Pooja Singla


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Representation Zeta Functions of Groups of Type A2 in Positive Characteristic 2025 Uri Onn
Amritanshu Prasad
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On Gelfand pairs and degenerate Gelfand-Graev modules of General Linear groups of degree two over principal ideal local rings of finite length 2024 Archita Gupta
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On twisted group ring isomorphism problem for p-groups 2024 Gurleen Kaur
Surinder Kaur
Pooja Singla
+ Projective representations of Heisenberg groups over the rings of order 𝑝<sup>2</sup> 2023 Sumana Hatui
Narayanan Eswar
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On Quasi Steinberg Characters of Complex Reflection Groups 2023 Ashish Mishra
Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ Representation zeta functions of arithmetic groups of type $A_2$ in positive characteristic 2023 Uri Onn
Amritanshu Prasad
Pooja Singla
+ On twisted group ring isomorphism problem for p-groups 2023 Gurleen Kaur
Surinder Kaur
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On projective representations of finitely generated groups 2022 Sumana Hatui
E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
+ A multiplicity one theorem for groups of type 𝐴_{𝑛} over discrete valuation rings 2022 Shiv Prakash Patel
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Representation growth of compact special linear groups of degree two 2022 M. Hassain
Pooja Singla
+ Projective representations of Heisenberg groups over the rings of order p^2 2022 Sumana Hatui
E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
+ On Quasi Steinberg characters of Complex Reflection Groups 2022 Ashish Mishra
Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ Gelfand criterion and multiplicity one results for $$\mathrm {GL}_n$$ over finite chain rings 2021 Shiv Prakash Patel
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On quasi Steinberg characters of symmetric and alternating groups and their double covers 2021 Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On Schur multiplier and projective representations of Heisenberg groups 2021 Sumana Hatui
Pooja Singla
+ Quasi Steinberg character for Symmetric, Alternating groups and their double covers 2020 Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ On Quasi Steinberg characters of Symmetric and Alternating groups and their Double Covers 2020 Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ On Quasi Steinberg characters of Symmetric and Alternating groups and their Double Covers 2020 Digjoy Paul
Pooja Singla
+ On Projective Representations of Finitely Generated Groups 2020 Sumana Hatui
E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
+ On Schur multiplier and projective representations of Heisenberg groups 2019 Sumana Hatui
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Random Motion on Finite Rings, I: Commutative Rings 2019 Arvind Ayyer
Pooja Singla
+ On Schur multiplier and projective representations of Heisenberg groups 2019 Sumana Hatui
Pooja Singla
+ Representation Growth of Special Compact Linear Groups of Order Two 2018 M. Hassain
Pooja Singla
+ A multiplicity one theorem for groups of type $A_n$ over discrete valuation rings 2018 Shiv Prakash Patel
Pooja Singla
+ Representation Growth of Compact Special Linear Groups of degree two 2018 M. Hassain
Pooja Singla
+ Random motion on finite rings, II: Noncommutative rings 2018 Arvind Ayyer
Pooja Singla
+ Regular characters of groups of type <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> over discrete valuation rings 2017 Roi Krakovski
Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On monomial representations of finitely generated nilpotent groups 2017 Narayanan Eswar
Pooja Singla
+ On irreducible representations of discrete nilpotent groups 2016 E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
+ Regular characters of groups of type A_n over discrete valuation rings 2016 Roi Krakovski
Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ On characterization of monomial representations of discrete supersolvable groups 2016 E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
+ On monomial representations of finitely generated nilpotent groups 2016 E. K. Narayanan
Pooja Singla
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Similarity of matrices over local rings of length two 2015 Amritanshu Prasad
Pooja Singla
Steven Spallone
Steven Spallone
+ On the unramified principal series of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">GL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> over non-archimedean local fields 2013 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ On the unramified principal series of GL(3) over non-archimedean local fields 2012 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On Representations of Classical Groups Over Principal Ideal Local Rings of Length Two 2012 Pooja Singla
+ The Cartan matrix of a centralizer algebra 2012 Umesh V. Dubey
Amritanshu Prasad
Pooja Singla
+ On the unramified principal series of GL(3) over non-archimedean local fields 2012 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ Geometric interpretation of Murphy bases and an application 2011 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Images of Real Representations of $SL_n(Z_p)$ 2011 Talia Fernós
Pooja Singla
+ On Representations of Classical Groups over Finite Local Rings of Length Two 2011 Pooja Singla
+ Geometric interpretation of Murphy bases and an application 2011 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ On Representations of Classical Groups over Finite Local Rings of Length Two 2011 Pooja Singla
+ Geometric interpretation of Murphy bases and an application 2011 Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat On representations of general linear groups over principal ideal local rings of length two 2010 Pooja Singla
+ Representations and conjugacy classes of general linear groups over principal ideal local rings of length two[HBNI Th 21] 2010 Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Linear balls and the multiplicity conjecture 2008 Takayuki Hibi
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of Linear Strands and Generic Initial Ideals 2008 Satoshi Murai
Pooja Singla
+ Convex-geometric, homological and combinatorial properties of graded ideals 2007 Pooja Singla
+ Minimal monomial reductions and the reduced fiber ring of an extremal ideal 2007 Pooja Singla
+ Linear balls and the multiplicity conjecture 2007 Takayuki Hibi
Pooja Singla
+ Linear components and the behavior of graded Betti numbers under the transition to generic initial ideals 2006 Satoshi Murai
Pooja Singla
+ Rigidity of linear strands and generic initial ideals 2006 Satoshi Murai
Pooja Singla
+ The Cartan Matrix of a Centraliser Algebra 2006 Umesh V. Dubey
Amritanshu Prasad
Pooja Singla
+ Minimal Monomial Reductions and the Reduced Fiber Ring of an Extremal Ideal 2005 Pooja Singla
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Regular Elements and Regular Characters of GLn(O) 1995 Gregory Hill
+ PDF Chat On representations of general linear groups over principal ideal local rings of length two 2010 Pooja Singla
+ Representations of automorphism groups of finite<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">o</mml:mi></mml:math>-modules of rank two 2008 Uri Onn
+ Zeta function of representations of compact 𝑝-adic analytic groups 2005 Andrei Jaikin‐Zapirain
+ PDF Chat Character theory of finite groups 1999 I. M. Isaacs
+ Regular characters of groups of type <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> over discrete valuation rings 2017 Roi Krakovski
Uri Onn
Pooja Singla
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat On cuspidal representations of general linear groups over discrete valuation rings 2010 Anne‐Marie Aubert
Uri Onn
Amritanshu Prasad
Alexander Stasinski
+ PDF Chat Representation growth of linear groups 2008 Michael Larsen
Alexander Lubotzky
+ PDF Chat The regular representations of GLN over finite local principal ideal rings 2017 Alexander Stasinski
Shaun Stevens
+ PDF Chat Similarity classes of integral p-adic matrices and representation zeta functions of groups of type A<sub>2</sub> 2016 Nir Avni
Benjamin Klopsch
Uri Onn
Christopher Voll
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 1999 Vijay Kodiyalam
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of group extensions 1953 G. Hochschild
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ On irreducible representations of discrete Heisenberg groups 2012 Светлана Александровна Арналь
A. N. Parshin
+ PDF Chat Similarity Classes of 3 × 3 Matrices Over a Local Principal Ideal Ring 2009 Nir Avni
Uri Onn
Amritanshu Prasad
L. N. Vaserstein
+ Character Theory of Finite Groups 2006 I. M. Isaacs
+ PDF Chat The characters of the finite general linear groups 1955 J. A. Green
+ The Spin Representation of the Symmetric Group 1962 A. O. Morris
+ PDF Chat Gauss Sums and p-adic Division Algebras 1983 Colin J. Bushnell
A. Fröhlich
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ Über die Darstellung der endlichen Gruppen durch gebrochen lineare Substitutionen. 1904 J. Schur
+ PDF Chat A Note on Bruhat Decomposition of<i>GL</i>(<i>n</i>) over Local Principal Ideal Rings 2006 Uri Onn
Amritanshu Prasad
L. N. Vaserstein
+ PDF Chat Unitary representations of group extensions. I 1958 George W. Mackey
+ Untersuchungen über die Darstellung der endlichen Gruppen durch gebrochene lineare Substitutionen. 1907 J. Schur
+ Über die Darstellung der symmetrischen und der alternierenden Gruppe durch gebrochene lineare Substitutionen. 1911 Julia Schur
+ Homomorphismes "Abstraits" de Groupes Algebriques Simples 1973 Armand Borel
Jacques Tits
+ Lecture Notes on Nilpotent Groups 2007 Gilbert Baumslag
+ Gotzmann Theorems for Exterior Algebras and Combinatorics 1997 Annetta Aramova
Jürgen Herzog
Takayuki Hibi
+ p-Steinberg Characters of Alternating and Projective Special Linear Groups 1996 M. R. Darafsheh
+ PDF Chat The Multiplicity Conjecture for Barycentric Subdivisions 2008 Martina Kubitzke
Volkmar Welker
+ Gröbner bases and Stanley decompositions of determinantal rings 1990 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Computation of betti numbers of monomial ideals associated with cyclic polytopes 1996 Naoki Terai
Takayuki Hibi
+ The Analytic Spread of Monomial Ideals 2003 Carles Bivià-Ausina
+ Shifted tableaux and the projective representations of symmetric groups 1989 John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat Bar weights of bar partitions and spin character zeros 2007 Christine Bessenrodt
+ PDF Chat On the associated graded ring of an ideal 1982 Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Rigid resolutions and big Betti numbers 2004 Aldo Conca
Jürgen Herzog
Takayuki Hibi
+ Stanley-reisner rings with pure resolutions 1995 Winfried Bruns
Takayuki Hibi
+ Projective Representations of Abelian Groups 2001 Russell Higgs
+ PDF Chat The Smooth Representations of GL<sub>2</sub>(𝔒) 2009 Alexander Stasinski
+ On the computation of a-invariants 1992 Winfried Bruns
Jürgen Herzog
+ Projective Representations of Abelian Groups 1973 A. O. Morris
+ Prime Power Degree Representations of the Double Covers of the Symmetric and Alternating Groups 2002 Christine Bessenrodt
Jørn B. Olsson
+ PDF Chat The characters of the binary modular congruence group 1973 Philip Kutzko
+ PDF Chat Some Results on Normal Homogeneous Ideals 2003 Les Reid
Leslie G. Roberts
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat On representation zeta functions of groups and a conjecture of Larsen–Lubotzky 2010 Nir Avni
Benjamin Klopsch
Uri Onn
Christopher Voll
+ Ideals with Stable Betti Numbers 2000 Annetta Aramova
Jürgen Herzog
Takayuki Hibi
+ Minimal resolutions of some monomial ideals 1990 Shalom Eliahou
Michel Kervaire
+ p-Steinberg Characters of Finite Simple Groups 1997 Pham Huu Tiep