Marc Jungers


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stabilization of aperiodic sampled-data switched affine systems to hybrid limit cycles 2024 Carolina Albea
Mathias Serieye
Alexandre Seuret
Marc Jungers
+ Some LMIs for the design of dynamic output feedback contractive controllers for a class of nonlinear systems 2024 Mattia Giaccagli
Marc Jungers
Sophie Tarbouriech
+ Graph-based conditions for feedback stabilization of switched and LPV systems 2023 Matteo Della Rossa
Thiago Alves Lima
Marc Jungers
Raphaël M. Jungers
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of output controllability for LTI systems 2023 Baparou Danhane
JérÎme Lohéac
Marc Jungers
+ Graph-Based Conditions for Feedback Stabilization of Switched and LPV Systems 2023 Matteo Della Rossa
Thiago Alves Lima
Marc Jungers
Raphaël M. Jungers
+ PDF Chat Black-box stability analysis of hybrid systems with sample-based multiple Lyapunov functions 2022 Adrien Banse
Zheming Wang Raphaël
Marc Jungers
+ PDF Chat Optimal H<sub>∞</sub> LMI-Based Model Reduction by Moment Matching for Linear Time-Invariant Models 2021 M.F. Shakib
Giordano Scarciotti
Marc Jungers
A. Pogromsky
Alexey Pavlov
Nathan van de Wouw
+ PDF Chat Contributions to Output Controllability for Linear Time Varying Systems 2021 Baparou Danhane
JérÎme Lohéac
Marc Jungers
+ Solving parameterized non-symmetric algebraic Riccati equations: A matrix sign function approach 2019 Marc Jungers
Cristian OarĂą
+ Dynamic output absolute stabilization of a discrete-time switched Lur'e system 2018 Marc Jungers
Jamal Daafouz
+ PDF Chat Guaranteed cost control design for descriptor systems with time-varying delays 2017 Mohamad Taki Asghar
Marc Jungers
Irinel-Constantin Morgrescu
Ahmed Khelassi
Julien Francken
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions for convergence of discrete-time Lur'e type systems 2017 Marc Jungers
Nathan van de Wouw
+ On the existence of a stabilizing open-loop Nash strategy for infinite time horizon LQ games 2016 Marc Jungers
+ PDF Chat Consistance des systÚmes de Lur'e commutés : application à la synthÚse de commande numérique avec un échantillonnage non uniforme 2015 Julien Louis
Marc Jungers
Jamal Daafouz
+ Sampling period assignment: A cooperative design approach 2014 Vitor Mateus Moraes
Marc Jungers
Ubirajara F. Moreno
EugĂȘnio B. Castelan
+ Sur l’utilisation d’une fonction de Lyapunov à lignes de niveau non connexes 2013 Julien Louis
Marc Jungers
Jamal Daafouz
+ Feedback strategies for discrete-time linear-quadratic two-player descriptor games 2013 Marc Jungers
+ Contributions aux équations généralisées de Riccati et systÚmes à commutations 2013 Marc Jungers
+ PDF Chat Necessary and sufficient condition for stabilizability of discrete-time linear switched systems: a set-theory approach* 2013 Mirko Fiacchini
Marc Jungers
+ Continuous-Time Non-Symmetric Algebraic Riccati Theory: A Matrix Pencil Approach 2012 Marc Jungers
Cristian OarĂą
+ Anti-Palindromic Pencil Formulation for Open-Loop Stackelberg Strategy in Discrete-Time 2010 Marc Jungers
Cristian OarĂą
+ PDF Chat Power allocation games in wireless networks of multi-antenna terminals 2010 E. Veronica Belmega
Samson Lasaulce
MĂ©rouane Debbah
Marc Jungers
Julien Dumont
+ A generalization of a trace inequality for positive definite matrices 2010 E. Veronica Belmega
Marc Jungers
Samson Lasaulce
+ Power Allocation Games in Wireless Networks of Multi-antenna Terminals 2010 E. Veronica Belmega
Samson Lasaulce
MĂ©rouane Debbah
Marc Jungers
Julien Dumont
+ Nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati theory: A matrix pencil approach 2009 Marc Jungers
Cristian OarĂą
+ Open-loop Nash strategy for linear-quadratic games via matrix pencil approach 2009 Marc Jungers
Hisham Abou‐Kandil
Cristian OarĂą
Radu ƞtefan
+ Open-Loop Stackelberg Strategy for Linear Quadratic games via Matrix Pencil Approach 2009 Marc Jungers
Hisham Abou‐Kandil
Cristian OarĂą
Radu ĂŁefan
+ A Stackelberg Game Approach to Mixed H2/Hinf Control 2008 Marc Jungers
Emmanuel Trélat
Hisham Abou‐Kandil
+ PDF Chat Robust multi criteria control - a gametheoretic approach 2006 Marc Jungers
+ Jeux différentiels LQ de Stackelberg avec une pondération temporelle commune 2006 Marc Jungers
+ Robustesse de différentes commandes issues de la stratégie de Nash 2004 Marc Jungers
Hisham Abou‐Kandil
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Existence of algebraic matrix Riccati equations arising in transport theory 1995 Jonq Juang
+ Proper deflating subspaces: properties, algorithms and applications 1994 Cristian OarĂą
+ Matrix Riccati Equations in Control and Systems Theory 2003 Hisham Abou‐Kandil
+ PDF Chat Least squares stationary optimal control and the algebraic Riccati equation 1971 Jan C. Willems
+ LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games 2005 Jacob Engwerda
+ General matrix pencil techniques for the solution of algebraic Riccati equations: a unified approach 1997 Vlad Ionescu
Cristian OarĂą
Martin Weiß
+ A Generalized Eigenvalue Approach for Solving Riccati Equations 1981 Paul Van Dooren
+ PDF Chat Riccati Differential Equations 1972 William T. Reid
M. R. Chidambara
+ Algebraic Riccati Equations 2006 Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ A new class of nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations 2007 Chun‐Hua Guo
+ Numerical linear algebra aspects of control design computations 1985 Alan J. Laub
+ PDF Chat Riccati Differential Equations 1975 William T. Reid
David Jordan
+ PDF Chat Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium Points for Concave N-Person Games 1965 Judah B Rosen
+ Geometric properties and invariant manifolds of the Riccati equation 1982 J. Medanić
+ PDF Chat A game-theoretic approach to energy-efficient power control in multicarrier CDMA systems 2006 Farhad Meshkati
Mung Chiang
H. Vincent Poor
S.C. Schwartz
+ A trace inequality for positive definite matrices 2010 E. Veronica Belmega
Samson Lasaulce
MĂ©rouane Debbah
+ Asymmetric algebraic Riccati equation: A homeomorphic parametrization of the set of solutions 2001 Augusto Ferrante
Michele Pavon
Stefano Pinzoni
+ PDF Chat Numerical and Computational Issues in Linear Control and System Theory 2010 2
+ The discrete algebraic Riccati equation and linear matrix inequality 1998 Anton A. Stoorvogel
Ali Saberi
+ Reverse discrete-time Riccati equation and extended Nehari's problem 1996 Vlad Ionescu
+ Stabilizing solution to the reverse discrete-time Riccati equation: A matrix-pencil-based approach 1996 Cristian OarĂą
+ Efficient methods for solving a nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation arising in stochastic fluid models 2005 Chun‐Hua Guo
+ Canonical forms for symplectic and Hamiltonian matrices 1974 Alan J. Laub
Kenneth R. Meyer
+ Generalized Riccati difference and differential equations 1996 Gerhard Freiling
Gerhard Jank
Hisham Abou‐Kandil
+ The linear-quadratic optimal regulator for descriptor systems: Discrete-time case 1987 D. Bender
Alan J. Laub
+ PDF Chat On the Capacity Achieving Covariance Matrix for Rician MIMO Channels: An Asymptotic Approach 2010 Julien Dumont
Walid Hachem
Samson Lasaulce
Philippe Loubaton
Jamal Najım
+ Numerical solution to a descriptor discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation 2013 Cristian OarĂą
Raluca Andrei
+ Inverses of 2 × 2 block matrices 2002 Tzon‐Tzer Lu
Sheng-Hua Shiou
+ AsymmetricalgebraicRiccatiequation:Ahomeomorphicparametrizationofthesetof solutions 2001 Augusto Ferrante
Michele Pavon
Stefano Pinzoni
+ Analysis and Numerical Solution of Control Problems in Descriptor Form 2001 Peter Kunkel
Volker Mehrmann
W Rath
Shankar Sastry
Karl Henrik Johansson
John Lygeros
+ Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications 2006 Israel Gohberg
Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Lie-Algebraic Stability Criteria for Switched Systems 2001 Andrei Agrachev
Daniel Liberzon
+ Basic problems in stability and design of switched systems 1999 Daniel Liberzon
A. Stephen Morse
+ On the NP-hardness of solving bilinear matrix inequalities and simultaneous stabilization with static output feedback 2005 O. Toker
Hitay Özbay
+ Fast Iterative Schemes for Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations Arising from Transport Theory 2008 Zhong‐Zhi Bai
Yong-Hua Gao
Linzhang Lu
+ Existence and uniqueness of limit cycle for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems 2006 Yeong‐Jeu Sun
+ Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications 2004 Antonia M. Tulino
Sergio VerdĂș
+ PDF Chat Non-Symmetric Matrix Riccati Equations 1995 Gerhard Freiling
Gerhard Jank
+ Invariant Subspace Methods for the Numerical Solution of Riccati Equations 1991 Alan J. Laub
+ PDF Chat Approximation of the joint spectral radius using sum of squares 2008 Pablo A. Parrilo
Ali Jadbabaie
+ PDF Chat A Fast Newton's Method for a Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation 2008 Dario A. Bini
Bruno Iannazzo
Federico Poloni
+ The Periodic Lyapunov Equation 1988 Paolo Bolzern
Patrizio Colaneri
+ A generalization of a trace inequality for positive definite matrices 2010 E. Veronica Belmega
Marc Jungers
Samson Lasaulce
+ Linear quadratic optimal control for discrete descriptor systems 1989 G. P. Mantas
+ PDF Chat A Parametrization of Solutions of the Discrete-time Algebraic Riccati Equation Based on Pairs of Opposite Unmixed Solutions 2006 Hȧrald K. Wimmer
+ Stabilization of Switched Systems via Composite Quadratic Functions 2008 Tingshu Hu
Liqiang Ma
Zongli Lin
+ Conjugate Convex Lyapunov Functions for Dual Linear Differential Inclusions 2006 Rafal Goebel
Andrew R. Teel
Tingshu Hu
Zongli Lin
+ Non-conservative matrix inequality conditions for stability/stabilizability of linear differential inclusions 2009 Tingshu Hu
Franco Blanchini
+ An improved algorithm for the computation of Kronecker's canonical form of a singular pencil 1988 Th. Beelen
Paul Van Dooren