Jeong Ryeol Choi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quantal analysis of the effects of coordinate noncommutativity on bi-dimensional harmonic motion under parametric variations 2025 Salim Medjber
Hacene Bekkar
Salah Menouar
Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ PDF Chat Quantal phase of extreme nonstatic light waves: Step-phase evolution and its effects 2024 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Geometric phase for a nonstatic coherent light-wave: nonlinear evolution harmonized with the dynamical phase 2024 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ PDF Chat Clarifying Nonstatic-Quantum-Wave Behavior Through Extending Its Analysis to the p-Quadrature Space: Interrelation Between the q- and p-Space Wave-Nonstaticities 2022 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Formulation of general dynamical invariants and their unitary relations for time-dependent coupled quantum oscillators 2022 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Formulation of general dynamical invariants and their unitary relations for time-dependent three coupled quantum oscillators 2022 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Analysis of light-wave nonstaticity in the coherent state 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ PDF Chat Analysis of light-wave nonstaticity in the coherent state 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Effects of light-wave nonstaticity on accompanying geometric-phase evolutions 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ PDF Chat Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics for Damped Driven Oscillatory Systems: Quantum–Classical Correspondence 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ The effects of light-wave nonstaticity on accompanying geometric-phase evolutions 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Clarifying nonstatic-quantum-wave behavior through extending its analysis to the p-quadrature space: Interrelation between the q- and p-space wave-nonstaticities 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Analysis of light-wave nonstaticity in the coherent state 2021 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Classical limit of quantum mechanics for damped driven oscillatory systems: Quantum-classical correspondence 2020 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ The Rayleigh-Lorentz Invariant and Optimal Adiabatic Qubit-Information Detection for Superconducting Qubit Resonators 2020 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ Classical limit of quantum mechanics for damped driven oscillatory systems: Quantum-classical correspondence 2020 Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ On adiabatic evolution for a general time-dependent quantum system 2011 Kyu Hwang Yeon
Jeong Ryeol Choi
Shou Zhang
Thomas F. George
+ PDF Chat The time-dependent coupled oscillator model for the motion of a charged particle in the presence of a time-varying magnetic field 2010 Salah Menouar
Mustapha Maamache
Jeong Ryeol Choi
+ PDF Chat An alternative approach to exact wave functions for time-dependent coupled oscillator model of charged particle in variable magnetic field 2010 Salah Menouar
Mustapha Maamache
Jeong Ryeol Choi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Berry phase and Hannay’s angle in a quantum-classical hybrid system 2011 H. D. Liu
S. L. Wu
X. X. Yi
+ PDF Chat Geometric phase from Aharonov–Bohm to Pancharatnam–Berry and beyond 2019 Eliahu Cohen
Hugo Larocque
Frédéric Bouchard
Farshad Nejadsattari
Yuval Gefen
Ebrahim Karimi
+ PDF Chat Towards detecting traces of non-contact quantum friction in the corrections of the accumulated geometric phase 2020 M. Belén Farías
Fernando C. Lombardo
Alejandro Soba
Paula I. Villar
R. S. Decca
+ PDF Chat Generation of polarization squeezed light with an optical parametric amplifier at 795 nm 2018 Yashuai Han
Xin Wen
Jinyu Liu
Jun He
Junmin Wang
+ PDF Chat Quantum systems under frequency modulation 2017 Matti Silveri
Jani Tuorila
E. V. Thuneberg
G. S. Paraoanu
+ Geometric phase and its applications to fundamental physics 2015 Antonio Capolupo
Giuseppe Vitiello
+ PDF Chat Continuous-variable geometric phase and its manipulation for quantum computation in a superconducting circuit 2017 Chao Song
Shi‐Biao Zheng
Pengfei Zhang
Kai Xu
Libo Zhang
Qiujiang Guo
Wuxin Liu
Da Xu
Huiqiu Deng
Keqiang Huang
+ PDF Chat Solving the Schrödinger equation for a charged particle in a magnetic field using the finite difference time domain method 2008 I Wayan Sudiarta
D. J. W. Geldart
+ PDF Chat A class of systems with measurable Hannay angles 1990 Simon Golin
Stefano Marmi
+ PDF Chat The one-dimensional damped forced harmonic oscillator revisited 2011 G. Flores-Hidalgo
F. A. Barone
+ PDF Chat Observation of Berry's Phase in a Solid-State Qubit 2007 Peter Leek
J. M. Fink
Alexandre Blais
R. Bianchetti
M. Göppl
Jay Gambetta
David Schuster
Luigi Frunzio
Robert Schoelkopf
A. Wallraff
+ Classical States and Their Quantum Correspondence 2007 Itay Hen
Amir Kalev
+ PDF Chat <i>O</i>(3,3)-like symmetries of coupled harmonic oscillators 1995 D. Han
Y. S. Kim
Marilyn E. Noz
+ PDF Chat Kinematic Approach to the Mixed State Geometric Phase in Nonunitary Evolution 2004 D. M. Tong
Erik Sjöqvist
L. C. Kwek
C. H. Oh
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic geometric phase for the cyclic evolution of a time-dependent Hamiltonian system 1998 Jie Liu
Bambi Hu
Baowen Li
+ PDF Chat Dynamical invariants and nonadiabatic geometric phases in open quantum systems 2007 M. S. Sarandy
Eduardo I. Duzzioni
M. H. Y. Moussa
+ PDF Chat Geometric phase in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric quantum mechanics 2010 Jiangbin Gong
Qinghai Wang
+ PDF Chat Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial 2014 P. Jung
S. Butz
Michael Marthaler
M. V. Fistul
Juha LeppÀkangas
V. P. Koshelets
A. V. Ustinov
+ PDF Chat A gravitational wave observatory operating beyond the quantum shot-noise limit 2011 J. Abadie
B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
C. Adams
R. X. Adhikari
C. Affeldt
B. Allen
G. Allen
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Geometric Phase for Mixed States Using Single Photon Interferometry 2005 Marie Ericsson
Daryl Achilles
Julio T. Barreiro
David Branning
Nicholas A. Peters
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Driven harmonic oscillator as a quantum simulator for open systems 2006 Jyrki Piilo
Sabrina Maniscalco
+ PDF Chat Enhanced sensitivity of the LIGO gravitational wave detector by using squeezed states of light 2013 J. Aasi
J. Abadie
B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat First Long-Term Application of Squeezed States of Light in a Gravitational-Wave Observatory 2013 H. Grote
K. Danzmann
K. L. Dooley
Roman Schnabel
J. Slutsky
H. Vahlbruch
+ PDF Chat Coherent states in Finite Quantum Mechanics 1994 Gregory G. Athanasiu
E.G. Floratos
+ On the accuracy of conservation of the adiabatic invariant 1981 А. И. ĐĐ”ĐčштаЮт
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics of Hyperion 2005 Nathan Wiebe
L. E. Ballentine
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of the time-dependent harmonic plus an inverse harmonic potential with a time-dependent electromagnetic field 2003 C. YĂŒce
+ PDF Chat Quantum nondemolition measurement of discrete Fock states of a nanomechanical resonator 2007 Eyal Buks
Eran Segev
Stav Zaitsev
Baleegh Abdo
M. P. Blencowe
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Measurements on Metastable Systems 1996 Yakir Aharonov
Serge Massar
Sandu Popescu
Jeff Tollaksen
Lev Vaidman
+ PDF Chat Continuous quantum feedback of coherent oscillations in a solid-state qubit 2005 Qin Zhang
Rusko Ruskov
Alexander N. Korotkov
+ Time-dependent general quantum quadratic Hamiltonian system 2003 Kyu Hwang Yeon
Chung In Um
Thomas F. George
+ PDF Chat Heisenberg-picture approach to the exact quantum motion of a time-dependent harmonic oscillator 1995 Hyeong-Chan Kim
Min-Ho Lee
Jeong‐Young Ji
Jae Kwan Kim
+ PDF Chat Variations on the adiabatic invariance: The Lorentz pendulum 2012 L. L. SĂĄnchez-Soto
JesĂșs Manuel Zoido
+ A Perturbation Method Based on Integrating Vectors and Multiple Scales 1999 Wim T. van Horssen
+ PDF Chat Electromagnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect in a two-dimensional electron gas ring 2003 Wilfred G. van der Wiel
Yuli V. Nazarov
S. De Franceschi
T. Fujisawa
J. M. Elzerman
E. W. G. M. Huizeling
Seigo Tarucha
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat A Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithm Applied to Random Instances of an NP-Complete Problem 2001 Edward Farhi
Jeffrey Goldstone
Sam Gutmann
Joshua M. Lapan
A. P. Lundgren
Daniel Preda
+ Delay of squeezing and entanglement using electromagnetically induced transparency in a vapour cell 2008 G. HĂ©tet
B. C. Buchler
O. Glöeckl
Magnus T. L. Hsu
A. M. Akulshin
Hans‐A. Bachor
Ping Koy Lam
+ Decoherence, Chaos, Quantum-Classical Correspondence, and the Algorithmic Arrow of Time 1998 Wojciech H. Zurek
+ PDF Chat Spin gauge fields: From Berry phase to topological spin transport and Hall effects 2005 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Yu. P. Bliokh
+ PDF Chat Quantum Memory for Squeezed Light 2008 J. Appel
Eden Figueroa
Dmitry Korystov
Mirko Lobino
A. I. Lvovsky
+ PDF Chat On the accuracy of conservation of adiabatic invariants in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems 2012 Tan Su
+ PDF Chat What is the limit ℏ → of quantum theory? 2012 U. Klein
+ Quantum Dynamics of Complex Hamiltonians 2016 Kushagra Nigam
Kinjal Banerjee
+ PDF Chat Quantum singular oscillator as a model of a two-ion trap: An amplification of transition probabilities due to small-time variations of the binding potential 1998 V. V. Dodonov
V. I. Man’ko
Luigi Rosa
+ PDF Chat Universal Quantum Noise in Adiabatic Pumping 2018 Yaroslav Herasymenko
Kyrylo Snizhko
Yuval Gefen
+ PDF Chat Measuring Geometric Phase without Interferometry 2018 Tanya Malhotra
Rodrigo GutiĂ©rrez–Cuevas
J. Hassett
Mark R. Dennis
A. Nick Vamivakas
Miguel A. Alonso
+ High speed flux sampling for tunable superconducting qubits with an embedded cryogenic transducer 2018 Brooks Foxen
J. Mutus
Erik Lucero
E. Jeffrey
D. Sank
R. Barends
Kunal Arya
Brian Burkett
Yu Chen
Zijun Chen
+ Lindblad dynamics of the damped and forced quantum harmonic oscillator 2019 H. J. Korsch
+ Quadrature demodulation of a quantum dot optical response to faint light fields 2016 Galan Moody
Corey McDonald
A. Feldman
Todd E. Harvey
Richard P. Mirin
Kevin L. Silverman
+ Generator of arbitrary classical photon statistics 2018 Ivo Straka
JaromĂ­r Mika
Miroslav JeĆŸek