Nicolas Besse


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Novel spectral methods for shock capturing and the removal of tygers in computational fluid dynamics 2024 Venkata Sai Swetha Kolluru
Nicolas Besse
Rahul Pandit
+ PDF Chat The dissipative Generalized Hydrodynamic equations and their numerical solution 2023 Frederik MĂžller
Nicolas Besse
I. E. Mazets
Hans-Peter Stimming
Norbert J. Mauser
+ PDF Chat The dissipative Generalized Hydrodynamic equations and their numerical solution 2023 Flemming MĂžller
Nicolas Besse
I. E. Mazets
Hans Peter Stimming
Norbert J. Mauser
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Lagrangian perturbation of Lie transport and applications to fluids 2023 Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat About the Derivation of the Quasilinear Approximation in Plasma Physics 2023 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian regularity of the electron magnetohydrodynamics flow on a bounded domain 2022 Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy-Lagrange method for 3D-axisymmetric wall-bounded and potentially singular incompressible Euler flows 2021 Tobias Hertel
Nicolas Besse
U. Frisch
+ PDF Chat Diffusion limit of the Vlasov equation in the weak turbulent regime 2021 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Suppressing thermalization and constructing weak solutions in truncated inviscid equations of hydrodynamics: Lessons from the Burgers equation 2020 Sugan Durai Murugan
U. Frisch
Sergey Nazarenko
Nicolas Besse
Samriddhi Sankar Ray
+ Constructing weak solutions by tyger purging in the Burgers equation 2020 Samriddhi Sankar Ray
Sugan Durai Murugan
U. Frisch
Sergey Nazarenko
Nicolas Besse
+ Regularity of the Geodesic Flow of the Incompressible Euler Equations on a Manifold 2020 Nicolas Besse
+ About the derivation of the quasilinear approximation in plasma physics 2020 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Onsager-type conjecture and renormalized solutions for the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system 2019 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
Toan T. Nguyen
+ Onsager type conjecture and renormalized solutions for the relativistic Vlasov Maxwell system. 2019 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
Toan T. Nguyen
+ Onsager type conjecture and renormalized solutions for the relativistic Vlasov Maxwell system 2019 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
Toan T. Nguyen
+ Regularity of weak solutions for the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system 2018 Nicolas Besse
Philippe Bechouche
+ PDF Chat Geometric formulation of the Cauchy invariants for incompressible Euler flow in flat and curved spaces 2017 Nicolas Besse
U. Frisch
+ PDF Chat A Constructive Approach to Regularity of Lagrangian Trajectories for Incompressible Euler Flow in a Bounded Domain 2017 Nicolas Besse
U. Frisch
+ PDF Chat Adaptive multiresolution semi-Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Vlasov equations 2016 Nicolas Besse
Erwan Deriaz
Éric Madaule
+ Semi-classical Limit of an Infinite Dimensional System of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2016 Nicolas Besse
Claude Bardos
+ Hamiltonian Structure, Fluid Representation and Stability for the Vlasov–Dirac–Benney Equation 2015 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ New Results - Semi-classical limit of an infinite dimensional system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2015 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy problem for the Vlasov-Dirac-Benney equation and related issues in fluid mechanics and semi-classical limits 2013 Claude Bardos
Nicolas Besse
+ New Results - Mathematical analysis of kinetic models 2013 Nicolas Besse
MihaĂŻ Bostan
E. Frénod
Mathieu Lutz
+ On the Waterbag Continuum 2011 Nicolas Besse
+ On the water-bag continuum 2011 Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a semi-Lagrangian method for the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system 2010 Philippe Bechouche
Nicolas Besse
+ Contributions à l'analyse mathématique et à l'approximation numérique en physique des plasmas 2009 Nicolas Besse
+ The multi-water-bag equations for collisionless kinetic modeling 2009 Nicolas Besse
Florent Berthelin
Yann Brenier
P. Bertrand
+ Convergence of a High-Order Semi-Lagrangian Scheme with Propagation of Gradients for the One-Dimensional Vlasov–Poisson System 2008 Nicolas Besse
+ Convergence of classes of high-order semi-Lagrangian schemes for the Vlasov--Poisson system 2007 Nicolas Besse
Michel MĂ©hrenberger
+ PDF Chat Numerical Approximation of Self-Consistent Vlasov Models for Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Phenomena 2007 Nicolas Besse
Norbert J. Mauser
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ New Results - Development of semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solvers 2006 Nicolas Besse
Nicolas Crouseilles
A. Ghizzo
Michaël Gutnic
O. Hoenen
Guillaume Latu
Stéphanie Salmon
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
Éric Violard
+ Semi‐Lagrangian Schemes for the Two‐Dimensional Vlasov‐Poisson System on Unstructured Meshes 2005 Nicolas Besse
J. Segré
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ New Results - 2D semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solver on unstructured grids 2005 Nicolas Besse
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ Convergence of a Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for the One-Dimensional Vlasov--Poisson System 2004 Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat Semi-Lagrangian schemes for the Vlasov equation on an unstructured mesh of phase space 2003 Nicolas Besse
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ An adaptive numerical method for the Vlasov equation based on a multiresolution analysis 2003 Nicolas Besse
Francis Filbet
Michaël Gutnic
I. Paun
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ Etude mathématique et numérique de l'équation de Vlasov non linéaire sur des maillages non structurés de l'espace des phases 2003 Nicolas Besse
+ New Results - Semi-Lagrangian methods for the resolution of the Vlasov equation 2003 Nicolas Besse
P. Bertrand
A. Ghizzo
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Semi-Lagrangian schemes for the Vlasov equation on an unstructured mesh of phase space 2003 Nicolas Besse
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
+ The integration of the vlasov equation in configuration space 1976 C. Z. Cheng
G. Knorr
+ The Cauchy Problem in Kinetic Theory 1996 Robert T. Glassey
+ Groups of Diffeomorphisms and the Motion of an Incompressible Fluid 1970 David G. Ebin
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy–Lagrangian method for numerical analysis of Euler flow 2015 Olga Podvigina
Vladislav Zheligovsky
U. Frisch
+ Kinetic equations and asymptotic theory 2000 François Bouchut
François Golse
Mario Pulvirenti
+ Convergence of a Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for the One-Dimensional Vlasov--Poisson System 2004 Nicolas Besse
+ Convergence of classes of high-order semi-Lagrangian schemes for the Vlasov--Poisson system 2007 Nicolas Besse
Michel MĂ©hrenberger
+ PDF Chat Analyticity of Lagrangian trajectories for well posed inviscid incompressible fluid models 2015 Peter Constantin
Vlad Vicol
Jiahong Wu
+ Conservative Numerical Schemes for the Vlasov Equation 2001 Francis Filbet
Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
P. Bertrand
+ PDF Chat The Semi-Lagrangian Method for the Numerical Resolution of the Vlasov Equation 1999 Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
Jean R. Roche
Pierre Bertrand
A. Ghizzo
+ The Semi-Lagrangian Method for the Numerical Resolution of Vlasov Equations 1998 Éric SonnendrĂŒcker
Jean Rodolphe Roche
P. Bertrand
A. Ghizzo
+ PDF Chat Time-analyticity of Lagrangian particle trajectories in ideal fluid flow 2014 Vladislav Zheligovsky
U. Frisch
+ Regularity of the moments of the solution of a Transport Equation 1988 François Golse
Pierre-Louis Lions
Benoı̂t Perthame
RĂ©mi Sentis
+ A numerical solution to the Vlasov equation 1999 E. Fijalkow
+ Global weak solutions of Vlasov‐Maxwell systems 1989 Ronald J. DiPerna
Pierre Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat A Very Smooth Ride in a Rough Sea 2013 U. Frisch
Vladislav Zheligovsky
+ Multidimensional extension of Faa di Bruno's formula 1986 Henryk Gzyl
+ Renormalized Solutions to the Vlasov Equation with Coefficients of Bounded Variation 2001 François Bouchut
+ The multi-water-bag equations for collisionless kinetic modeling 2009 Nicolas Besse
Florent Berthelin
Yann Brenier
P. Bertrand
+ PDF Chat Some relations between nonexpansive and order preserving mappings 1980 Michael G. Crandall
Luc Tartar
+ Cubic interpolated propagation scheme for solving the hyper-dimensional Vlasov—Poisson equation in phase space 1999 Takashi Nakamura
Takashi Yabe
+ Ordinary differential equations, transport theory and Sobolev spaces 1989 Ronald J. DiPerna
Pierre Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat SystÚme d'Euler incompressible et régularité microlocale analytique 1994 Pascal Gamblin
+ Convergence of a High-Order Semi-Lagrangian Scheme with Propagation of Gradients for the One-Dimensional Vlasov–Poisson System 2008 Nicolas Besse
+ The convenient setting for quasianalytic Denjoy–Carleman differentiable mappings 2011 Andreas Kriegl
Peter W. Michor
Armin Rainer
+ PDF Chat Sur la géométrie différentielle des groupes de Lie de dimension infinie et ses applications à l'hydrodynamique des fluides parfaits 1966 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ On the Waterbag Continuum 2011 Nicolas Besse
+ PDF Chat On the Analyticity of Particle Trajectories in the Ideal Incompressible Fluid 2015 Alexander Shnirelman
+ PDF Chat A Primer of Real Analytic Functions 2002 Steven G. Krantz
Harold R. Parks
+ PDF Chat A kinetic formulation for multi-branch entropy solutions of scalar conservation laws 1998 Yann Brenier
L. Corrias
+ PDF Chat One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations 2001 Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Rainer Nagel
+ PDF Chat Global Weak Solutions to the Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell System Revisited 2004 Gerhard Rein
+ Convergence of a Particle Method for the Relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell System 1991 Robert T. Glassey
Jack Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat A kinetic equation with kinetic entropy functions for scalar conservation laws 1991 Benoı̂t Perthame
Eitan Tadmor
+ PDF Chat Concomitant Hamiltonian and topological structures of extended magnetohydrodynamics 2016 Manasvi Lingam
George Miloshevich
P. Morrison
+ Transport equation and Cauchy problem for BV vector fields 2004 Luigi Ambrosio
+ A kinetic construction of global solutions of first order quasilinear equations 1983 Yoshikazu Giga
Tetsuro Miyakawa
+ Résolution d'équations d'évolution quasilinéaires en dimension N d'espace à l'aide d'équations linéaires en dimension N + 1 1983 Yann Brenier
+ Ultra-distributions définies surR n et sur certaines classes de variétés différentiables 1962 Charles Roumieu
+ Remarks on the Euler equation 1974 J P Bourguignon
Haı̈m Brezis
+ PDF Chat Convergence of a semi-discrete kinetic scheme for the system of isentropic gas dynamics with \gamma=3 1999 Alexis Vasseur
+ On the Convergence of Particle Methods for Multidimensional Vlasov–Poisson Systems 1989 Keshab Ganguly
H. D. Victory
+ Analysis of an algorithm for the Galerkin-characteristic method 1991 Rodolfo Bermejo
+ PDF Chat A kinetic formulation of multidimensional scalar conservation laws and related equations 1994 Pierre‐Louis Lions
Benoı̂t Perthame
Eitan Tadmor
+ Analysis of a class of quasi-monotone and conservative semi-Lagrangian advection schemes 2001 Rodolfo Bermejo
+ PDF Chat How smooth are particle trajectories in a ΛCDM Universe? 2015 Cornelius Rampf
B. Villone
U. Frisch
+ The Convergence Analysis of Fully Discretized Particle Methods for Solving Vlasov–Poisson Systems 1991 H. D. Victory
Garry Tucker
Keshab Ganguly
+ Averaged Multivalued Solutions for Scalar Conservation Laws 1984 Yann Brenier
+ Solutions globales d'Ă©quations du type Vlasov-Poisson 1988 Rosalba Perna
Pierre Louis Lions