Cody P. Nave


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Decoherence in a superconducting quantum bit circuit 2005 Grégoire Ithier
Eddy Collin
P. Joyez
P. J. Meeson
D. Vion
D. Estève
F. Chiarello
Alexander Shnirman
Yuriy Makhlin
Josef Schriefl
+ PDF Chat Quantum Noise in the Josephson Charge Qubit 2004 O. Astafiev
Yu. A. Pashkin
Yasunobu Nakamura
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
J. S. Tsai
+ PDF Chat Temperature Square Dependence of the Low Frequency<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:math>Charge Noise in the Josephson Junction Qubits 2006 O. Astafiev
Yu. A. Pashkin
Yasunobu Nakamura
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Jaw-Shen Tsai
+ PDF Chat U(1) Gauge Theory of the Hubbard Model: Spin Liquid States and Possible Application to<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>κ</mml:mi><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>BEDT</mml:mi><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mtext><mml:mi>TTF</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Cu</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false… 2005 Sung-Sik Lee
Patrick A. Lee
+ PDF Chat Advances in decoherence control 2004 Lorenza Viola
+ PDF Chat Fault-Tolerant Quantum Dynamical Decoupling 2005 Kaveh Khodjasteh
Daniel A. Lidar
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Suppression of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:math>Noise Processes in Qubit Systems 2004 Lara Faoro
Lorenza Viola
+ PDF Chat Performance of deterministic dynamical decoupling schemes: Concatenated and periodic pulse sequences 2007 Kaveh Khodjasteh
Daniel A. Lidar
+ PDF Chat Keeping a Quantum Bit Alive by Optimized<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>-Pulse Sequences 2007 Götz S. Uhrig
+ PDF Chat Dynamical suppression of telegraph and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:math>noise due to quantum bistable fluctuators 2004 G. Falci
A. D’Arrigo
A. Mastellone
E. Paladino
+ PDF Chat Amperean Pairing Instability in the U(1) Spin Liquid State with Fermi Surface and Application to<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>κ</mml:mi><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>BEDT</mml:mi><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mtext><mml:mi>TTF</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Cu</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo … 2007 Sung-Sik Lee
Patrick A. Lee
T. Senthil
+ PDF Chat Charge Echo in a Cooper-Pair Box 2002 Yasunobu Nakamura
Yu. A. Pashkin
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
J. S. Tsai
+ PDF Chat Doping a Mott insulator: Physics of high-temperature superconductivity 2006 Patrick A. Lee
Naoto Nagaosa
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Models of Environment and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>Relaxation in Josephson Charge Qubits 2005 Lara Faoro
Joakim Bergli
B. L. Altshuler
Y. M. Galperin
+ PDF Chat Dephasing of Solid-State Qubits at Optimal Points 2004 Yuriy Makhlin
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Spin Liquid State in an Organic Mott Insulator with a Triangular Lattice 2003 Yasuhiro Shimizu
Kazuya Miyagawa
Kazushi Kanoda
Mitsuhiko Maesato
G. Saito
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state engineering with Josephson-junction devices 2001 Yuriy Makhlin
Gerd Schön
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Two Level Systems and Kondo-Like Traps as Possible Sources of Decoherence in Superconducting Qubits 2006 Lara Faoro
L. B. Ioffe
+ PDF Chat Manipulating the Quantum State of an Electrical Circuit 2002 D. Vion
A. Aassime
Audrey Cottet
P. Joyez
H. Pothier
C. Urbina
D. Esteve
Michel Devoret
+ PDF Chat Variational study of triangular lattice spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math>model with ring exchanges and spin liquid state in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>κ</mml:mi><mml:mtext>−</mml:mtext><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>ET</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></… 2005 Olexei I. Motrunich
+ PDF Chat Decoherence and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mi>/</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">f</mml:mi></mml:math>Noise in Josephson Qubits 2002 E. Paladino
Lara Faoro
G. Falci
Rosario Fazio
+ PDF Chat Ohmic and Step Noise from a Single Trapping Center Hybridized with a Fermi Sea 2005 Rogério de Sousa
K. Birgitta Whaley
Frank K. Wilhelm
Jan von Delft
+ PDF Chat Low- and High-Frequency Noise from Coherent Two-Level Systems 2005 Alexander Shnirman
Gerd Schön
Ivar Martin
Yuriy Makhlin
+ PDF Chat Dynamical suppression of decoherence in two-state quantum systems 1998 Lorenza Viola
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Universal Pulse Sequence to Minimize Spin Dephasing in the Central Spin Decoherence Problem 2008 B. Lee
Wayne Witzel
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Suppressing charge noise decoherence in superconducting charge qubits 2008 J. A. Schreier
Andrew Houck
Jens Koch
David Schuster
Blake Johnson
Jerry M. Chow
Jay Gambetta
Johannes Majer
Luigi Frunzio
Michel Devoret
+ PDF Chat Quantum Boltzmann equation of composite fermions interacting with a gauge field 1995 Yong Baek Kim
Patrick A. Lee
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Pulse Coherence Enhancement of Solid State Spin Qubits 2007 Wayne Witzel
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Interior Gap Superfluidity 2003 W. Vincent Liu
Frank Wilczek
+ The time-scale for core collapse in spherical star clusters 1996 Gerald D. Quinlan
+ PDF Chat Decoherence of Flux Qubits due to<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:math>Flux Noise 2006 Fumiki Yoshihara
K. Harrabi
A. O. Niskanen
Yasunobu Nakamura
Jaw-Shen Tsai
+ PDF Chat Suppression of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>noise in one-qubit systems 2008 Pekko Kuopanportti
Mikko Möttönen
Ville Bergholm
O.-P. Saira
Jun Zhang
K. Birgitta Whaley
+ PDF Chat Thermal conductivity across the phase diagram of cuprates: Low-energy quasiparticles and doping dependence of the superconducting gap 2003 M. Sutherland
D. G. Hawthorn
R. W. Hill
F. Ronning
Shuichi Wakimoto
H. Zhang
Cyril Proust
Etienne Boaknin
Christian Lupien
Louis Taillefer
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of matrix elements in partially projected wave functions 2005 Noboru Fukushima
Bernhard Edegger
V. N. Muthukumar
Claudius Gros
+ PDF Chat Theory of nuclear-induced spectral diffusion: Spin decoherence of phosphorus donors in Si and GaAs quantum dots 2003 Rogério de Sousa
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Slave-rotor mean-field theories of strongly correlated systems and the Mott transition in finite dimensions 2004 Serge Florens
Antoine Georges
+ PDF Chat Pre-collapse evolution of galactic globular clusters 1995 Toshiyuki Fukushige
Douglas C. Heggie
+ Numerical integration of the Fokker-Planck equation and the evolution of star clusters 1979 H. N. Cohn
+ PDF Chat Order-disorder in hexagonal lattices 1950 Raymond Marie Ferdinand Houtappel
+ PDF Chat The Evolution of Globular Clusters in the Galaxy 2000 Koji Takahashi
Simon Portegies Zwart
+ Microscopic Model of Critical Current Noise in Josephson Junctions 2007 M. Constantin
Clare C. Yu
+ PDF Chat NMR techniques for quantum control and computation 2005 L. M. K. Vandersypen
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Theory of asymmetric tunneling in the cuprate superconductors 2005 Philip W. Anderson
N. P. Ong
+ PDF Chat Effects of Tidal Shocks on the Evolution of Globular Clusters 1999 Oleg Y. Gnedin
Hyung Mok Lee
Jeremiah P. Ostriker
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in Quantum Critical Phenomena 2003 Guifré Vidal
José I. Latorre
E. Rico
Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of capacitively coupled Josephson-junction qubits 2003 Philip R. Johnson
Frederick W. Strauch
Alex J. Dragt
Roberto Ramos
C. J. Lobb
J. R. Anderson
F. C. Wellstood
+ PDF Chat Universal asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of density matrices and corner transfer matrices in the thermodynamic limit 1999 Kouichi Okunishi
Yasuhiro Hieida
Yasuhiro Akutsu
+ PDF Chat Low-decoherence flux qubit 2007 J. Q. You
Xuedong Hu
Sahel Ashhab
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Coherent inverse photoemission spectrum for Gutzwiller projected superconductors 2005 Seiji Yunoki
+ PDF Chat Staggered-flux normal state in the weakly doped<i>t-J</i>model 2003 Д. А. Иванов
Patrick A. Lee