Moorad Alexanian


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ansatz for the Two-Dimensional Ising Model in an External Magnetic Field 2024 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a Modified Fermi-Hubbard Model 2024 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat A Soluble Modified Fermi-Hubbard Model 2024 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transition in a Modified Jaynes-Cummings Model 2024 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Quantum Phase Transition in a Modified Jaynes-Cummings Model 2024 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal Potentials and Crystalline Order in One and Two Dimensions 2023 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Nearest-Neighbor Tunneling Ansatz in the Bose-Hubbard Model 2023 Moorad Alexanian
+ Particle-Hole Ansatz in the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model 2023 Moorad Alexanian
+ Nearest-Neighbor Tunneling Ansatz in the Bose-Hubbard Mode 2023 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional Dynamics for a Discontinuous Singular Map and the Routes to Chaos 2022 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat The Dynamics of a Modified Jaynes-Cummings Model 2022 Moorad Alexanian
+ Collapse and revival of $n$-photon coherent states and $n$-photon squeezed coherent states 2022 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Collapse and Revival of n-Photon Coherent States and n-Photon Squeezed Coherent States 2022 Moorad Alexanian
+ The Dynamics of a Modified Jaynes-Cummings Model 2022 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensation and Quasicrystals 2021 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensation and Supersolids 2021 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ Characteristic function and quasi-probability distribution of photons and of squeezed coherent photons 2021 Moorad Alexanian
+ Angular distributions and polarization correlations of the two-photon spherical states 2021 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ Bose-Einstein Condensation and quasicrystals 2021 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ Bose-Einstein Condensation and Supersolids 2020 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ Mean Number and Number Variance of Squeezed Coherent Photons In a Thermal State of Photons 2020 Moorad Alexanian
+ Bose-Einstein Condensation and Supersolids 2020 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ Quantum Rabi oscillations in coherent and squeezed coherent states via one- and two-photon transitions 2019 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Integral representation of the cosmic microwave background spectrum 2019 Moorad Alexanian
+ Quantum Rabi oscillations in coherent and squeezed coherent states via one- and two-photon transitions 2019 Moorad Alexanian
+ Statistical Entropy of a Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter Black Hole 2019 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Anti-diffusion in continuous opinion dynamics 2018 Moorad Alexanian
D. E. McNamara
+ PDF Chat Quantum entropy and polarization measurements of the two-photon system 2018 Moorad Alexanian
Vanik E. Mkrtchian
+ PDF Chat Non-classicality criteria: Glauber–Sudarshan P function and Mandel parameter 2017 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Dynamically generated quadrature and photon-number variances for Gaussian states 2017 Moorad Alexanian
+ Field-quadrature and photon-number variances for Gaussian states 2016 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Nonclassicality criteria: Quasiprobability distributions and correlation functions 2016 Moorad Alexanian
+ Field-quadrature and photon-number variances for Gaussian states 2016 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Temporal second-order coherence function for displaced-squeezed thermal states 2015 Moorad Alexanian
+ Exact temporal second-order coherence function for displaced-squeezed thermal states 2015 Moorad Alexanian
+ The Order and Integration of Knowledge 2015 Moorad Alexanian
+ Nature, Science, Bayes' Theorem, and the Whole of Reality 2015 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Classical non-Markovian Boltzmann equation 2014 Moorad Alexanian
+ Generation of entangled tripartite states in three identical cavities 2012 Moorad Alexanian
+ Infinitely-long-range nonlocal potentials and the Bose-Einstein supersolid phase 2011 Moorad Alexanian
+ The Bogoliubov inequality and the nature of Bose-Einstein condensates for interacting atoms in spatial dimensions $D \le 2$ 2010 Moorad Alexanian
+ The Bogoliubov inequality and the nature of Bose-Einstein condensates for interacting atoms in spatial dimensions $D \le 2$ 2010 Moorad Alexanian
+ Cavity broadcasting via Raman scattering 2004 Moorad Alexanian
+ One-dimensional dynamics for a discontinuous map 1992 Moorad Alexanian
+ Critical behavior in the Yvon-Born-Green integral equation 1984 Moorad Alexanian
+ Distributions with power-law decrease and the approach to equilibrium 1982 Moorad Alexanian
G. F. Tuthill
+ Critical correlations and the Yvon-Born-Green integral equation 1982 Moorad Alexanian
+ Integral representation for non-maxwell models and the approach to equilibrium 1980 Moorad Alexanian
Benjaḿın Grinstein
+ PDF Chat Integral Representation for Nonplanckian Distributions and the Cosmic Background Radiation 1980 Moorad Alexanian
Benjaḿın Grinstein
+ Integral representation for non-Maxwellian distributions and the approach to equilibrium 1979 Moorad Alexanian
+ Comments on Statistical Bootstrap Models of Hadrons 1972 Moorad Alexanian
+ Myriotic Fields in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1971 Moorad Alexanian
+ Nonequilibrium effects and the compton energy exchange 1970 Moorad Alexanian
+ Integral Representation for Systems of Interacting Particles 1968 Moorad Alexanian
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Integral representation for non-Maxwellian distributions and the approach to equilibrium 1979 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Temporal second-order coherence function for displaced-squeezed thermal states 2015 Moorad Alexanian
+ Formation of Maxwellian Tails 1976 Max Krook
Tai Tsun Wu
+ PDF Chat Measuring Photon Antibunching from Continuous Variable Sideband Squeezing 2007 Nicolai B. Grosse
Thomas Symul
Magdalena Stobińska
Timothy C. Ralph
Ping Koy Lam
+ Integral Representation for Systems of Interacting Particles 1968 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Gaussian quantum information 2012 Christian Weedbrook
Stefano Pirandola
Raúl García−Patrón
Nicolas J. Cerf
Timothy C. Ralph
Jeffrey H. Shapiro
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Observing ground-state properties of the Fermi-Hubbard model using a scalable algorithm on a quantum computer 2022 Stasja Stanisic
Jan Lukas Bosse
F. M. Gambetta
Raul A. Santos
Wojciech Mruczkiewicz
Thomas E. O’Brien
Eric Ostby
Ashley Montanaro
+ PDF Chat On the approach to Maxwellian distribution 1979 J. A. Tjon
+ PDF Chat Quantum Rabi Oscillations in Coherent and in Mesoscopic Cat Field States 2019 F. Assemat
Dorian Grosso
Adrien Signoles
Adrien Facon
I. Dotsenko
S. Haroche
J. M. Raimond
M. Brune
S. Gleyzes
+ Nonlinear model-Boltzmann equations and exact solutions 1981 M. H. Ernst
+ Integral representation for non-maxwell models and the approach to equilibrium 1980 Moorad Alexanian
Benjaḿın Grinstein
+ PDF Chat Equation of State and Thermometry of the 2D <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> Fermi-Hubbard Model 2024 Giuseppe Pasqualetti
Oscar Bettermann
Nelson Darkwah Oppong
Eduardo Ibarra-García-Padilla
Sohail Dasgupta
Richard Scalettar
Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Immanuel Bloch
Simon Fölling
+ PDF Chat Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics due to Quantum Interference 2001 Yichen Lu
Z. Y. Ou
+ Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain 1934 N. Wiener
R. E. A. C. Paley
+ PDF Chat An exactly solvable non-linear Boltzmann equation 1979 M. H. Ernst
E.M. Hendriks
+ PDF Chat Criticality in the Yvon–Born–Green and similar integral equations 1983 Michael E. Fisher
Shmuel Fishman
+ PDF Chat Single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of an atomic Mott insulator 2010 Jacob Sherson
Christof Weitenberg
Manuel Endres
Marc Cheneau
Immanuel Bloch
Stefan Kuhr
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Supersolids: What and where are they? 2012 Massimo Boninsegni
Nikolay Prokof’ev
+ Modified Riemann-Liouville derivative and fractional Taylor series of nondifferentiable functions further results 2006 Guy Jumarie
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of the non-linear Boltzmann equation for Maxwell models 1979 M. H. Ernst
+ Infinitely-long-range nonlocal potentials and the Bose-Einstein supersolid phase 2011 Moorad Alexanian
+ Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems 2009 Pierre Collet
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium phase transition in the coevolution of networks and opinions 2006 Petter Holme
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Computing<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>-time Correlation Functions 2014 Julen S. Pedernales
Roberto Di Candia
I. L. Egusquiza
J. Casanova
E. Solano
+ PDF Chat Superdiffusion in quasi-two-dimensional Yukawa liquids 2008 T. Ott
M. Bönitz
Z. Donkó
Péter Hartmann
+ PDF Chat Generalized conditional entropy in bipartite quantum systems 2013 N. Gigena
R. Rossignoli
+ PDF Chat Photon distribution for one-mode mixed light with a generic Gaussian Wigner function 1994 V. V. Dodonov
Olga V. Man’ko
V. I. Man’ko
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Formation of an Arbitrary State of Two Qubits 1998 William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Negative Entropy and Information in Quantum Mechanics 1997 Nicolas J. Cerf
Christoph Adami
+ PDF Chat Covariance algebras in field theory and statistical mechanics 1966 Sergio Doplicher
Daniel Kastler
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat <i>An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems</i> 1987 Robert L. Devaney
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
+ PDF Chat Unified nonclassicality criteria 2015 S. Ryl
Jan Sperling
Elizabeth Agudelo
Martin Mráz
S. Köhnke
B. Hage
W. Vogel
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ Myriotic Fields in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1971 Moorad Alexanian
+ Diffusion Approximation for a Photon Gas Interacting with a Plasma via the Compton Effect 1965 R. J. Weymann
+ The Bogoliubov inequality and the nature of Bose-Einstein condensates for interacting atoms in spatial dimensions $D \le 2$ 2010 Moorad Alexanian
+ <i>Mathematical Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Fields</i> 1954 Kurt Friedrichs
I. Oppenheim
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein supersolid phase for a type of momentum-dependent interaction 2011 Xiaopeng Li
W. Vincent Liu
Chungwei Lin
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model 1975 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Kadanoff-Baym equations with initial correlations 1999 D. Semkat
D. Kremp
M. Bönitz
+ PDF Chat Problem of equilibration and the computation of correlation functions on a quantum computer 2000 Barbara M. Terhal
David P. DiVincenzo
+ Critical correlations and the Yvon-Born-Green integral equation 1982 Moorad Alexanian
+ PDF Chat Mixed state entanglement: Manipulating polarization-entangled photons 2001 Rob Thew
William J. Munro
+ PDF Chat Fast and Accurate Evaluation of Nonlocal Coulomb and Dipole-Dipole Interactions via the Nonuniform FFT 2014 Shidong Jiang
Leslie Greengard
Weizhu Bao
+ Powerlike decreasing solutions of the Boltzmann equation for a Maxwell gas 1981 H. Cornille
A. Gervois
+ Generalized Taylor’s formula 2006 Zaid Odibat
Nabil Shawagfeh
+ PDF Chat Statistical physics of social dynamics 2009 Claudio Castellano
Santo Fortunato
Vittorio Loreto
+ Power-like decreasing solutions of the non-linear Boltzman equation corresponding to Maxwellian interaction 1980 H. Cornille
A. Gervois
+ PDF Chat Generalized diffusion equation 2006 Jean Pierre Boon
James F. Lutsko
+ PDF Chat Optimization of photon correlations by frequency filtering 2015 Alejandro González-Tudela
Elena del Valle
Fabrice P. Laussy