Evita Nestoridi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cutoff for the Biased Random Transposition Shuffle 2024 Evita Nestoridi
Alan Yan
+ Approximating the Stationary Distribution of the ASEP with Open Boundaries 2024 Evita Nestoridi
D. Schmid
+ Rowmotion Markov chains 2024 Colin Defant
Rupert Li
Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Comparing limit profiles of reversible Markov chains 2024 Evita Nestoridi
+ Limit profiles for projections of random walks on groups 2024 Evita Nestoridi
Sam Olesker-Taylor
+ The random walk on upper triangular matrices over $$\mathbb {Z}/m \mathbb {Z}$$ 2023 Evita Nestoridi
Allan Sly
+ PDF Cutoff on Trees is Rare 2023 Nina Gantert
Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ PDF Chat Bounded Cutoff Window for the Non-backtracking Random Walk on Ramanujan Graphs 2023 Evita Nestoridi
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries 2023 Nina Gantert
Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ The $S_k$ shuffle block dynamics 2023 Evita Nestoridi
Amanda Priestley
Dominik Schmid
+ Approximating the stationary distribution of the ASEP with open boundaries 2023 Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ Leading All The Way 2023 Peter E. Francis
Evita Nestoridi
Peter Winkler
+ Limit Profile for Projections of Random Walks on Groups 2022 Evita Nestoridi
Sam Olesker-Taylor
+ PDF Chat Mixing times of one-sided $k$-transposition shuffles 2021 Evita Nestoridi
Kenny Peng
+ The Limit Profile of Star Transpositions 2021 Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Limit profiles for reversible Markov chains 2021 Evita Nestoridi
Sam Olesker-Taylor
+ PDF Chat Generalized harmonic functions on trees: Universality and frequent universality 2021 N. Biehler
Evita Nestoridi
Vassili Nestoridis
+ PDF The full spectrum of random walks on complete finite d-ary trees 2021 Evita Nestoridi
Hoi H. Nguyen
+ The Limit Profile of Star Transpositions 2021 Evita Nestoridi
+ Mixing times of one-sided $k$-transposition shuffles 2021 Evita Nestoridi
Kenny Peng
+ Bounded cutoff window for the non-backtracking random walk on Ramanujan Graphs 2021 Evita Nestoridi
Peter Sarnak
+ Cutoff on trees is rare 2020 Nina Gantert
Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ PDF Cutoff for the Bernoulli–Laplace urn model with $o(n)$ swaps 2020 Alexandros Eskenazis
Evita Nestoridi
+ Limit Profiles for Markov Chains 2020 Evita Nestoridi
Sam Thomas
+ PDF On the mixing time of the Diaconis–Gangolli random walk on contingency tables over $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ 2020 Evita Nestoridi
Hoi H. Nguyen
+ Generalized Harmonic Functions on Trees: Universality and Frequent Universality 2020 N. Biehler
Evita Nestoridi
Vassili Nestoridis
+ Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries 2020 Nina Gantert
Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ The random walk on upper triangular matrices over $\mathbb{Z}/m \mathbb{Z}$ 2020 Evita Nestoridi
Allan Sly
+ Cutoff on trees is rare 2020 Nina Gantert
Evita Nestoridi
Dominik Schmid
+ On the spectrum of random walks on complete finite $d$-ary trees 2019 Evita Nestoridi
Hoi H. Nguyen
+ PDF Cutoff for the cyclic adjacent transposition shuffle 2019 Danny Nam
Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Cutoff for random to random card shuffle 2019 Megan Bernstein
Evita Nestoridi
+ On the spectrum of random walks on complete finite $d$-ary trees 2019 Evita Nestoridi
Oanh Kieu Nguyen
+ Super-character theory and comparison arguments for a random walk on the upper triangular matrices 2018 Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Chat Optimal strong stationary times for random walks on the chambers of a hyperplane arrangement 2018 Evita Nestoridi
+ On the mixing time of the Diaconis--Gangolli random walk on contingency tables over $\mathbb{Z}/ q \mathbb{Z}$ 2018 Evita Nestoridi
Hoi H. Nguyen
+ Cutoff for the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model with $o(n)$ swaps 2018 Alexandros Eskenazis
Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Chat Shuffling Large Decks of Cards and the Bernoulli–Laplace Urn Model 2018 Evita Nestoridi
Graham White
+ Cutoff for the cyclic adjacent transposition shuffle 2018 Danny Nam
Evita Nestoridi
+ On the mixing time of the Diaconis--Gangolli random walk on contingency tables over $\mathbb{Z}/ q \mathbb{Z}$ 2018 Evita Nestoridi
Oanh Nguyen
+ Cutoff for the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model with $o(n)$ swaps 2018 Alexandros Eskenazis
Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Chat A non-local random walk on the hypercube 2017 Evita Nestoridi
+ Optimal strong stationary times for random walks on the chambers of a hyperplane arrangement 2017 Evita Nestoridi
+ Cutoff for random to random card shuffle 2017 Megan Bernstein
Evita Nestoridi
+ Optimal strong stationary times for random walks on the chambers of a hyperplane arrangement 2017 Evita Nestoridi
+ Cutoff for random to random card shuffle 2017 Megan Bernstein
Evita Nestoridi
+ Super-character theory and comparison arguments for a random walk on the upper triangular matrices 2016 Evita Nestoridi
+ Shuffling large decks of cards and the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model 2016 Evita Nestoridi
Graham White
+ Random walks on hyperplane arrangements and stopping times 2016 Evita Nestoridi
+ Super-character theory and comparison arguments for a random walk on the upper triangular matrices 2016 Evita Nestoridi
+ Shuffling large decks of cards and the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model 2016 Evita Nestoridi
Graham White
+ A non-local Random Walk on the Hypercube 2015 Evita Nestoridi
+ A non-local Random Walk on the Hypercube 2015 Evita Nestoridi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Trailing the Dovetail Shuffle to its Lair 1992 Dave Bayer
Persi Diaconis
+ Time to Reach Stationarity in the Bernoulli–Laplace Diffusion Model 1987 Persi Diaconis
Mehrdad Shahshahan
+ Group representations in probability and statistics 1988 Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Comparison Techniques for Random Walk on Finite Groups 1993 Persi Diaconis
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Random walks on finite groups and rapidly mixing markov chains 1983 David Aldous
+ PDF Comparison Theorems for Reversible Markov Chains 1993 Persi Diaconis
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Limit profile for random transpositions 2020 Lucas Teyssier
+ PDF Total variation cutoff in birth-and-death chains 2008 Jian Ding
Eyal Lubetzky
Yuval Peres
+ Cutoff for nonbacktracking random walks on sparse random graphs 2017 Anna Ben-Hamou
Justin Salez
+ PDF Chat Cutoff on all Ramanujan graphs 2016 Eyal Lubetzky
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Path coupling: A technique for proving rapid mixing in Markov chains 2002 Russ Bubley
Martin Dyer
+ Mixing time and cutoff for the adjacent transposition shuffle and the simple exclusion 2016 Hubert Lacoin
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of random-to-random Markov chains 2017 A. B. Dieker
Franco Saliola
+ Asymptotic analysis of a random walk on a hypercube with many dimensions 1990 Persi Diaconis
Ronald Graham
J. A. Morrison
+ PDF Chat Can Extra Updates Delay Mixing? 2013 Yuval Peres
Peter Winkler
+ PDF Cutoff profile of ASEP on a segment 2022 Alexey Bufetov
Peter Nejjar
+ PDF Random walks and hyperplane arrangements 1998 Kenneth S. Brown
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat Tableaux combinatorics for the asymmetric exclusion process and Askey-Wilson polynomials 2011 Sylvie Corteel
Lauren Williams
+ PDF Cutoff for random to random card shuffle 2019 Megan Bernstein
Evita Nestoridi
+ PDF Chat Open ASEP in the Weakly Asymmetric Regime 2018 Ivan Corwin
Hao Shen
+ PDF Basic characters of the unitriangular group (for arbitrary primes) 2002 Carlos A. M. André
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic and combinatorial aspects of the card‐cyclic to random insertion shuffle 2013 Ross G. Pinsky
+ PDF Merging for time inhomogeneous finite Markov chains, Part I: Singular values and stability 2009 Laurent Saloff‐Coste
J. ZĂșñiga
+ Combinatorics of the two-species ASEP and Koornwinder moments 2017 Sylvie Corteel
Olya Mandelshtam
Lauren Williams
+ None 2000 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Convergence to uniform on the finite heisenberg group and applications to random number generators 1989 Maria Russell Zack
Audrey Terras
+ PDF Mixing of the upper triangular matrix walk 2012 Yuval Peres
Allan Sly
+ The Regular Character of the Unitriangular Group 1998 Carlos A. M. André
+ Time to Reach Stationarity in the Bernoulli–Laplace Diffusion Model with Many Urns 1997 Fabio Scarabotti
+ PDF Chat Bethe Ansatz Solution of the Asymmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundaries 2005 Jan de Gier
Fabian H. L. Eßler
+ PDF A Combinatorial Derivation of the PASEP Stationary State 2006 R Brak
Sylvie Corteel
J W Essam
Robert Parviainen
Andrew Rechnitzer
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium steady states of matrix-product form: a solver's guide 2007 Richard A. Blythe
M. R. Evans
+ PDF Order of current variance and diffusivity in the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2010 MĂĄrton BalĂĄzs
Timo SeppÀlÀinen
+ A super-class walk on upper-triangular matrices 2003 Ery Arias-Castro
Persi Diaconis
Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF A rule of thumb for riffle shuffling 2011 Sami Assaf
Persi Diaconis
K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Exact solution of a 1D asymmetric exclusion model using a matrix formulation 1993 Bernard Derrida
M. R. Evans
Vincent Hakim
Vincent Pasquier
+ A combinatorial description of the spectrum for the Tsetlin library and its generalization to hyperplane arrangements 1999 Pat Bidigare
Phil Hanlon
Dan Rockmore
+ Representations of Finite Unipotent Linear Groups by the Method of Clusters 2010 Ning Yan
+ PDF Random Shuffles and Group Representations 1985 Leopold Flatto
Andrew Odlyzko
David B. Wales
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries and Askey–Wilson polynomials 2004 Masaru Uchiyama
Tomohiro Sasamoto
Miki Wadati
+ A determinantal formula for Catalan tableaux and TASEP probabilities 2015 Olya Mandelshtam
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of a partially asymmetric exclusion model using a deformed oscillator algebra 2000 Richard A. Blythe
M. R. Evans
Francesca Colaiori
Fabian H. L. Eßler
+ PDF Chat Two-species asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries 2006 Masaru Uchiyama
+ PDF A lower bound for the mixing time of the random-to-random Insertions shuffle 2013 Eliran Subag
+ PDF Mixing times of lozenge tiling and card shuffling Markov chains 2004 David B. Wilson
+ Basic Sums of Coadjoint Orbits of the Unitriangular Group 1995 Carlos A. M. André
+ PDF Functions of random walks on hyperplane arrangements 2010 Christos A. Athanasiadis
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Random Walks on the Groups of Upper Triangular Matrices 1995 Richard Stong
+ The cutoff phenomenon in finite Markov chains. 1996 Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Mixing time of the card-cyclic-to-random shuffle 2014 Ben Morris
Weiyang Ning
Yuval Peres