Ernie Croot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An inverse theorem for generalized arithmetic progression with mild multiplicative property 2024 Ernie Croot
Junjie Mao
+ PDF Chat Past and future of the cap set problem 2024 Ernie Croot
Vsevolod F. Lev
PĂ©ter PĂĄl Pach
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of Graham on the p$p$‐divisibility of central binomial coefficients 2024 Ernie Croot
Hamed Mousavi
Maxie Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Sums of the Form 1/x1^k + ... + 1/xn^k Modulo a Prime 2023 Ernie Croot
+ Prime sum graphs and the induced trees they contain 2023 Ernie Croot
Patrick Jin
+ On the image of convolutions along an arithmetic progression 2023 Ernie Croot
Chi-Nuo Lee
+ On a conjecture of Graham on the p-divisibility of central binomial coefficients 2022 Ernie Croot
Hamed Mousavi
Maxie Schmidt
+ On a Class of Sums with Unexpectedly High Cancellation, and its Applications 2019 Ernie Croot
Hamed Mousavi
+ On a Class of Sums with Unexpectedly High Cancellation, and its Applications 2019 Ernie Croot
Hamed Mousavi
+ PDF Chat Few products, many h-fold sums 2018 Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ PDF Chat Progression-free sets in $\mathbb{Z}_4^n$ are exponentially small 2016 Ernie Croot
Vsevolod F. Lev
PĂ©ter PĂĄl Pach
+ New Applications of the Polynomial Method to Problems in Combinatorics 2016 Ernie Croot
+ Progression-free sets in Z_4^n are exponentially small 2016 Ernie Croot
Vsevolod F. Lev
PĂ©ter PĂĄl Pach
+ Progression-free sets in Z_4^n are exponentially small 2016 Ernie Croot
Vsevolod F. Lev
PĂ©ter PĂĄl Pach
+ PDF Chat A purely combinatorial approach to simultaneous polynomial recurrence modulo 1 2015 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ Order-preserving Freiman isomorphisms 2014 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ Order-preserving Freiman isomorphisms 2014 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ Few products, many h-fold sums 2014 Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ PDF Chat Polynomials and Primes in Generalized Arithmetic Progressions 2014 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ Order-preserving Freiman isomorphisms 2014 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ Few products, many h-fold sums 2014 Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
+ Polynomials and Primes in Generalized Arithmetic Progressions 2013 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ A Purely Combinatorial Approach to Simultaneous Polynomial Recurrence Modulo 1 2013 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic Progressions in Sumsets and <i>L<sup>p</sup></i>-Almost-Periodicity 2013 Ernie Croot
Izabella Ɓaba
Olof Sisask
+ Polynomials and Primes in Generalized Arithmetic Progressions (Revised Version) 2013 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ Sets of Rich Lines in General Position 2013 Gagik Amirkhanyan
Albert Bush
Ernie Croot
Chris Pryby
+ A Purely Combinatorial Approach to Simultaneous Polynomial Recurrence Modulo 1 2013 Ernie Croot
Neil Lyall
Alex Rice
+ PDF Chat Some Properties of Lower Level-Sets of Convolutions 2012 Ernie Croot
+ PDF Chat On sharp transitions in making squares 2012 Ernie Croot
Andrew Granville
Robin Pemantle
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic progressions in sparse sumsets 2012 Ernie Croot
Imre Z. Ruzsa
Tomasz Schoen
+ Some properties of lower level-sets of convolutions 2011 Ernie Croot
+ Arithmetic progressions in sumsets and L^p-almost-periodicity 2011 Ernie Croot
Izabella Ɓaba
Olof Sisask
+ PDF Chat On a Certain Generalization of the Balog–SzemerĂ©di–Gowers Theorem 2011 Evan Borenstein
Ernie Croot
+ PDF Chat Sum-Product Inequalities with Perturbation 2011 Spencer Backman
Ernie Croot
Mariah Hamel
Derrick Hart
+ Some properties of lower level-sets of convolutions 2011 Ernie Croot
+ Arithmetic progressions in sumsets and L^p-almost-periodicity 2011 Ernie Croot
Izabella Ɓaba
Olof Sisask
+ PDF Chat A Probabilistic Technique for Finding Almost-Periods of Convolutions 2010 Ernie Croot
Olof Sisask
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Sets with Few Three-Term Arithmetic Progressions 2010 Ernie Croot
+ A probabilistic technique for finding almost-periods of convolutions 2010 Ernie Croot
Olof Sisask
+ PDF Chat On Rich Lines in Grids 2010 Evan Borenstein
Ernie Croot
+ On sums and products in ℂ[x] 2010 Ernie Croot
Derrick Hart
+ PDF Chat <i>h</i>-Fold Sums from a Set with Few Products 2010 Ernie Croot
Derrick Hart
+ A probabilistic technique for finding almost-periods of convolutions 2010 Ernie Croot
Olof Sisask
+ Sum-product inequalities with perturbation 2009 Spencer Backman
Ernie Croot
Derrick Hart
Mariah Hamel
+ k-fold sums from a set with few products 2009 Ernie Croot
Derrick Hart
+ PDF Chat On sumsets and spectral gaps 2008 Ernie Croot
Tomasz Schoen
+ On sums and products in C[x] 2008 Ernie Croot
Derrick Hart
+ PDF Chat A new proof of Roth’s theorem on arithmetic progressions 2008 Ernie Croot
Olof Sisask
+ On rich lines in grids 2008 Evan Borenstein
Ernie Croot
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Number of Three-Term Arithmetic Progressions Modulo a Prime Converges to a Limit 2008 Ernie Croot
+ Sharp Transitions in Making Squares 2008 Ernie Croot
Andrew Granville
Robin Pemantle
Prasad Tetali
+ A new proof of Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions 2008 Ernie Croot
Olof Sisask
+ On a certain generalization of the Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers Theorem 2008 Ernie Croot
Evan Borenstein
+ On rich lines in grids 2008 Evan Borenstein
Ernie Croot
+ On the decay of the Fourier transform and three term arithmetic progressions 2007 Ernie Croot
+ On equitable zero sums 2007 Ernie Croot
Christian Elsholtz
+ On a combinatorial method for counting smooth numbers in sets of integers 2007 Ernie Croot
+ An application of linear programming duality to discrete Fourier analysis and additive problems 2007 Ernie Croot
+ Arithmetic structures in smooth subsets of F_p 2007 Ernie Croot
+ The structure of critical sets for F_p arithmetic progressions 2007 Ernie Croot
+ On Sumsets and Spectral Gaps 2007 Ernie Croot
Tomasz Schoen
+ On equitable zero sums 2007 Ernie Croot
Christian Elsholtz
+ Subsets of F_p^n without three term arithmetic progressions have several large Fourier coefficients 2007 Ernie Croot
+ Complexity of inverting the Euler function 2006 Scott Contini
Ernie Croot
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ On the Decay of the Fourier Transform and Three Term Arithmetic Progressions 2006 Ernie Croot
+ On the Structure of Sets with Few Three-Term Arithmetic Progressions 2006 Ernie Croot
+ Long arithmetic progressions in critical sets 2005 Ernie Croot
+ The Minimal Number of Three-Term Arithmetic Progressions Modulo a Prime Converges to a Limit 2005 Ernie Croot
+ Complexity of Inverting the Euler Function 2004 Scott Contini
Ernie Croot
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ Complexity of Inverting the Euler Function 2004 Scott Contini
Ernie Croot
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ k-term Arithmetic Progressions in Sumsets 2004 Ernie Croot
+ Sums of the Form 1/x_1^k + ... + 1/x_n^k Modulo a Prime 2004 Ernie Croot
+ Long Arithmetic Progressions in Critical Sets 2004 Ernie Croot
+ A Structure Theorem for Positive Density Sets Having the Minimal Number of 3-term Arithmetic Progressions 2003 Ernie Croot
+ Memory Efficient Arithmetic 2003 Ernie Croot
+ A Combinatorial Method for Counting Smooth Numbers in Sets of Integers 2003 Ernie Croot
+ On Thin Sets of Primes Expressible as Sumsets 2002 Ernie Croot
Christian Elsholtz
+ On Non-intersecting Arithmetic Progressions 2002 Ernie Croot
+ On the Oscillations of Multiplicative Functions Taking Values +/- 1 2002 Ernie Croot
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Certain Sets of Positive Density 1959 P. Varnavides
+ Arithmetic progressions in sumsets 2002 B. Green
+ PDF Chat On the number of sums and products 1997 György Elekes
+ On Certain Sets of Integers 1953 K. F. Roth
+ PDF Chat On sums and products of integers 1997 Melvyn B. Nathanson
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic progressions in sumsets 1991 Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ PDF Chat On sums and products of integers 1983 PĂ©ter L. ErdƑs
Endre Szemerédi
+ An Application of Graph Theory to Additive Number Theory 1985 Noga Alon
P. ErdƑs
+ PDF Chat On the Bogolyubov–Ruzsa lemma 2012 Tom Sanders
+ On Triples in Arithmetic Progression 1999 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic progressions in sparse sumsets 2012 Ernie Croot
Imre Z. Ruzsa
Tomasz Schoen
+ Extremal problems in discrete geometry 1983 Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ A New Proof of Szemerïżœdi's Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions of Length Four 1998 W. T. Gowers
+ PDF Chat Shifted primes without large prime factors 1998 Roger C. Baker
G. Harman
+ On subsets of finite abelian groups with no 3-term arithmetic progressions 1995 Roy Meshulam
+ Integer Sets Containing No Arithmetic Progressions 1987 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ On arithmetic progressions in sums of sets of integers 2012 Jean Bourgain
+ Sums and Products from a Finite Set of Real Numbers 1998 Kevin Ford
+ Additive Combinatorics 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ Bounding multiplicative energy by the sumset 2009 JĂłzsef Solymosi
+ PDF Chat On sum-sets and product-sets of complex numbers 2005 JĂłzsef Solymosi
+ Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective 2012 Richard E. Crandall
Carl Pomerance
+ PDF Chat On the size of $k$-fold sum and product sets of integers 2003 Jean Bourgain
Mei-Chu Chang
+ PDF Chat Additive structures in sumsets 2008 Tom Sanders
+ A polynomial bound in Freiman's theorem 2002 Mei-Chu Chang
+ None 1998 Kevin R. Ford
+ Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory 2015 GĂ©rald Tenenbaum
+ PDF Chat The ErdƑs–SzemĂ©redi problem on sum set and product set 2003 Mei-Chu Chang
+ Optimal Representations by Sumsets and Subset Sums 1997 Vsevolod F. Lev
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Konyagin 2008 Tomasz Ɓuczak
Tomasz Schoen
+ Probability Inequalities for Sums of Independent Random Variables 1971 D. Kh. Fuk
S. V. Nagaev
+ Finite addition theorems, I 1989 Andràs Sårközy
+ An old new proof of Roth’s theorem 2007 Endre SzemerĂ©di
+ There are Infinitely Many Carmichael Numbers 1994 W. R. Alford
Andrew Granville
Carl Pomerance
+ PDF Chat On Roth's theorem on progressions 2011 Tom Sanders
+ PDF Chat The distribution of values of the Euler function 1972 Paul Bateman
+ Euler’s Function in Residue Classes 1998 Thomas P. Dence
Carl Pomerance
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative structure of values of the Euler function 2004 William D. Banks
John Friedlander
Carl Pomerance
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ PDF Chat A sum-product estimate in finite fields, and applications 2004 Jean Bourgain
Nets Hawk Katz
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Values of the Euler Function in Various Sequences 2005 William D. Banks
Kevin Ford
Florian Luca
Francesco Pappalardi
Igor E. Shparlinski
+ On subsets of abelian groups with no 3-term arithmetic progression 1987 PĂ©ter Frankl
Ronald Graham
V. Rödl
+ Popular values of Euler's function 1980 Carl Pomerance
+ Roth’s theorem on progressions revisited 2008 Jean Bourgain
+ Integer sets containing no arithmetic progressions 1990 Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Residue classes free of values of Euler’s function 1999 Kevin Ford
SergeÄ­ Konyagin
Carl Pomerance
+ The Prime k-Tuplets Conjecture on Average 1990 Antal Balog
+ PDF Chat Factoring Integers with Elliptic Curves 1987 H. W. Lenstra
+ Integer Sum Sets Containing Long Arithmetic Progressions 1992 Gregory A. Freiman
H. Halberstam
Imre Z. Ruzsa
+ PDF Chat PRIMES is in P 2004 Manindra Agrawal
Neeraj Kayal
Nitin Saxena
+ On the Decay of the Fourier Transform and Three Term Arithmetic Progressions 2006 Ernie Croot