H. B. Enderton


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Elements of Set Theory 2012 H. B. Enderton
+ Keith Devlin. The joy of sets. Fundamentals of contemporary set theory. Second edition of XLVI419. Undergraduate texts in mathematics. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, etc., 1993, x + 192 pp. 1994 H. B. Enderton
+ Andreas Blass. Near coherence of filters, 1: cofinal equivalence of models of arithmetic. Notre Dame journal of formal logic, vol. 27 (1986), pp. 579–591. 1993 H. B. Enderton
+ Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic 1984 J. W. Addison
H. B. Enderton
+ Dennis Sentilles. A bridge to advanced mathematics. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore 1975, xiii + 387 pp. 1976 H. B. Enderton
+ K. Kuratowski and A. Mostowski. Set theory. English translation of XL 649(4) by M. Maczynski. PWN—Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, and North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1968, xi + 417 pp. 1975 H. B. Enderton
+ E. G. K. Lopez-Escobar. A non-interpolation theorem. English with Russian summary. Bulletin de l'Académic Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 17 (1969), pp. 109–112, V. 1975 H. B. Enderton
+ Morton L. Schagrin. The language of logic. A programed text. Random House, New York1968, vii + 247 pp. 1974 H. B. Enderton
+ Review: Stephen Cole Kleene, Introduction to Metamathematics 1973 H. B. Enderton
+ Review: Richard L. Poss, A Note on a Lemma of J. W. Addison 1973 H. B. Enderton
+ Stephen Cole Kleene. Introduction to metamathematics. Sixth printing of XIX 215. Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing, Groningen, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London, and American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1971, X + 550 pp. 1973 H. B. Enderton
+ Review: Martin Davis, Extensions and Corollaries of Recent Work on Hilbert's Tenth Problem 1972 H. B. Enderton
+ Review: Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, Diophantine Sets Over Polynomial Rings 1972 H. B. Enderton
+ Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam. Diophantine sets over polynomial rings. Illinois journal of mathematics, vol. 7 (1963), pp. 251–256. 1972 H. B. Enderton
+ Davis Martin. Extensions and corollaries of recent work on Hilbert's tenth problem. Illinois journal of mathematics, vol. 7 (1963), pp. 246–250. 1972 H. B. Enderton
+ Review: Albert A. Mullin, On a Necessary Condition for the Validity of Goldbach's Conjecture 1971 H. B. Enderton
+ Albert A. Mullin. On a theorem equivalent to Post's fundamental theorem of recursive function theory. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 9 (1963), pp. 203–205. 1971 H. B. Enderton
+ Albert A. Mullin. On a necessary condition for the validity of Goldbach's conjecture. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 9 (1963), pp. 145–148. 1971 H. B. Enderton
+ A. Mostowski. A class of models for second order arithmetic. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 7 (1959), pp. 401–404. - A. Mostowski. Formal system of analysis based on an infinitistic rule of proof. Infinitistic methods, Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics, Warsaw, 2-9 September 1959, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw, and Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, New York, and Paris, 1961, pp. 141… 1969 H. B. Enderton
+ Hierarchies over recursive well-orderings 1964 H. B. Enderton
D Luckham
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
J. W. Addison 1
D Luckham 1
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