James Cockle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the Confluences and Bifurcations of certain Theories 1888 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat On the General Linear Differential Equation of the Second Order 1887 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat On the Equation of Riccati 1886 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat On the Explicit Integeration of certain Differential Resolvents 1882 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat On Differential Equations, Total and Partial; and on a New Soluble Class of the First and an Exceptional Case of the Second 1878 James Cockle
+ LIII. <i>On a differential criticoid</i> 1875 James Cockle
+ XLVIII. <i>On fractional criticoids</i> 1871 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat On Linear Differential Equations 1865 James Cockle
+ XXXI. <i>Concluding remarks on a recent mathematical controversy</i> 1863 James Cockle
+ VI. <i>On a new species of differential equations</i> 1862 James Cockle
+ XVIII. <i>On transcendental and algebraic solution.—Supplementary paper</i> 1862 James Cockle
+ LVIII. <i>On transcendental and algebraic solution</i> 1861 James Cockle
+ Mathematical bibliography 1860 James Cockle
+ XXVI. <i>Observations on the theory of equations of the fifth degree</i> 1860 James Cockle
+ LIII. <i>Observations on the theory of equations of the fifth degree</i> 1859 James Cockle
+ IX. <i>Observations on the theory of equations of the fifth degree</i> 1859 James Cockle
+ LVIII. Observations on the theory of equations of the fifth degree 1859 James Cockle
+ Mathematical bibliography 1857 James Cockle
+ L. Observations on the theory of equations of the fifth degree 1857 James Cockle
+ XVI. <i>On the resolution of algebraic equations of the fifth degree</i> 1856 James Cockle
+ LXI. <i>On algebraic transformation on quadruple algebra, and on the theory of equations</i> 1852 James Cockle
+ LXXVII. On the method of symmetric products 1852 James Cockle
+ XLIII. <i>On the solution of certain systems of equations</i> 1851 James Cockle
+ LVI. <i>On the solution of three simultaneous quadratics of the fifth order</i> 1851 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XXXI. <i>On impossible equations, on impossible quantities, and on tessarines</i> 1850 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XXXV.<i>On the true amplitude of a tessarine; on the derivation of the word</i>theodolite;<i>and on light under the action of magnetism</i> 1850 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat LII. <i>On systems of algebra involving more than one imaginary; and on equations of the fifth degree</i> 1849 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XVIII. <i>Solution of two geometrical problems</i> 1849 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat III. <i>On a new imaginary in algebra</i> 1849 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat LXIV. <i>On certain functions resembling quaternions, and on a new imaginary in algebra</i> 1848 James Cockle
T.S. Davies
+ PDF Chat VIII. <i>On some formulæ which serve to indicate the limits of the application of indeterminate methods to the solution of certain problems</i> 1847 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XXXIII. <i>On some formulæ which serve to indicate the limits of the application of indeterminate methods to the solution of certain problems</i> 1846 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XXIII. <i>On a proposition relating to the theory of equations</i> 1846 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XLV. <i>Supplementary remarks on elimination, and on the theory of equations</i> 1845 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat XX. <i>On the resolution of equations of the fifth degree</i> 1845 James Cockle
+ PDF Chat LV. <i>Outline of a new and general mode of transforming and resolving algebraic equations</i> 1845 James Cockle
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T.S. Davies 1
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