O. Babelon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Solution of Baxter equation for the $q$-Toda and Toda$_2$ chains by NLIE 2018 O. Babelon
Karol K. Kozłowski
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat The Toda $$_2$$ 2 chain 2018 O. Babelon
Karol K. Kozłowski
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Baxter Operator and Baxter Equation for q-Toda and Toda<sub>2</sub> Chains 2018 O. Babelon
Karol K. Kozłowski
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Baxter operator and Baxter equation for $q$-Toda and Toda$_2$ chains 2018 O. Babelon
Karol K. Kozłowski
Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Baxter Operator and Baxter Equation for <i>q</i>-Toda and Toda<sub>2</sub> Chains 2018 O. Babelon
Karol K. Kozłowski
Vincent Pasquier
+ Higher index focus–focus singularities in the Jaynes–Cummings–Gaudin model: Symplectic invariants and monodromy 2014 O. Babelon
Benoît Douçot
+ Higher index focus-focus singularities in the Jayne-Cummings-Gaudin model : symplectic invariants and monodromy 2013 O. Babelon
Benoît Douçot
+ Classical Bethe Ansatz and normal forms in an integrable version of the Dicke model 2012 O. Babelon
Benoît Douçot
+ Multi-mode solitons in the classical Dicke-Jaynes-Cummings-Gaudin Model 2012 O. Babelon
Benoît Douçot
+ Classical Bethe Ansatz and Normal Forms in the Jaynes-Cummings Model 2011 O. Babelon
Benoît Douçot
+ PDF Chat Kowalevski's analysis of the swinging Atwood's machine 2010 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
M. Capdequi Peyranère
+ PDF Chat A semi-classical study of the Jaynes–Cummings model 2009 O. Babelon
Luigi Cantini
Benoît Douçot
+ PDF Chat A semiclassical study of the Jaynes-Cummings model 2009 O. Babelon
Luigi Cantini
Benoît Douçot
+ Exchange Algebra in the Conformal Affine sl 2 Toda Field Theory 2008 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ PDF Chat On the Bethe ansatz for the Jaynes–Cummings–Gaudin model 2007 O. Babelon
D. Talalaev
+ PDF Chat Continuum Limit of the Volterra Model, Separation of Variables and Non-Standard Realizations of the Virasoro Poisson Bracket 2006 O. Babelon
+ PDF Chat On the quantum inverse problem for the closed Toda chain 2003 O. Babelon
+ Equations in Dual Variables for Whittaker Functions 2003 O. Babelon
+ PDF Chat Riemann surfaces, separation of variables and classical and quantum integrability 2003 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ The Toda field theories 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Symplectic geometry 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Classical inverse scattering method 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ The Calogero—Moser model 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ The closed Toda chain 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Grassmannian and integrable hierarchies 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ The KdV hierarchy 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Lie algebras 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Riemann surfaces 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Integrability in higher dimensions: a model with exact Hopfion solutions 2002 O. Babelon
L. A. Ferreira
+ PDF Chat Integrability and Conformal Symmetry in Higher Dimensions: A Model with Exact Hopfion Solutions 2002 O. Babelon
L. A. Ferreira
+ PDF Chat The symplectic structure of rational Lax pair systems 1999 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ PDF Chat The symplectic structure of the spin Calogero model 1997 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ PDF Chat Form factors, KdV and deformed hyperelliptic curves 1997 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
F. Smirnov
+ PDF Chat Null-Vectors in Integrable Field Theory 1997 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
F. Smirnov
+ Form Factors, KdV and Deformed Hyperelliptic Curves 1997 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
F. A. Smirnov
+ PDF Chat Quantization of solitons and the restricted sine-Gordon model 1996 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
F. Smirnov
+ PDF Chat A quasi-Hopf algebra interpretation of quantum 3-j and 6-j symbols and difference equations 1996 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
E. Billey
+ PDF Chat The Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation and the quantum Calogero-Moser systems 1996 Jean Avan
O. Babelon
E. Billey
+ PDF Chat Spin generalization of the Calogero-Moser system and the matrix KP equation 1995 I. M. Krichever
O. Babelon
E. Billey
Michel Talon
+ Lectures on integrable systems: In memory of Jean-Louis Verdier. Proceedings, CIMPA School, Nice, France, June 10-28, 1991 1995 O. Babelon
Patrice Cartier
Yvette Kosmann–Schwarzbach
+ PDF Chat Exact Yangian symmetry in the classical Euler-Calogero-Moser model 1994 E. Billey
Jean Avan
O. Babelon
+ PDF Chat The r-matrix structure of the Euler-Calogero-Moser model 1994 E. Billey
Jean Avan
O. Babelon
+ Spin generalization of the Calogero-Moser system and the Matrix KP equation 1994 I. M. Krichever
O. Babelon
E. Billey
Michel Talon
+ PDF Chat The sine-Gordon solitons as an N-body problem 1993 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Denis Bernard
+ Construction of the classical $R$-matrices for the Toda and Calogero models 1993 Jean Avan
O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ Dressing symmetries 1992 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat From form factors to correlation functions. The Ising model 1992 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
+ PDF Chat Separation of variables for the classical and quantum Neumann model 1992 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ Liouville theory on the lattice and universal exchange algebra for bloch waves 1992 O. Babelon
+ Sinh-Gordon model as a spontaneously broken conformal theory 1991 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ PDF Chat Universal exchange algebra for Bloch waves and Liouville theory 1991 O. Babelon
+ Dressing transformations and the origin of the quantum group symmetries 1991 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
+ Integrability and conformal invariance 1991 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ Quantum Toda theory 1991 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ From integrable to conformal theory 1990 O. Babelon
+ Conformal affine sl2 Toda field theory 1990 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ Exchange formula and lattice deformation of the Virasoro algebra 1990 O. Babelon
+ Hamiltonian structures and Lax equations 1990 O. Babelon
C-M. Viallet
C.-M. Viallet
+ Extended conformal algebra and the Yang-Baxter equation 1988 O. Babelon
+ Jimbo's q-analogues and current algebras 1988 O. Babelon
+ Supersymmetric sinh-Gordon and Liouville theories on the lattice 1987 O. Babelon
F. Langouche
+ Construction of the quantum supersymmetric Liouville theory for string models 1985 O. Babelon
+ The monodromy matrix and its poisson brackets in supersymmetric Liouville-string theory 1984 O. Babelon
+ Representations of the Yang-Baxter algebrae associated to Toda field theory 1984 O. Babelon
+ Exact excitation spectrum of the Zn + 1 × Zn + 1 generalized Heisenberg model 1983 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C.-M. Viallet
+ Analysis of the Bethe ansatz equations of the XXZ model 1983 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C.-M. Viallet
+ Exact solution of the Zn+1 × Zn+1 symmetric generalization of the XXZ model 1982 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C-M. Viallet
+ PDF Chat The riemannian geometry of the configuration space of gauge theories 1981 O. Babelon
C.-M. Viallet
+ Solutions of the factorization equations from Toda field theory 1981 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C.-M. Viallet
+ Conserved quantities for the geodesic motion on the configuration space of non-abelian Yang-Mills theory 1981 O. Babelon
C.-M. Viallet
+ Contributions of the zero frequency mode in the quantization of solitons 1977 O. Babelon
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Extended conformal algebra and the Yang-Baxter equation 1988 O. Babelon
+ Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems 2003 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
Michel Talon
+ Representation of zero curvature for the system of nonlinear partial differential equations $$x_{\alpha ,z\bar z} = \exp (kx)_\alpha $$ and its integrability 1979 A. N. Leznov
M. V. Saveliev
+ PDF Chat Riemann surfaces, separation of variables and classical and quantum integrability 2003 O. Babelon
Michel Talon
+ Factorized S-matrices in two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relativistic quantum field theory models 1979 Alexander B. Zamolodchikov
Alexey B Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat On the integrable geometry of soliton equations and $N=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories 1997 I. M. Krichever
D. H. Phong
+ Lie algebras and equations of Korteweg-de Vries type 1985 Vladimir Drinfeld
В. В. Соколов
+ Miura transformation on a lattice 1988 A. Yu. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Separation of Variables 1995 E. K. Sklyanin
+ PDF Chat The quantum group structure of 2D gravity and minimal models I 1990 Jean-Loup Gervais
+ PDF Chat Integrable dynamics of coupled Fermi-Bose condensates 2005 Emil A. Yuzbashyan
В. Б. Кузнецов
B. L. Altshuler
+ Exchange formula and lattice deformation of the Virasoro algebra 1990 O. Babelon
+ Aq-difference analogue of U(g) and the Yang-Baxter equation 1985 Michio Jimbo
+ PDF Chat Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory 1984 A. A. Belavin
A. Polyakov
A. B. Zamolodchikov
+ Hamiltonian structures and Lax equations 1990 O. Babelon
C-M. Viallet
+ PDF Chat Classical R-matrix structure for the Calogero model 1993 Jean Avan
Michel Talon
+ Solutions of the factorization equations from Toda field theory 1981 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C.-M. Viallet
+ PDF Chat Yang-Baxter equation in long-range interacting systems 1993 Denis Bernard
M. Gaudin
F. D. M. Haldane
Vincent Pasquier
+ Monodromy in two degrees of freedom integrable systems 1992 Maorong Zou
+ PDF Chat Commuting families in skew fields and quantization of Beauville's fibration 2003 Benjamin Enriquez
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian monodromy via Picard-Lefschetz theory 2002 Michèle Audin
+ A generalisation of the Calogero-Moser system 1984 John Gibbons
Theo Hermsen
+ On a trace functional for formal pseudo-differential operators and the symplectic structure of the Korteweg-devries type equations 1978 Mark Adler
+ Partition function of the Eight-Vertex lattice model 1972 R. J. Baxter
+ PDF Chat Quantum group symmetries and non-local currents in 2D QFT 1991 Denis Bernard
André LeClair
+ PDF Chat Separation of variables in the Gaudin model 1989 E. K. Sklyanin
+ Convexity and Commuting Hamiltonians 1982 Michael Atiyah
+ PDF Chat Spin generalization of the Calogero-Moser system and the matrix KP equation 1995 I. M. Krichever
O. Babelon
E. Billey
Michel Talon
+ PDF Chat The sine-Gordon solitons as an N-body problem 1993 O. Babelon
Denis Bernard
+ Moment polytopes for symplectic manifolds with monodromy 2006 San Vũ Ngọc
+ Quantum Volterra model 1992 A. Yu. Volkov
+ Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II 1979 В. Е. Захаров
A. B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian Dynamics and Spectral Theory for Spin–Oscillators 2011 Álvaro Pelayo
San Vũ Ngọc
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Quantum Toda theory 1991 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ Exact solution of the Zn+1 × Zn+1 symmetric generalization of the XXZ model 1982 O. Babelon
H. J. de Vega
C-M. Viallet
+ PDF Chat Atom-Molecule Coexistence and Collective Dynamics Near a Feshbach Resonance of Cold Fermions 2004 Roman Barankov
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Complete integrability of relativistic Calogero-Moser systems and elliptic function identities 1987 S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ PDF Chat A note on focus-focus singularities 1997 Nguyen Tien Zung
+ PDF Chat Discrete Heisenberg-Weyl Group and modular group 1995 L. D. Faddeev
+ The quantum Toda chain 2008 E. K. Sklyanin
+ PDF Chat On the Bethe ansatz for the Jaynes–Cummings–Gaudin model 2007 O. Babelon
D. Talalaev
+ Kac-Moody algebra and extended Yang-Baxter relations in the O(N) non-linear σ-model 1985 J Maillet
+ Graded R-matrices for integrable systems 1991 Jean Avan
Michel Talon
+ PDF Chat Exact Yangian symmetry in the classical Euler-Calogero-Moser model 1994 E. Billey
Jean Avan
O. Babelon
+ New integrable canonical structures in two-dimensional models 1986 J Maillet
+ PDF Chat Solution of the initial value problem for the sine-Gordon equation using a Kac-Moody algebra 1985 Paul Mansfield
+ The solution to a generalized Toda lattice and representation theory 1979 Bertram Kostant
+ Conformal affine sl2 Toda field theory 1990 O. Babelon
L. Bonora
+ Classical r-matrix and exchange algebra in WZNW and Toda theories 1990 József Á. Balog
Ludwik Dąbrowski
L. Fehér