С. С. Волосивец


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Direct and inverse approximation theorems connected with the q-Bessel Fourier transform in weighted $$L^2$$ space 2025 С. С. Волосивец
Yulia I Krotova
+ Dual Boas type and weighted integrability results for deformed Hankel transform 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized Lipschitz classes in uniform metric and q-Dunkl Fourier transforms 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Some approximation theorems in Fourier-Jacobi analysis and Boas type results for Nikol’skii spaces 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Integrability and Boas type results for a generalized Fourier–Bessel transform 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Integrability and Boas Type Results for a Generalized Fourier–Bessel Transform 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by linear means of Vilenkin–Fourier series in Stepanets spaces 2024 A. N. Mingachev
С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Vallée-Poussin Type Means of Vilenkin-Fourier Series 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Riesz–Zygmund Means and Approximation in Variable Exponent Grand Spaces 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Riesz–Zygmund means and trigonometric approximation in Morrey spaces 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Estimates for the second Hankel Clifford transform and Titchmarsh equivalence theorem 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Haar and Walsh Polynomials in Weighted Generalized Grand Lebesgue Space 2024 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ On Wiener and Levy Type Theorems for System of Characters of the Ring of $$p$$-Adic Integers 2024 С. С. Волосивец
A. N. Mingachev
+ Integrability of series with respect to multiplicative systems and generalized derivatives 2024 N. Yu. Agafonova
С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized Multiple Multiplicative Fourier Transform and Estimates of Integral Moduli of Continuity 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Boas Type Results for Two-Sided Quaternion Fourier Transform and Uniform Lipschitz Spaces 2024 С. С. Волосивец
+ Integrability of Series with Respect to Multiplicative Systems and Generalized Derivatives 2024 N. Yu. Agafonova
С. С. Волосивец
+ Boas-type results for Mellin transform 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Dual Boas Type Results for the Quaternion Transform and Generalized Lipschitz Spaces 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Haar polynomials in variable exponent grand Lebesgue spaces 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Fourier–Bessel transforms from generalized Lipschitz spaces and weighted Lebesgue spaces 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Boas and Titchmarsh Type Theorems for Generalized Lipschitz Classes and $$q$$-Bessel Fourier Transform 2023 С. С. Волосивец
Yu. I. Krotova
+ Dual Boas-type theorems and weighted integrability results for second Hankel–Clifford transform 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted integrability results for first Hankel-Clifford transform 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ $$L^1$$-Convergence of Double Vilenkin Series 2023 N. Yu. Agafonova
С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Boas Type and Titchmarsh Type Theorems for Generalized Fourier-Bessel Transform 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Fourier transforms and fractional Lipschitz and Nikol’skii classes in uniform metric 2023 Yu. I. Krotova
С. С. Волосивец
+ Polynomial Approximation with Respect to Multiplicative Systems in the Morrey Space 2023 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation in Variable Exponent Spaces and Growth of Norms of Trigonometric Polynomials 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ On the Magnitude of Fourier Coefficients with Respect to the Character System of $$\mathbb Z_p$$ 2022 С. С. Волосивец
A. N. Mingachev
+ Fourier Transforms of Convolutions of Functions in Lebesgue and Lorentz Spaces 2022 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Fourier-Dunkl transforms and generalized symmetric Lipschitz classes 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted integrability of Fourier–Jacobi transforms 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted integrability of Fourier-Dunkl transforms and generalized Lipschitz classes 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Haar and Walsh Polynomials in Weighted Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by linear means of Fourier series and realization functionals in weighted Orlicz spaces 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Modified Hardy and Hardy–Littlewood Fractional Operators in Morrey–Herz Spaces and Their Commutators in Weighted Spaces 2022 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Realization Functionals and Description of a Modulus of Smoothness in Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces 2022 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted Integrability of Multiple Multiplicative Fourier Transforms 2022 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Fourier-Bessel transforms and generalized uniform Lipschitz classes 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ A Distributional Proof of $$p$$-Adic Wiener Tauberian Theorem and Approximation by Translates of a Function 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Vilenkin Polynomials in Weighted Orlicz Spaces 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Ulyanov-type embedding theorems for functions on zero-dimensional locally compact groups 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Modified modulus of smoothness and approximation in weighted Lorentz spaces by Borel and Euler means 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Ulyanov-Type Embedding Theorems for Functions on Zero-Dimensional Locally Compact Groups 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Criteria for a Function to Belong to the $$p$$-Variational Besov Space 2021 С. С. Волосивец
S. A. Krayukhin
+ Lebesgue Means of Trigonometric Integrals and Their Rate of Convergence 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ Hausdorff Operators of Special Kind in BMO-type Spaces and Hölder–Lipschitz Spaces 2020 С. С. Волосивец
+ On the magnitude of Vilenkin–Fourier coefficients 2020 С. С. Волосивец
M. A. Kuznetsova
+ Approximation by Haar type polynomials in weighted rearrangement invariant spaces 2020 С. С. Волосивец
+ Estimates of Best Approximations of Transformed Fourier Series in Lp-Norm and p-Variational Norm 2020 С. С. Волосивец
A. A. Tyuleneva
+ Weighted Integrability of $$p$$-Adic Fourier Transform 2020 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Embedding Theorems for Hölder Classes Defined on p-Adic Linear Spaces 2020 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized Absolute Convergence of Single and Double Series in Multiplicative Systems 2020 С. С. Волосивец
M. A. Kuznetsova
+ Double cosine-sine series and Nikol'skii classes in uniform metric 2019 С. С. Волосивец
+ Functions of bounded p-variation and weighted integrability of Fourier transforms 2019 S. A. Krayukhin
С. С. Волосивец
+ Modified Fractional Hardy and Hardy-Littlewood Operators and Their Commutators 2019 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Hausdorff Operator on Weighted Lebesgue and Grand Lebesgue p-Adic Spaces 2019 Rovshan A. Bandaliyev
С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by Trigonometric Polynomials in Stechkin Majorant Spaces 2019 С. С. Волосивец
+ Martingale Inequalities in Symmetric Spaces with Semimultiplicative Weight 2019 С. С. Волосивец
N. N. Zaitsev
+ Generalized p-Adic Fourier Transform and Estimates of Integral Modulus of Continuity in Terms of This Transform 2018 С. С. Волосивец
M. A. Kuznetsova
+ PDF Chat Approximation of functions and their conjugates in L<sup>p</sup> and uniform metric by Euler means 2018 С. С. Волосивец
A. A. Tyuleneva
+ Multiple sine series and Nikol’skii classes in uniform metric 2018 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized Absolute Convergence of Series of Fourier Coefficients With Respect to Haar Type Systems 2018 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Cosine and sine series with generalized monotone coefficients in Lorentz spaces 2017 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted Hardy and Cesàro operators on Heisenberg group and their norms 2017 С. С. Волосивец
+ Series in multiplicative systems in Lorentz spaces 2017 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weak and strong estimates for rough Hausdorff type operator defined on p-adic linear space 2017 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized absolute convergence of the series of fourier coefficients with respect to Haar type systems 2017 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Multiplicative convolutions of functions from Lorentz spaces and convergence of series of Fourier–Vilenkin coefficients 2017 С. С. Волосивец
M. A. Kuznetsova
+ Generalized fractional integrals in p-adic morrey and Herz spaces 2017 С. С. Волосивец
+ Embeddings of Generalized Bounded Variation Function Spaces into Spaces of Functions with Given Majorant of Average Modulus of Continuity 2017 С. С. Волосивец
A. E. Vezhlev
+ Fourier Transforms of Multiplicative Convolutions 2017 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation of functions and their conjugates in variable Lebesgue spaces 2016 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized monotonicity of sequences and functions of bounded p-variation 2016 С. С. Волосивец
A. A. Tyuleneva
+ Approximation of polynomials in the Haar system in weighted symmetric spaces 2016 С. С. Волосивец
+ Sidon-type inequalities and strong approximation by Fourier sums in multiplicative systems 2016 С. С. Волосивец
Т. В. Лихачева
+ Weighted Integrability of Double Series with Respect to Multiplicative Systems 2015 С. С. Волосивец
Р. Н. Фадеев
+ Hausdorff operators defined by measures on p-adic linear spaces and their norms 2015 С. С. Волосивец
+ Uniform convergence and integrability of multiplicative Fourier transforms 2015 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ The Strong Approximation of Functions by Fourier-Vilenkin Series in Uniform and Holder Metrics 2015 Tatjana Vladimirovna Iofina
С. С. Волосивец
+ Multiple Fourier coefficients and generalized Lipschitz classes in uniform metric 2015 С. С. Волосивец
+ Hardy-Goldberg operator and its conjugate one in hardy spaces and BMO $$(\mathbb{T})$$ 2015 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation by polynomials with respect to multiplicative systems in weighted L p -spaces 2015 С. С. Волосивец
+ Modified Bessel $ {\mathbf P}$-integrals and $ \mathbf P$-derivatives and their properties 2014 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Absolute Convergence of the Series of Fourier-Haar Coefficients 2014 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Весовая интегрируемость сумм рядов по мультипликативным системам 2014 С. С. Волосивец
Р. Н. Фадеев
+ PDF Chat Wiener type theorems for Fourier-Vilenikin series with nonnegative coefficients and solid spaces 2014 С. С. Волосивец
+ Embedding Theorems for P-nary Hardy and VMO Spaces 2014 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted Integrability of Sums of Series with Respect to Multiplicative Systems 2014 С. С. Волосивец
Р. Н. Фадеев
+ Теоремы вложения для p-ичных пространств Харди и v m o 2014 С. С. Волосивец
+ Maximal function and Riesz potential on p-adic linear spaces 2013 С. С. Волосивец
+ Fourier transforms in generalized Lipschitz classes 2013 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Hausdorff operators on p-adic linear spaces and their properties in Hardy, BMO, and Hölder spaces 2013 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat The generalized monotonicity class and integrability of power series 2013 С. С. Волосивец
В. В. Кривобок
+ Тождества типа Титчмарша для обобщенных операторов Харди и Харди-Литтлвуда 2013 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Fourier cosine and sine transforms and generalized Lipschitz classes in the uniform metric 2012 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ The Weighted L 1-integrability of functions and the parseval equality with respect to multiplicative systems 2012 С. С. Волосивец
+ Hausdorff operator of special kind in Morrey and Herz p-adic spaces 2012 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalized absolute convergence of single and double Fourier series with respect to multiplicative systems 2012 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Estimates of best approximations in integral metrics and Fourier coefficients with respect to multiplicative systems 2011 С. С. Волосивец
Р. Н. Фадеев
+ Fourier transforms and generalized Lipschitz classes in uniform metric 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ Hausdorff operator of special kind on p-adic field and BMO-type spaces 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ Generalization of the multiplicative Fourier transform and its properties 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ On Weighted Analogs of Wiener’s and Levy’s Theorems for Fourier – Vilenkin Series 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ О весовых аналогах теорем Винера и Леви для рядов Фурье Виленкина 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ Multidimensional Hausdorff operator on p-adic field 2010 С. С. Волосивец
+ Weighted integrability of multiplicative Fourier transforms 2010 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ Абсолютная сходимость кратных рядов по мультипликативным системам 2010 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ On the Integrability and Uniform Convergence of Multiplicative Fourier Transforms 2009 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ On Hardy and Bellman transforms of series with respect to multiplicative systems in symmetric spaces 2009 С. С. Волосивец
+ Абсолютная сходимость простых и двойных рядов Фурье по мультипликативным системам 2009 С. С. Волосивец
+ On the degree of approximation by means of Fourier-Vilenkin series in Hölder and Lp norm 2009 Т. В. Иофина
С. С. Волосивец
+ Fourier Coefficients and Generalized Lipschitz Classes in Uniform Metric 2009 С. С. Волосивец
+ Applications of P-adic generalized functions and approximations by a system of p-adic translations of a function 2009 С. С. Волосивец
+ Absolute Convergence of Single and Double Fourier Series on Multiplicative Systems 2009 С. С. Волосивец
+ Convergence of series of Fourier coefficients for multiplicative convolutions 2008 С. С. Волосивец
+ Hardy and Bellman transformations of series with respect to multiplicative systems 2008 С. С. Волосивец
+ The hardy and bellman operators in spaces connected with H( % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaagaart1ev2aaatCvAUfKttLearuqr1ngBPrgarmWu51MyVXgatC % vAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaeHbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharyavP1wz % ZbItLDhis9wBH5garqqtubsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbb % L8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpe % pae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-xfr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaam % aaeaqbaaGcbaWefv3ySLgznfgDOjdarCqr1ngBPrginfgDObcv39ga % iyaacqWFtcpvaaa!46CC! $$ \mathbb{T} $$ ) and BMO( % MathType!MTEF!2!1… 2008 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ The Hardy and Bellman Operators in Spaces Connected with H(T) and BMO(T) 2008 С. С. Волосивец
Б. И. Голубов
+ On Convergence of Fourier – Vilenkin Series in L p [0, 1), 0 < p ≤ 1 2008 С. С. Волосивец
+ Multipliers of convergence in norm of series with respect to multiplicative systems 2007 N. Yu. Agafonova
С. С. Волосивец
+ Refined theorems of approximation theory in the space of p-absolutely continuous functions 2006 С. С. Волосивец
+ The modified multiplicative integral and derivative of arbitrary order on the semiaxis 2006 С. С. Волосивец
+ Convergence of fourier series with respect to multiplicative systems and the p-fluctuation continuity modulus 2006 С. С. Волосивец
+ O priblizhenii funktsii ogranichennoi p-variatsii polinomami po sistemam Khaara--Vilenkina 2005 С. С. Волосивец
O. S. Skorynskaya
+ On P-adic analogs of Hardy and Hardy-Littlewood operators 2005 С. С. Волосивец
+ None 2000 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation of functions of boundedp-variation by polynomials in terms of the faber-schauder system 1997 С. С. Волосивец
+ Asymptotic properties of one compact set of smooth functions in the space of functions of boundedp-variation 1995 С. С. Волосивец
+ Approximation of functions of bounded p-variation by means of polynomials of the Haar and Walsh systems 1993 С. С. Волосивец
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals 1938 A. C. Offord
+ Walsh Series and Transforms: Theory and Applications 1991 Б. И. Голубов
А. В. Ефимов
В. А. Скворцов
+ Theory of Approximation of Functions of a Real Variable 1963 A.F. TIMAN
+ Absolutely convergent Fourier integrals and classical function spaces 2008 Ferenc Móricz
+ p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1994 V. S. Vladimirov
И. В. Волович
E. I. Zelenov
+ Fourier transforms and generalized Lipschitz classes in uniform metric 2011 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions 1984 Neal Koblitz
+ PDF Chat On Generalized Lipschitz Classes and Fourier Series 2004 Sergey Tikhonov
+ Fourier-Bessel transforms and generalized uniform Lipschitz classes 2021 С. С. Волосивец
+ The Quadratic Variation of a Function and its Fourier Coefficients 1924 Norbert Wiener
+ Fourier Analysis on Local Fields. 2016 Mitchell Taibleson
+ Trigonometric series with general monotone coefficients 2006 Sergey Tikhonov
+ A Treatise on Trigonometric Series 1964 12
+ Sufficient conditions for the Lebesgue integrability of Fourier transforms 2010 Ferenc Móricz
+ PDF Chat p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions 1977 Neal Koblitz
+ Absolutely convergent Fourier series and function classes 2006 Ferenc Móricz
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for the Hardy maximal function 1972 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ Functions of bounded p-variation and weighted integrability of Fourier transforms 2019 S. A. Krayukhin
С. С. Волосивец
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat An inequality of the Hölder type, connected with Stieltjes integration 1936 Louise Young
+ Boas-type theorems for the q-Bessel Fourier transform 2021 El Mehdi Berkak
El Mehdi Loualid
Radouan Daher
+ On a generalization of the concept of derivative 1977 Julius Pál
Peter Šimon
+ Bessel harmonic analysis and approximation of functions on the half-line 2007 Сергей Сергеевич Платонов
+ None 2000 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Smoothness conditions and Fourier series 2007 Sergey Tikhonov
+ Trigonometric series of Nikol’skii classes 2006 Sergey Tikhonov
+ On the Integrability and Uniform Convergence of Multiplicative Fourier Transforms 2009 Б. И. Голубов
С. С. Волосивец
+ Walsh series and transforms 1992 John H. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Best possible sufficient conditions for the Fourier transform to satisfy the Lipschitz or Zygmund condition 2010 Ferenc Móricz
+ The Hausdorff operator is bounded on the real Hardy space 𝐻¹(ℝ) 1999 Elijah Liflyand
Ferenc Móricz
+ Absolutely convergent multiple fourier series and multiplicative Lipschitz classes of functions 2008 Ferenc Móricz
+ Lp and BMO Bounds of Weighted Hardy–Littlewood Averages 2001 Jie Xiao
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for Vilenkin-Fourier series 1993 Wo-Sang Young
+ Integral smoothness properties of periodic functions of bounded p-variation 1967 А. П. Терехин
+ Boas-type theorems for the Bessel transform 2021 El Mehdi Loualid
Abdelghani Elgargati
El Mehdi Berkak
Radouan Daher
+ On the Hankel transform of functions from Nikol'ski type classes 2020 S. S. Platonov
+ PDF Chat Best Trigonometric Approximation, Fractional Order Derivatives and Lipschitz Classes 1977 P. L. Butzer
Harald Dyckhoff
E. Görlich
R. L. Stens
+ Higher order Lipschitz classes of functions and absolutely convergent Fourier series 2008 Ferenc Móricz
+ Generalized Lipschitz spaces and Herz spaces on certain totally disconnected groups 1982 C. W. Onneweer
+ ltivariate Hausdorff operators on the spaces H1(Rn) and BMO(Rn) 2005 Ferenc Móricz
+ Approximation of Functions of Several Variables and Imbedding Theorems 1975 Sergei Mihailovic Nikol’skii
+ Integrability of the Fourier–Jacobi transform of functions satisfying Lipschitz and Dini–Lipschitz-type estimates 2021 Radouan Daher
Othman Tyr
+ Variable Lebesgue Spaces 2013 David Cruz-Uribe
Alberto Fıorenza
+ PDF Chat On absolutely convergent Fourier series 1974 C. W. Onneweer
+ PDF Chat Approximation of functions and their conjugates in L<sup>p</sup> and uniform metric by Euler means 2018 С. С. Волосивец
A. A. Tyuleneva
+ On P-adic analogs of Hardy and Hardy-Littlewood operators 2005 С. С. Волосивец
+ PDF Chat Fourier series and mean moduli of continuity 1937 Otto Szász
+ PDF Chat Another characterization of BMO 1980 Ronald R. Coifman
Richard Rochberg
+ Estimates of weighted Hardy–Littlewood averages on the p-adic vector space 2006 Kyung Soo Rim
Jaesung Lee
+ PDF Chat On the solutions of quasi-linear elliptic partial differential equations 1938 Charles B. Morrey