Burkhardt Seifert


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 2.2 Nonparametric Function Estimation 2024 Théo Gasser
Joachim Engel
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Individuelles Risiko-adaptiertes PSA-Screening 2015 Franz Recker
Marco Randazzo
Stephan F. Wyler
Andreas R. Huber
Alexander Cornelius
Burkhardt Seifert
Maciej Kwiatkowski
+ Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences. R. J. Rossi (2010). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-470-14764-1. 2010 Burkhardt Seifert
+ PDF Chat Local Additive Estimation 2010 Juhyun Park
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Local additive estimation Series B Statistical methodology 2010 Juhyun Park
Burkhardt Seifert
+ A Mixed Approach for Proving Non‐Inferiority in Clinical Trials with Binary Endpoints 2008 Valentin Rousson
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Local additive estimation 2008 Juhyun Park
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Local Polynomial Smoothing 2005 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric regression penalizing deviations from additivity 2005 Matthias Studer
Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals for Intraclass Correlation in Inter‐Rater Reliability 2003 Valentin Rousson
Théo Gasser
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Data Adaptive Ridging in Local Polynomial Regression 2000 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Finite-Sample Variance of Local Polynomials: Analysis and Solutions 1996 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Finite-Sample Variance of Local Polynomials: Analysis and Solutions 1996 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Variance Properties of Local Polynomials and Ensuing Modifications 1996 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Die nichtparametrische SchÀtzung von Regressionskurven mittels lokaler Polynome 1995 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Testing hypotheses in mixed linear models 1993 Burkhardt Seifert
+ 12 Nonparametric function estimation 1993 Théo Gasser
Joachim Engel
Burkhardt Seifert
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric estimation of residual variance revisited 1993 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Exact tests in unbalanced mixed analysis of variance 1992 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Computation of variance components by the MINQUE method 1986 J. Kleffe
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Matrix free computation of C. R. Rao's MINQUE and its sample variance under unbalanced nested classification models 1985 J. Kleffe
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Estimation and Test of Varience Components Using the MINQUE-Method 1985 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Matrix free computation of C.R. Rao's MINQUE for unbalanced nested classification models 1984 J. Kleffe
Burkhardt Seifert
+ Explicite Formulae of Exact Tests in Mixed Balanced ANOVA‐models 1981 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Optimal testing for fixed effects in general balanced mixed classification models 1979 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Note on the umpu-character of a test for the mean in balanced randomized nested classification 1978 Burkhardt Seifert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Local Linear Regression Smoothers and Their Minimax Efficiencies 1993 Jianqing Fan
+ Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots 1979 William S. Cleveland
+ On Estimating Regression 1964 É. A. Nadaraya
+ PDF Chat Consistent Nonparametric Regression 1977 Charles J. Stone
+ Smooth Regression Analysis 1964 Geoffrey S. Watson
+ Finite-Sample Variance of Local Polynomials: Analysis and Solutions 1996 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ PDF Chat Additive Regression and Other Nonparametric Models 1985 Charles J. Stone
+ Multivariate Locally Weighted Least Squares Regression 1994 David Ruppert
M. P. Wand
+ PDF Chat Local Regression: Automatic Kernel Carpentry 1993 Trevor Hastie
Clive Loader
+ PDF Chat Choosing a Kernel Regression Estimator 1991 C. K. Chu
J. S. Marron
+ PDF Chat Optimal Global Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Regression 1982 Charles J. Stone
+ Kernels for Nonparametric Curve Estimation 1985 Théo Gasser
H-G. MÜller
Volker Mammitzsch
+ Kernel estimation of regression functions 1979 Théo Gasser
Hans‐Georg MĂŒller
+ Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data 1988 Hans‐Georg MĂŒller
+ PDF Chat A General Projection Framework for Constrained Smoothing 2001 Enno Mammen
J. S. Marron
Berwin A. Turlach
M. P. Wand
+ Local Polynomial Regression: Optimal Kernels and Asymptotic Minimax Efficiency 1997 Jianqing Fan
Théo Gasser
IrĂšne Gijbels
Michael Brockmann
Joachim Engel
+ Optimal testing for fixed effects in general balanced mixed classification models 1979 Burkhardt Seifert
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Estimators 1980 Charles J. Stone
+ MINQUE and ANOVA Estimator for One-way Classification - a Risk Comparison 1978 H. Ahrens
+ PDF Chat Variable Bandwidth and Local Linear Regression Smoothers 1992 Jianqing Fan
IrĂšne Gijbels
+ Residual variance and residual pattern in nonlinear regression 1986 Théo Gasser
Lothar Sroka
Christine Jennen-Steinmetz
+ Explicite Formulae of Exact Tests in Mixed Balanced ANOVA‐models 1981 Burkhardt Seifert
+ Finite-Sample Variance of Local Polynomials: Analysis and Solutions 1996 Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ Estimating regression functions and their derivatives by the kernel method 1984 Théo Gasser
Holger MĂŒller
+ Local polynomial fitting: A standard for nonparametric regression 1993 Jianqing Fan
Théo Gasser
IrĂšne Gijbels
Michael Brockman
Joachim Engel
+ On recent progress of minque theory nonnegative estimation, consistency, asymptotic normality and explicite formulae<sup>1</sup> 1980 J. Kleffe
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric regression penalizing deviations from additivity 2005 Matthias Studer
Burkhardt Seifert
Théo Gasser
+ PDF Chat Smoothing Parameter Selection in Nonparametric Regression Using an Improved Akaike Information Criterion 1998 Clifford M. Hurvich
Jeffrey S. Simonoff
Chih‐Ling Tsai
+ Minimum Variance Quadratic Unbiased Estimation (MIVQUE) of Variance Components 1978 William H. Swallow
S. R. Searle
+ PDF Chat On the Amount of Noise Inherent in Bandwidth Selection for a Kernel Density Estimator 1987 Peter J. Hall
J. S. Marron
+ On estimation of variance components* 1980 L.R. Verdooren
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data 1990 R. L. Eubank
Hans‐Georg MĂŒller
Hans‐Georg MĂŒller
+ Synthesis of variance 1941 F. E. Satterthwaite
+ PDF Chat Optimum Tests in Unbalanced Two-Way Models without Interaction 1988 Thomas Mathew
Bimal K. Sinha
+ PDF Chat Applying Wald's Variance Component Test 1983 Justus Seely
Yahia El-Bassiouni
+ Exact Tests for the Main Effects Variance Components in an Unbalanced Random Two-Way Model 1987 A. I. Khuri
Ramon C. Littell
+ PDF Chat Testing Hypotheses in Unbalanced Variance Components Models for Two-Way Layouts 1975 Ib Thomsen
+ Asymptotically optimal difference-based estimation of variance in nonparametric regression 1990 Peter Hall
Jim Kay
D. M. Titterington
+ A Flexible and Fast Method for Automatic Smoothing 1991 Théo Gasser
AloĂŻs Kneip
W Köhler
+ PDF Chat The existence and asymptotic properties of a backfitting projection algorithm under weak conditions 1999 Enno Mammen
Oliver Linton
Jens Perch Nielsen
+ A Unifying Approach to Nonparametric Regression Estimation 1988 Christine Jennen-Steinmetz
Théo Gasser
+ PDF Chat Comparing Methods for Multivariate Nonparametric Regression 2003 David Banks
Robert Olszewski
Roy A. Maxion
+ An exact test for the nesting effects variance component in an unbalanced random two-fold nested model 1987 A. I. Khuri
+ PDF Chat The Mixed Effects Model and Simultaneous Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices 1972 Robert Hultquist
Erwin M. Atzinger
+ The estimation of residual variance in nonparametric regression 1988 Michael Buckley
G. K. Eagleson
B. W. Silverman
+ Adaptive Order Polynomial Fitting: Bandwidth Robustification and Bias Reduction 1995 Jianqing Fan
IrĂšne Gijbels
+ Testing Statistical Hypotheses 2021 E. L. Lehmann
+ Testing the Goodness of Fit of a Linear Model via Nonparametric Regression Techniques 1990 R. L. Eubank
Clifford H. Spiegelman
+ Locally Adaptive Bandwidth Choice for Kernel Regression Estimators 1993 Michael Brockmann
Théo Gasser
Eva Herrmann
+ PDF Chat Finite sample performance of kernel-based regression methods for non-parametric additive models under common bandwidth selection criterion 2007 Carlos Martins‐Filho
Ke Yang