Richard G. Swan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ K-theory of coherent rings 2018 Richard G. Swan
+ On the straightening law for minors of a matrix 2016 Richard G. Swan
+ On the straightening law for minors of a matrix 2016 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Chat On Stably Free Modules over Affine Algebras 2012 Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
+ Simply-laced isomonodromy systems . On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane . The structure of approximate groups . On stably free modules over affine algebras . Perfectoid spaces 2012 Philip Boalch
Irina Kurkova
Kilian Raschel
Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
Peter Scholze
+ Symplectic Modules and von Neumann Regular Matrices over Commutative Rings 2010 T. Y. Lam
Richard G. Swan
+ Non-self-dual Stably Free Modules 2010 Madhav V. Nori
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Book Review: Serre's problem on projective modules 2008 Richard G. Swan
+ Determinantal ideals, Pfaffian ideals, and the principal minor theorem 2008 Vijay Kodiyalam
T. Y. Lam
Richard G. Swan
+ A Special Type of Invertible Ideal 2005 Stephen McAdam
Richard G. Swan
+ A Special Type of Invertible Ideal 2005 Stephen McAdam
Richard G. Swan
+ Unique comaximal factorization 2004 Stephen McAdam
Richard G. Swan
+ Factorizations of Monic Polynomials 2004 Richard G. Swan
Stephen McAdarn
+ Hilbert’s theorem on positive ternary quartics 2000 Richard G. Swan
+ Cup products in sheaf cohomology, pure injectives, and a substitute for projective resolutions 1999 Richard G. Swan
+ A Simple Proof of Rankin's Campanological Theorem 1999 Richard G. Swan
+ A Simple Proof of Rankin's Campanological Theorem 1999 Richard G. Swan
+ Hochschild cohomology of quasiprojective schemes 1996 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Quaternionic Bundles on Algebraic Spheres 1996 Richard G. Swan
+ Linear maps over abelian group algebras 1995 Alejandro Ádem
Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Algebraic Vector Bundles on the 2-Sphere 1993 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Book Review: The cohomology of groups 1993 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Failure of Cancellation for Direct Sums of Line Bundles 1993 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Failure of cancellation for direct sums of line bundles 1993 Richard G. Swan
+ Another Proof of the Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem? 1990 Richard G. Swan
+ Another Proof of the Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem? 1990 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Zero Cycles on Quadric Hypersurfaces 1989 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Zero cycles on quadric hypersurfaces 1989 Richard G. Swan
+ XVIII. Vector Bundles, Projective Modules and The K-Theory of Spheres 1988 Richard G. Swan
+ A Simple Proof of Gabber's Theorem on Projective Modules over a Localized Local Ring 1988 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF A simple proof of Gabber’s theorem on projective modules over a localized local ring 1988 Richard G. Swan
+ Two counterexamples in Power Series Rings 1986 Eloise Hamann
Richard G. Swan
+ K-Theory of Quadric Hypersurfaces 1985 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF <i>n</i>-generator ideals in Prüfer domains 1984 Richard G. Swan
+ Projective modules over binary polyhedral groups. 1983 Richard G. Swan
+ Noether’s Problem in Galois Theory 1983 Richard G. Swan
+ On seminormality 1980 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Projective Modules over Laurent Polynomial Rings 1978 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Projective modules over Laurent polynomial rings 1978 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Topological Examples of Projective Modules 1977 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Topological examples of projective modules 1977 Richard G. Swan
+ Vector bundles over affine surfaces 1976 M. Pavaman Murthy
Richard G. Swan
+ A class of projective modules which are nearly free 1975 Richard G. Swan
Jacob Towber
+ Conference on Commutative Algebra, 1975 : [papers] 1975 A. V. Geramita
Richard G. Swan
+ A cancellation theorem for projective modules in the metastable range 1974 Richard G. Swan
+ K-theory and algebraic correspondences 1973 Richard G. Swan
+ Some relations between higher K-functors 1972 Richard G. Swan
+ Excision in algebraic K-theory 1971 Richard G. Swan
+ Groups with no odd dimensional cohomology 1971 Richard G. Swan
+ Generators and relations for certain special linear groups 1971 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF A splitting principle in algebraic 𝐾-theory 1971 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF K-Theory of Finite Groups and Orders 1970 Richard G. Swan
E. Graham Evans
+ Frobenius functors 1970 Richard G. Swan
E. Graham Evans
+ Finiteness theorems 1970 Richard G. Swan
E. Graham Evans
+ Nonabelian homological algebra and 𝐾-theory 1970 Richard G. Swan
+ K-Theory of Finite Groups and Orders 1970 Richard G. Swan
E. Graham Evans
+ Groups of cohomological dimension one 1969 Richard G. Swan
+ Invariant rational functions and a problem of Steenrod 1969 Richard G. Swan
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Generators and relations for certain special linear groups 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ Picard group and the determinant 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ Relations between algebraic and topological K theory 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ Krull-Schmidt theorems and applications 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ KO of graded rings 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Algebraic K-theory 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ Shorter Notes: Representations of Polycyclic Groups 1967 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Representations of polycyclic groups 1967 Richard G. Swan
+ The number of generators of a module 1967 Richard G. Swan
+ Minimal resolutions for finite groups 1965 Richard G. Swan
+ K-theory and stable algebra (p. 5 à 60) . The Whitehead group of a polynomial extension (p. 61 à 80) 1964 Richard G. Swan
Hyman Bass
+ The Grothendieck ring of a finite group 1963 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF An application of graph theory to algebra 1963 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Vector Bundles and Projective Modules 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ Projective Modules Over Group Rings and Maximal Orders 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Vector bundles and projective modules 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ On the Homotopy Type of Certain Two-Dimensional Complexes 1961 W. H. Cockcroft
Richard G. Swan
+ PDF A new method in fixed point theory 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ The Nontrivality of the Restriction Map in the Chomology of Groups 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF The $p$-period of finite group 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ Periodic Resolutions for Finite Groups 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF The Homology of Cyclic Products 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF The homology of cyclic products 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF The nontriviality of the restriction map in the cohomology of groups. 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Groups with periodic cohomology 1959 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF A new method in fixed point theory 1959 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Projective modules over finite groups 1959 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF On maps with nonnegative Jacobian. 1959 Shlomo Sternberg
Richard G. Swan
+ PDF The homology of cyclic products 1959 Richard G. Swan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Hyman Bass
+ PDF Vector bundles and projective modules 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ A class of projective modules which are nearly free 1975 Richard G. Swan
Jacob Towber
+ Foundations of Algebraic Topology 1952 Samuel Eilenberg
Norman Steenrod
+ Modules Over Finite Groups 1959 Dock Sang Rim
+ PDF Vector Bundles and Projective Modules 1962 Richard G. Swan
+ Projective modules over polynomial rings 1976 Daniel Quillen
+ Periodic Resolutions for Finite Groups 1960 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Topological Examples of Projective Modules 1977 Richard G. Swan
+ A cancellation theorem for projective modules in the metastable range 1974 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Théorie des Intersections et Théorème de Riemann-Roch 1971 Pierre Berthelot
O. Jussila
Alexandre Grothendieck
M. Raynaud
Steven L. Kleiman
Luc Illusie
Pierre Berthelot
+ Groupes D'Homotopie Et Classes De Groupes Abeliens 1953 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ The algebraic theory of quadratic forms 1973 T. Y. Lam
+ Groupes de Lie et Puissances Reduites de Steenrod 1953 Armand Borel
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Modules which support nonsingular forms 1969 Hyman Bass
+ PDF The Stable Homotopy of the Classical Groups 1959 Raoul Bott
+ Vector bundles over spheres are algebraic 1969 Robert M. Fossum
+ PDF On universal mappings and free topological groups 1948 P Samuel
+ K-Theory of Quadric Hypersurfaces 1985 Richard G. Swan
+ Libération des modules projectifs sur certains anneaux de polynômes 2006 Hyman Bass
+ Serre’s Problem on Projective Modules 2006 Tsit Yuen Lam
+ PDF Algebraic K-theory 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ XVIII. Vector Bundles, Projective Modules and The K-Theory of Spheres 1988 Richard G. Swan
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Richard G. Swan
+ Periodic Transformations of Complexes 1938 Moses Richardson
P. A. Smith
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. (PMS-14) 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ PDF Le théorème de Riemann-Roch 1958 Armand Borel
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Some problems in "classical" algebraic K-theory 1973 Hyman Bass
+ Algebraic vector bundles over the 2-sphere 1971 Nadine Moore
+ PDF Modules projectifs et espaces fibrés à fibre vectorielle 2003 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Cohomology theory of a complex with a transformation of prime period and its applications 1956 Minoru Nakaoka
+ Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for SL n (n ≥ 3) and Sp2n (n ≥ 2) 1967 Hyman Bass
John Milnor
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique, I 1957 Alexander Grothendieck
+ PDF The space of loops on a Lie group. 1958 Raoul Bott
+ PDF Big projective modules are free 1963 Hyman Bass
+ Generating modules efficiently: Theorems from algebraic K-theory 1973 David Eisenbud
E. Graham Evans
+ On the functor K2, I 1971 S. M. Gersten
+ PDF Modules over Dedekind rings and valuation rings 1952 Irving Kaplansky
+ A note on monomial automorphisms 1983 Mowaffaq Hajja
+ PDF Introduction to Model Theory and to the Metamathematics of Algebra 1963 José Sanmartín Esplugues
+ PDF Coverings and Betti numbers 1949 Beno Eckmann
+ PDF On the parallelizability of the spheres 1958 R. Bott
John Milnor
+ PDF On the division of distributions by polynomials 1958 Lars Hörmander
+ Elementary Structure of Real Algebraic Varieties 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Faisceaux Algebriques Coherents 1955 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Topological examples of projective modules 1977 Richard G. Swan
+ PDF A Note on Finite Ring Extensions 1951 Emil Artin
John Tate
+ Algebraic vector bundles on projective space 1970 Anthony V. Geramita
Leslie G. Roberts