavine
+ PDF Chat Disordered Bose–Einstein condensates with interaction in one dimension 2012 Robert Seiringer
Jakob Yngvason
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Heat-kernel and Resolvent Asymptotics for Schrodinger Operators on Metric Graphs 2014 Jens Bolte
Sebastian Egger
Ralf Rueckriemen
+ PDF Chat The Heat Kernel on the Diagonal for a Compact Metric Graph 2022 David Borthwick
Evans M. Harrell
Kenny Jones
+ Universal lower bounds on eigenvalue splittings for one dimensional Schr�dinger operators 1985 Werner Kirsch
Barry Simon
+ On the spectral gap in the Kac–Luttinger model and Bose–Einstein condensation 2023 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Instability of Bose-Einstein condensation into the one-particle ground state on quantum graphs under repulsive perturbations 2016 Jens Bolte
Joachim Kerner
+ Unbounded Self-adjoint Operators on Hilbert Space 2012 Konrad Schmüdgen
+ Two-body scattering on a graph and application to simple nanoelectronic devices 1995 Yu. B. Melnikov
B. S. Pavlov
+ PDF Chat Nonextensive Bose–Einstein condensation model 1999 Tom Michoel
A. Verbeure
+ PDF Chat The gap between the first two eigenvalues of a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with symmetric potential 1991 Shoshana Abramovich
+ PDF Chat On the nature of Bose–Einstein condensation enhanced by localization 2010 Thomas Jaeck
J. V. Pulè
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Lifshitz tails for periodic plus random potentials 1986 Werner Kirsch
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Kirchhoff's rule for quantum wires 1999 Vadim Kostrykin
Robert Schrader
+ On condensation in the free-boson gas and the spectrum of the Laplacian 1983 M. van den Berg
+ Comparison theorems for the gap of Schrödinger òperators 1987 Werner Kirsch
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Differences Between Robin and Neumann Eigenvalues 2021 Zeév Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ Periodic Orbit Theory and Spectral Statistics for Quantum Graphs 1999 Tsampikos Kottos
Uzy Smilansky
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Scattering properties of two singularly interacting particles on the half-line 2017 Sebastian Egger
Joachim Kerner
+ PDF Chat An inverse spectral theorem 2013 E. B. Davies