Victor Klee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ In a remarkable paper, Bishop and Phelps (1) settle several important questions concerning supporting hyperplanes of convex sets in Banach spaces. In particular, they show that if C is a closed convex subset of a Banach space 2016 Victor Klee
+ Basic properties of evenly convex sets 2007 Victor Klee
Elisabetta Maluta
Clemente Zanco
+ Computational Convexity 2004 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Approximation of diameters: randomization doesn't help 2002 Andreas Brieden
Peter Gritzmann
Ravi Kannan
Victor Klee
László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ Deterministic and randomized polynomial‐time approximation of radii 2001 Andreas Brieden
Peter Gritzmann
Ravindran Kannan
Victor Klee
László Lovász
Miklós Simonovits
+ Oracle-polynomial-time approximation of largest simplices in convex bodies 2000 Andreas Brieden
Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Decomposition Theorems for Conditional Sign-Solvability and Sign-Solvability of General Systems 2000 Shawn Cokus
Victor Klee
+ Inapproximability of some Geometric and Quadratic Optimization Problems 2000 Andreas Brieden
Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Inner Diagonals of Convex Polytopes 1999 David Avis
Victor Klee
+ Inner diagonals of convex polytopes. 1999 David Avis
Victor Klee
+ A proof of the strict monotone 4-step conjecture 1999 Fred B. Holt
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Many Polytopes Meeting the Conjectured Hirsch Bound 1998 Fred B. Holt
Victor Klee
+ A Surprising but Easily Proved Geometric Decomposition Theorem 1998 Victor Klee
John R. Reay
+ A Surprising but Easily Proved Geometric Decomposition Theorem 1998 Victor Klee
John R. Reay
+ Separation by hyperplanes in finite-dimensional vector spaces over Archimedean ordered fields. 1998 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Appollonius Revisited: Supporting Spheres for Sundered Systems 1997 Victor Klee
Teresa Lewis
Balder Von Hohenbalken
+ Alte und neue ungelöste Probleme in der Zahlentheorie und Geometrie der Ebene 1997 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Zahlentheorie 1997 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Zweidimensionale Geometrie 1997 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Interessante reelle Zahlen 1997 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Polytope Projection and Projection Polytopes 1996 Thomas Bürger
Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Polytope Projection and Projection Polytopes 1996 Thomas Bürger
Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Convex polytopes and related complexes 1996 Victor Klee
Peter Kleinschmidt
+ Linear algebra, polytopes, and the hirsch conjecture 1996 Fredrick Baden Holt
Victor Klee
+ Rotundity and smoothness of convex bodies in reflexive and nonreflexive spaces 1996 Victor Klee
Libor Veselý
Clemente Zanco
+ Cross-positive matrices revisited 1995 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
Bit-Shun Tam
+ PDF Chat Largestj-simplices inn-polytopes 1995 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
D. G. Larman
+ Polytope Containment and Determination by Linear Probes 1995 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
John Westwater
+ External Tangents and Closedness of Cone + Subspace 1994 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ On the Complexity of Some Basic Problems in Computational Convexity 1994 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ On the recognition of S-systems 1993 Victor Klee
Balder Von Hohenbalken
Ted G. Lewis
+ Archimedean levels, semispaces, and majorization of convex cones 1993 Victor Klee
Elisabetta Maluta
Clemente Zanco
+ Sharper approximation of extreme points by far points 1993 Victor Klee
+ Mathematical Programming and Convex Geometry 1993 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory. 1992 Paul R. Halmos
Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ PDF Chat Inner and outerj-radii of convex bodies in finite-dimensional normed spaces 1992 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Number Theory 1991 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory 1991 Victor Klee
Stan Wagon
+ Good and Bad Radii of Convex Polygons 1991 Peter Gritzmann
Laurent Habsieger
Victor Klee
+ Uniform properties of collections of convex bodies 1991 Victor Klee
Elisabetta Maluta
Clemente Zanco
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the Gass-Saaty parametric cost LP algorithm 1990 Victor Klee
Peter Kleinschmidt
+ PDF Chat Optimization of Globally Convex Functions 1989 T. C. Hu
Victor Klee
David Larman
+ PDF Chat On the 0–1-Maximization of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms 1989 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Sign-Patterns and Stability 1989 Victor Klee
+ Minimum graphs of specified diameter, connectivity and valence. II 1989 E. Engelhardt
Victor Klee
K. Li
Howard Quaife
+ Recursive structure of S-matrices and an O(m2) algorithm for recognizing strong sign solvability 1987 Victor Klee
+ Limits of starshaped sets 1987 Gerald Beer
Victor Klee
+ Inspheres and inner products 1986 Victor Klee
Elisabetta Maluta
Clemente Zanco
+ Banach Spaces and Hilbert Spaces 1986 Shizuo Kakutani
Victor Klee
Kôsaku Yosida
Yukio Mimura
H. F. Bohnenblust
Masahiro Nakamura
George W. Mackey
Paul R. Halmos
+ Diameters of random bipartite graphs 1984 Béla Bollobás
Victor Klee
+ A note on convex cones and constraint qualifications in infinite-dimensional vector spaces 1982 Victor Klee
+ Dispersed Chebyshev sets and coverings by balls 1981 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Diameters of Random Graphs 1981 Victor Klee
David Larman
+ Another generalization of Carath�odory's theorem 1980 Victor Klee
+ Some Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry 1979 Victor Klee
+ Some Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry 1979 Victor Klee
+ Adjoints of projective transformations and face-figures of convex polytopes 1978 Victor Klee
+ A linearly compact convex set dense in every vector topology 1977 Victor Klee
+ Linear algorithms for testing the sign stability of a matrix and for findingZ-maximum matchings in acyclic graphs 1977 Victor Klee
P. van den Driessche
+ Classification and enumeration of minimum (d, 1, 3)-graphs and minimum (d, 2, 3)-graphs 1977 Victor Klee
Howard Quaife
+ Impressions of Mathematical Education in the People's Republic of China 1977 Victor Klee
+ Impressions of Mathematical Education in the People's Republic of China 1977 Victor Klee
+ Adjoints of Projective Transformations and Face-Figures of Convex Polytopes 1976 Victor Klee
+ Minimum Graphs of Specified Diameter, Connectivity and Valence. I 1976 Victor Klee
Howard Quaife
+ PDF Chat Unique reducibility of subsets of commutative topological groups and semigroups. 1975 David Gale
Victor Klee
+ Spira's theorems on complete linear proofs of systems of linear inequalities 1975 Victor Klee
+ Minimum graphs of specified diameter, connectivity and valence 1975 Victor Klee
Howard Quaife
+ Ratio-sequences of chains in connected metric spaces 1975 Victor Klee
+ Shellings of spheres and polytopes 1974 Gopal Danaraj
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Polytope pairs and their relationship to linear programming 1974 Victor Klee
+ Some Proximate Concepts in Topology. 1973 Victor Klee
André L. Yandl
+ PDF Chat On a Question of Colin Clark Concerning Three Properties of Convex Sets<sup>(1)</sup> 1972 Victor Klee
+ Convexity and Optimization in Finite Dimension (Josef Stoer and Christoph Witzgall) 1972 Victor Klee
+ Unions of increasing and intersections of decreasing sequences of convex sets 1972 Victor Klee
+ Semicontinuity of the face-function of a convex set 1971 Victor Klee
Michael A. Martin
+ What Is a Convex Set? 1971 Victor Klee
George J. Minty
+ On a lemma of fullerton and braunschweiger 1969 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Intersection Theorems for Positive Sets 1969 Wolfhard Hansen
Victor Klee
+ Invertibly positive linear operators on spaces of continuous functions 1969 Thomas A. Brown
M. Juncosa
Victor Klee
+ Can All Convex Borel Sets Be Generated in a Borelian Manner Within the Realm of Convexity? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can All Convex Borel Sets be Generated in a Borelian Manner Within the Realm of Convexity? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can the Boundary of a <i>d</i>-Dimensional Convex Body Contain Segments in all Directions? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can the Boundary of a d-Dimensional Convex Body Contain Segments in All Directions? 1969 Victor Klee
+ What is the Expected Volume of a Simplex Whose Vertices are Chosen at Random from a Given Convex Body? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Is there an <i>n</i> for which φ(<i>x</i>)=<i>n</i> has a Unique Solution? 1969 Victor Klee
+ What is the Expected Volume of a Simplex Whose Vertices are Chosen at Random from a Given Convex Body? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Is There an n for which φ(x) = n Has a Unique Solution? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can Nine Tetrahedra Form a Neighboring Family? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Is Every Polygonal Region Illuminable from Some Point? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can Nine Tetrahedra Form a Neighboring Family? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Correction to "Summability in $ł(p_{1},p_{2},...)$ spaces" Studia Mathematica 25 (1965), p. 277-280) 1969 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Intersection theorems for positive sets 1969 Wolfhard Hansen
Victor Klee
+ Can a Plane Convex Body have Two Equichordal Points? 1969 Victor Klee
+ Can a Plane Convex Body have Two Equichordal Points? 1969 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Maximal Separation Theorems for Convex Sets 1968 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Convex functions on convex polytopes 1968 David Gale
Victor Klee
R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Maximal separation theorems for convex sets 1968 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Asymptotes of Convex Bodies. 1967 Victor Klee
+ A comparison of primal and dual methods of linear programming 1966 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Paths on polyhedra. II 1966 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Exposed points of convex sets 1966 Gustave Choquet
H. H. Corson
Victor Klee
+ Every non-normable Frechet space is homeomorphic with all of its closed convex bodies 1966 C. Bessaga
Victor Klee
+ Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane. 1965 G. P. Johnson
H. Hadwiger
Hans Debrunner
Victor Klee
+ Paths on Polyhedra. I 1965 Victor Klee
+ A class of linear programming problems requiring a large number of iterations 1965 Victor Klee
+ A theorem on convex kernels 1965 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Summability in $ł(p_{1},p_{2},...)$ spaces 1965 Victor Klee
+ Heights of convex polytopes 1965 Victor Klee
+ Dantzig's Simplex Method: <i>Linear Programming and Extensions</i> . George B. Dantzig. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1963. xviii + 625 pp. Illus. $11.50. 1964 Victor Klee
+ Two topological properties of topological linear spaces 1964 C. Bessaga
Victor Klee
+ Some semicontinuity theorems for convex polytopes and cell-complexes 1964 H. G. Eggleston
Branko Grünbaum
Victor Klee
+ Utility functions and the ‘lin’ operation for convex sets 1964 Victor Klee
+ Extreme points of convex sets without completeness of the Scalar field 1964 Victor Klee
+ Connectedness in topological linear spaces 1964 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Vertices of a Convex Polytope 1964 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Analogue of Poincaré's Duality Theorem 1964 Victor Klee
+ Every Simple Closed Curve in E<sup>3</sup> is Unknotted in E<sup>4</sup> 1964 R. H. Bing
Victor Klee
+ Diameters of Polyhedral Graphs 1964 Victor Klee
+ The finite topology of a linear space 1963 Shizuo Kakutani
Victor Klee
+ On a theorem of Dubins 1963 Victor Klee
+ Combinatorial Mathematics. Herbert John Ryser. Published for the Mathematical Association of America by Wiley, New York, 1963. xiv + 154 pp. Illus. $4 1963 Victor Klee
+ Carus Mathematical Series: <i>Combinatorial Mathematics</i> . Herbert John Ryser. Published for the Mathematical Association of America by Wiley, New York, 1963. xiv + 154 pp. Illus. $4. 1963 Victor Klee
+ Carus Mathematical Series: <i>Combinatorial Mathematics</i> . Herbert John Ryser. Published for the Mathematical Association of America by Wiley, New York, 1963. xiv + 154 pp. Illus. $4. 1963 Victor Klee
+ The Euler Characteristic in Combinatorial Geometry 1963 Victor Klee
+ The Euler Characteristic in Combinatorial Geometry 1963 Victor Klee
+ Helly’s theorem and its relatives 1963 Ludwig Danzer
Branko Grünbaum
Victor Klee
+ Convexity 1963 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Die innere Geometrie der metrischen Raume. 1962 Victor Klee
Willi Rinow
+ PDF Chat A Conjecture on Weak Compactness 1962 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat A conjecture on weak compactness 1962 Victor Klee
+ Exotic topologies for linear spaces 1962 Victor Klee
+ A Question of Katetov Concerning the Hilbert Parallelotope 1961 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat A question of Katětov concerning the Hilbert parallelotope 1961 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Topological equivalence of a Banach space with its unit cell 1961 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Stability of the fixed-point property 1961 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Asymptotes and Projections of Convex Sets. 1960 Victor Klee
+ Shrinkable neighborhoods in Hausdorff linear spaces 1960 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Mappings into normed linear spaces 1960 Victor Klee
+ Unsolved Problems in Intuitive Geometry 1960 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral sections of convex bodies 1960 Victor Klee
+ Some new results on smoothness and rotundity in normed linear spaces 1959 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Some characterizations of convex polyhedra 1959 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat On the Borelian and Projective Types of Linear Subspaces. 1958 Victor Klee
+ On a problem of Banach 1958 Victor Klee
+ Homogeneity of Infinite-Dimensional Parallelotopes 1957 Victor Klee
+ On a method of mapping due to Kadeč and Bernstein 1957 Victor Klee
Richard Long
+ A note on certain function spaces 1957 Mary Ellen Rudin
Victor Klee
+ An example in the theory of topological linear spaces 1956 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Iteration of the "lin" operation for convex sets 1956 Victor Klee
+ Fixed-Point Sets of Periodic Homeomorphisms of Hilbert Space 1956 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Strict Separation of Convex Sets 1956 Victor Klee
+ Solution of a Problem of E. M. Wright on Convex Functions 1956 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Strict separation of convex sets 1956 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat A note on topological properties of normed linear spaces 1956 Victor Klee
+ Boundedness and continuity of linear functionals 1955 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Separation properties of convex cones 1955 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Some Topological Properties of Convex Sets 1955 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Common secants for plane convex sets 1954 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Invariant extension of linear functionals 1954 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat A characterization of reflexivity by the lattice of closed subspaces 1954 E. E. Floyd
Victor Klee
+ On a Theorem of Bela Sz.-Nagy 1953 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies and periodic homeomorphisms in Hilbert space 1953 Victor Klee
+ The Critical Set of a Convex Body 1953 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Convex Bodies and Periodic Homeomorphisms in Hilbert Space 1953 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Invariant metrics in groups (solution of a problem of Banach) 1952 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Invariant Metrics in Groups (Solution of a Problem of Banach) 1952 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat On Certain Intersection Properties of Convex Sets 1951 Victor Klee
+ A Note on Fermat's Congruence 1949 Victor Klee
+ On a Problem of Erdos 1949 Victor Klee
+ A Generalization of Euler's φ-Function 1948 Victor Klee
+ Corrections: Some Remarks on Euler's Totient 1948 Victor Klee
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some characterizations of convex polyhedra 1959 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies and periodic homeomorphisms in Hilbert space 1953 Victor Klee
+ The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope 1970 Peter McMullen
+ Diameters of Polyhedral Graphs 1964 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Vertices of a Convex Polytope 1964 Victor Klee
+ Linear Programming and Extensions 1963 George B. Dantzig
+ Linear Programming and Extensions 1963 George B. Dantzig
+ PDF Chat On The Number of Faces of a Convex Polytope 1964 David Gale
+ PDF Chat Une remarque sur l'homéomorphie des champs fonctionnels 1929 S. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Inner and outerj-radii of convex bodies in finite-dimensional normed spaces 1992 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Strict convexity and smoothness of normed spaces 1955 Mahlon M. Day
+ PDF Chat An extension of Tietze’s theorem 1951 J. Dugundji
+ Neighborly and cyclic polytopes 1963 David Gale
+ Helly’s theorem and its relatives 1963 Ludwig Danzer
Branko Grünbaum
Victor Klee
+ Théorie des opérations linéaires 1932 Stefan Banach
+ The difference body of a convex body 1957 C. A. Rogers
G. C. Shephard
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ Some semicontinuity theorems for convex polytopes and cell-complexes 1964 H. G. Eggleston
Branko Grünbaum
Victor Klee
+ Reflexivity and the Supremum of Linear Functionals 1957 Robert James
+ PDF Chat A random polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies 1991 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
+ Die Homoiomorphie der kompakten konvexen Mengen im Hilbertschen Raum 1931 Ott‐Heinrích Keller
+ PDF Chat On the 0–1-Maximization of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms 1989 Peter Gritzmann
Victor Klee
+ Letter to the Editor—A Conjecture Concerning the Smallest Bound on the Iterations in Linear Programming 1963 Thomas L. Saaty
+ PDF Chat Separation properties of convex cones 1955 Victor Klee
+ Some new results on smoothness and rotundity in normed linear spaces 1959 Victor Klee
+ Polynomial algorithms in linear programming 1980 Leonid Khachiyan
+ Convex polytopes and the upper bound conjecture 1971 Peter McMullen
G. C. Shephard
J. E. Reeve
Alan Ball
+ PDF Chat Über die kleinste konvexe Menge, die eine gegebene kompakte Menge enthält 1930 S. Mazur
+ An enumeration of simplicial 4-polytopes with 8 vertices 1967 Branko Grünbaum
V. P. Sreedharan
+ Graph-theoretical approach to qualitative solvability of linear systems 1982 Rachel Manber
+ Computing the volume of convex bodies: a case where randomness provably helps 1991 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
+ Eulers Charakteristik und kombinatorische Geometrie. 1955 H. Hadwiger
+ PDF Chat On the line segments of a convex surface in<i>E</i><sub>3</sub> 1960 Trevor McMinn
+ PDF Chat Convex Bodies and Periodic Homeomorphisms in Hilbert Space 1953 Victor Klee
+ Scissor congruence 1963 Lester E. Dubins
Morris W. Hirsch
Jack Karush
+ Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Polyeder 1976 E. Steinitz
H. Rademacher
+ Über Mengen konvexer Körper mit gemeinschaftlichen Punkte. 1923 Ed. Helly
+ PDF Chat Simple paths on convex polyhedra 1961 Tom Brown
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat Invariant Metrics in Groups (Solution of a Problem of Banach) 1952 Victor Klee
+ Finding the convex hull facet by facet 1985 Garret Swart
+ The Complexity of Vertex Enumeration Methods 1983 Martin Dyer
+ PDF Chat On the decidability of Diophantine problems in combinatorial geometry 1987 Bernd Sturmfels
+ Heights of convex polytopes 1965 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Topological properties of the unit sphere of a Hilbert space 1943 Shizuo Kakutani
+ The minimum number of vertices of a simple polytope 1971 David Barnette
+ The finite topology of a linear space 1963 Shizuo Kakutani
Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Computing the volume is difficult 1987 Imre Bárány
Zoltán Füredi
+ Qualitative Problems in Matrix Theory 1969 John Maybe
J. P. Quirk
+ An Introduction to Convex Polytopes 1983 Arne Brøndsted