Stephen H. Schanuel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Isomorphisms 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Organisation of the book 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The contravariant parts functor 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Division of maps: Sections and retractions 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The algebra of composition 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Quiz 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Adjoint functors with examples from graphs and dynamical systems 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Two general aspects or uses of maps 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Test 3 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Products in categories 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Isomorphisms and coordinates 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Categories of diagrams 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Parts of an object: Toposes 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Monoids 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ APPENDICES 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The category of pointed sets 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Labelings and products of graphs 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Preface 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Geometery of figures and algebra of functions 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Terminal objects 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Ascending to categories of richer structures 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Higher universal mapping properties 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Uniqueness of products and definition of sum 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The category of sets 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Maps preserve positive properties 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Categories of structured sets 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Map objects 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Sets, maps, composition 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Composing maps and counting maps 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The emergence of category theory within mathematics 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Exponentiation 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Pictures of a map making its features evident 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ The Connected Components Functor 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Review of Test 2 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Sets, maps, and composition 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Idempotents, involutions, and graphs 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Summary: On the equation <i>p</i> ∘ <i>j</i> = <i>1<sub>A</sub></i> 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Map object versus product 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Subobject, logic, and truth 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Galileo and multiplication of objects 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Summary/quiz on pairs of ‘opposed’ maps 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Some uses of graphs 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Composition of opposed maps 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Brouwer's theorems 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Retracts and idempotents 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Elementary universal mapping properties 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ How to solve the quiz problems 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Examples of categories 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Distributive categories and linear categories 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ More on universal mapping properties 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Universal mapping properties and incidence relations 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Objectification of properties in dynamical systems 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Points of an object 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Division of maps: Isomorphisms 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Binary operations and diagonal arguments 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Group theory and the number of types of connected objects 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Examples of universal constructions 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Test 4 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Test 1 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Test 2 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Test 5 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Conceptual Mathematics 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Review of ‘I-words’ 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Annotated Bibliography 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Universal mapping properties 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Constants, codiscrete objects, and many connected objects 2009 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat Detection of essential surfaces in 3-manifolds with $SL_2$-trees 2001 Stephen H. Schanuel
X. Zhang
+ Objective number theory and the retract chain condition 2000 Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Fixed Points of Iterated Cyclic Difference Operators: 10676 2000 John Isbell
Stephen H. Schanuel
Stephen M. Gagola
Mowaffaq Hajja
+ Conceptual mathematics: a first introduction to categories 1998 F. William Lawvere
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Weak Powers and Small-Valued Functors 1982 John Isbell
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Naturality of the Functional Calculus 1982 Stephen H. Schanuel
William R. Zame
+ PDF Chat Heights in number fields 1979 Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat Affine Parts of Algebraic Theories II 1978 John Isbell
Miroslav I. Klun
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial problem of Shields and Pearcy 1977 Stephen H. Schanuel
+ Schützenberger groups and Chebyshev polynomials 1976 Κ. D. Magill
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ On the Fractional Parts of n/j,j = o(n) 1976 John Isbell
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat On the fractional parts of $n/j,$ $j=o(n)$ 1976 John Isbell
Stephen H. Schanuel
+ An extension of Chevalley's theorem to congruences modulo prime powers 1974 Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat On heights in number fields 1964 Stephen H. Schanuel
+ PDF Chat The homotopy theory of projective modules 1962 Hyman Bass
Stephen H. Schanuel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ Weylsche Exponentialsummen in der neueren Zahlentheorie 1963 Arnold Walfisz
+ Vector bundles and homogeneous spaces 2010 M. F. Atiyah
F. Hirzebruch
J. F. Adams
+ Lehrbuch der Algebra 1921 Heinrich Weber
+ PDF Chat Groups of integral representation type 1980 Hyman Bass
+ PDF Chat On the boundary curves of incompressible surfaces 1982 Allen Hatcher
+ Haken manifolds and representations of their fundamental groups in SL(2, C) 1988 Kimihiko Motegi
+ Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der Algebraischen Zahlen. 1924 L. E. Dickson
E. Hecke
+ A survey of semigroups of continuous selfmaps 1975 Κ. D. Magill
+ Sums of sets in the elementary abelian group of type (p, p) 1967 Henry B. Mann
John E. Olson
D. D. Long
+ History of the Theory of Numbers 1919 L. E. Dickson
+ Faisceaux Algebriques Coherents 1955 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1982 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat The Brauer group of a commutative ring 1960 Maurice Auslander
Oscar Goldman
+ Varieties of Group Representations and Splittings of 3-Manifolds 1983 Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
+ PDF Chat Plane curves associated to character varieties of 3-manifolds 1994 D. Cooper
Marc Culler
Henri Gillet
D. D. Long
Peter B. Shalen
+ The Chebyshev polynomials 1974 T. J. Rivlin
+ Incompressible planar surfaces in 3-manifolds 1984 C. McA. Gordon
R. A. Litherland
+ Lectures in Abstract Algebra 1964 Nathan Jacobson
+ PDF Chat Modules over Dedekind rings and valuation rings 1952 Irving Kaplansky
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ Bounded, separating, incompressible surfaces in knot manifolds 1984 Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
+ PDF Chat On Culler-Shalen Seminorms and Dehn Filling 1998 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Modules projectifs et espaces fibrés à fibre vectorielle 2003 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Les déterminants sur un corps non commutatif 1943 Jean Dieudonné
+ Projective Modules Over Algebras 1961 Hyman Bass
+ Valuations, Trees, and Degenerations of Hyperbolic Structures, I 1984 John W. Morgan
Peter B. Shalen
+ Infinite Symmetric Products, Function Spaces, and Duality 1959 Edwin H. Spanier
+ Schützenberger groups of some irregular ℋ-classes 1975 Κ. D. Magill
S. Subbiah
+ Dehn Surgery on Knots 1987 Marc Culler
C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
Peter B. Shalen
+ Simple Homotopy Types 1950 J. H. C. Whitehead
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. (PMS-14) 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ Representations of 3-Manifold Groups 2001 P SHALENXF
+ PDF Chat Einführung in die elementare und analytische Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen und der Ideale 1918 Wilh Groß
+ History of the theory of numbers 1919 L. E. Dickson
+ The Chebyshev Polynomials 1976 J. R.
T. J. Rivlin
+ Vector bundles and homogeneous spaces 1961 Michael Atiyah
Friedrich Hirzebruch
+ PDF Chat The Brauer Group of a Commutative Ring 1960 Maurice Auslander
Oscar Goldman
+ On a theorem in additive number theory 1979 A. F. Lavrik
+ PDF Chat Modules Over Dedekind Rings and Valuation Rings 1952 Irving Kaplansky
+ Vorlesungen über die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen 1926 Tonio Rella