Sara Munday


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 22 The Riemann–Hurwitz formula 2023 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ Analytic Endomorphisms of the Riemann Sphere 2023 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat 21 Multifractal analysis for conformal graph directed Markov systems 2022 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ Finer Thermodynamic Formalism – Distance Expanding Maps and Countable State Subshifts of Finite Type, Conformal GDMSs, Lasota-Yorke Maps and Fractal Geometry 2022 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ 8 Ergodic theory 2021 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ 2 Homeomorphisms of the circle 2021 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ Ergodic Theory – Finite and Infinite, Thermodynamic Formalism, Symbolic Dynamics and Distance Expanding Maps 2021 Mariusz Urbański
Mario Roy
Sara Munday
+ The Hausdorff dimension spectrum of Renyi-like continued fractions 2021 Andrei E. Ghenciu
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat A multifractal analysis for cuspidal windings on hyperbolic surfaces 2021 Johannes Jaerisch
Marc Keßeböhmer
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat A slow triangle map with a segment of indifferent fixed points and a complete tree of rational pairs 2021 Claudio Bonanno
Alessio Del Vigna
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat Matching for a family of infinite measure continued fraction transformations 2020 Charlene Kalle
Niels Langeveld
Marta Maggioni
Sara Munday
+ Matching for a family of infinite measure continued fraction transformations 2019 Charlene Kalle
Niels Langeveld
Marta Maggioni
Sara Munday
+ A slow triangle map with a segment of indifferent fixed points and a complete tree of rational pairs 2019 Claudio Bonanno
Alessio Del Vigna
Sara Munday
+ Matching for a family of infinite measure continued fraction transformations 2019 Charlene Kalle
Niels Langeveld
Marta Maggioni
Sara Munday
+ A slow triangle map with a segment of indifferent fixed points and a complete tree of rational pairs 2019 Claudio Bonanno
Alessio Del Vigna
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat Pointwise convergence of Birkhoff averages for global observables 2018 Marco Lenci
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat Stability and perturbations of countable Markov maps 2018 Thomas Jordan
Sara Munday
Tuomas Sahlsten
+ Derivatives of slippery Devil's staircases 2017 Junjie Miao
Sara Munday
+ The Hausdorff dimension spectrum of conformal graph directed Markov systems and applications to nearest integer continued fractions 2016 Andrei E. Ghenciu
Sara Munday
Mallika Roy
+ A multifractal analysis for cuspidal windings on hyperbolic surfaces 2016 Johannes Jaerisch
Marc Keßeböhmer
Sara Munday
+ 3. Renewal theory and α-sum-level sets 2016 Sara Munday
Marc Keßeböhmer
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ Infinite Ergodic Theory of Numbers 2016 Sara Munday
Marc Keßeböhmer
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ PDF Chat Escape rate scaling in infinite measure preserving systems 2016 Sara Munday
Georgie Knight
+ PDF Chat On two conjectures for M&m sequences 2016 Francesco Cellarosi
Sara Munday
+ A multifractal analysis for cuspidal windings on hyperbolic surfaces 2016 Johannes Jaerisch
Marc Keßeböhmer
Sara Munday
+ The Hausdorff dimension spectrum of Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems and applications to Nearest Integer continued fractions 2015 Andrei E. Ghenciu
Sara Munday
Mario Roy
+ PDF Chat Diophantine Approximation and Coloring 2015 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ The Hausdorff dimension spectrum of Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems and applications to Nearest Integer continued fractions 2015 Andrei E. Ghenciu
Sara Munday
Mario Roy
+ On two conjectures for M&m sequences 2014 Francesco Cellarosi
Sara Munday
+ On two conjectures for M&m sequences 2014 Francesco Cellarosi
Sara Munday
+ Diophantine approximation and coloring 2013 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat On the derivative of the $\alpha$-Farey-Minkowski function 2013 Sara Munday
+ Density of orbits of semigroups of endomorphisms acting on the Adeles 2013 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ Density of orbits of semigroups of endomorphisms acting on the Adeles 2013 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ Density of orbits of semigroups of endomorphisms acting on the Adeles 2013 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ Diophantine approximation and coloring 2013 Alan Haynes
Sara Munday
+ On the derivative of the \alpha-Farey-Minkowski function 2012 Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat On Hausdorff dimension and cusp excursions for Fuchsian groups 2012 Sara Munday
+ On the derivative of the α-Farey-Minkowski function 2012 Sara Munday
+ Finite and infinite ergodic theory for linear and conformal dynamical systems 2011 Sara Munday
+ On Hausdorff dimension and cusp excursions for Fuchsian groups 2011 Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat Strong renewal theorems and Lyapunov spectra for<i>α</i>-Farey and<i>α</i>-Lüroth systems 2011 Marc Keßeböhmer
Sara Munday
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ A Note on Diophantine Fractals for α--Lüroth systems. 2011 Sara Munday
+ On Hausdorff dimension and cusp excursions for Fuchsian groups 2011 Sara Munday
+ A note on Diophantine-type fractals for \alpha-Lüroth systems 2010 Sara Munday
+ A note on Diophantine-type fractals for α-Lüroth systems 2010 Sara Munday
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fractal analysis for sets of non-differentiability of Minkowski's question mark function 2008 Marc Keßeböhmer
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ PDF Chat Strong renewal theorems and Lyapunov spectra for<i>α</i>-Farey and<i>α</i>-Lüroth systems 2011 Marc Keßeböhmer
Sara Munday
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ Geometrie der Zahlen 1896 H. Minkowski
+ PDF Chat On some singular monotonic functions which are strictly increasing 1943 R. Salem
+ PDF Chat A multifractal analysis for Stern-Brocot intervals, continued fractions and Diophantine growth rates 2007 Marc Keßeböhmer
Bernd O. Stratmann
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of generalized Lüroth series 1996 José A. Barrionuevo
Robert Burton
Karma Dajani
Cor Kraaikamp
+ PDF Chat Regularity of multifractal spectra of conformal iterated function systems 2010 Johannes Jaerisch
Marc Keßeböhmer
+ The fractional dimensional theory of continued fractions 1941 I. J. Good
+ An introduction to infinite ergodic theory 1997 Jon Aaronson
+ Graph Directed Markov Systems 2003 R. Daniel Mauldin
Mariusz Urbański
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension and Kleinian groups 1997 Christopher J. Bishop
Peter W. Jones
+ AN INTRODUCTION TO INFINITE ERGODIC THEORY (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 50) 1999 Hans Crauel
+ PDF Chat Conformal iterated function systems with applications to the geometry of continued fractions 1999 R. Daniel Mauldin
Mariusz Urbański
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ The Patterson Measure for Geometrically Finite Groups with Parabolic Elements, New and Old 1995 Bernd O. Stratmann
Sanju Velani
+ Ergodic theory of numbers 2002 Karma Dajani
Cor Kraaikamp
+ The Ergodic Theory of Discrete Groups 1989 Peter Nicholls
+ The Derivative of Minkowski's ?(x) Function 2001 Jaume Paradís
Pelegrí Viader
Lluís Bibiloni
+ Thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts 1999 Omri Sarig
+ PDF Chat The arithmetic-geometric scaling spectrum for continued fractions 2009 Johannes Jaerisch
Marc Keßeböhmer
+ An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory 1997 Jon Aaronson
+ PDF Chat On the derivative of the $\alpha$-Farey-Minkowski function 2013 Sara Munday
+ PDF Chat Dimensions and Measures in Infinite Iterated Function Systems 1996 R. Daniel Mauldin
Mariusz Urbański
+ The Exponent of Convergence of Poincaré Series 1968 Alan F. Beardon
+ Continued fractions 1963 Aleksandr I︠A︡kovlevich Khinchin
+ The Modular Surface and Continued Fractions 1985 Caroline Series
+ PDF Chat A new class of continued fraction expansions 1991 Cor Kraaikamp
+ PDF Chat On Infinite-Volume Mixing 2010 Marco Lenci
+ Techniques in fractal geometry 1997 K. J. Falconer
+ PDF Chat The limit set of a Fuchsian group 1976 S. J. Patterson
+ Sets of “Non-typical” points have full topological entropy and full Hausdorff dimension 2000 Luís Barreira
Jörg Schmeling
+ Graph Directed Markov Systems: Geometry and Dynamics of Limit Sets 2009 R. Daniel Mauldin
Mariusz Urbański
+ PDF Chat Ueber eine eindeutige Entwickelung von Zahlen in eine unendliche Reihe 1883 J. Lüroth
+ Phase Transitions for Countable Markov Shifts 2001 Omri Sarig
+ Dimension Theory in Dynamical Systems 1997 Yakov Pesin
+ Dimension spectrum and graph directed Markov systems. 2006 Eugen Andrei Ghenciu
+ Parabolic Iterated Function Systems with Applications to the Backward Continued Fractions 2007 Andrei E. Ghenciu
+ Existence of Gibbs measures for countable Markov shifts 2003 Omri Sarig
+ A discrete renewal theorem with infinite mean 1962 Adriano M. Garsia
John Lamperti
+ Gauss-like Continued Fraction Systems and their Dimension Spectrum 2009 Andrei E. Ghenciu
+ Riesz–Nágy singular functions revisited 2006 Jaume Paradís
Pelegrí Viader
Lluís Bibiloni
+ PDF Chat On Khintchine exponents and Lyapunov exponents of continued fractions 2008 Aihua Fan
Lingmin Liao
Baowei Wang
Jun Wu
+ PDF Chat Entropy, Hausdorff measures old and new, and limit sets of geometrically finite Kleinian groups 1984 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional continued fractions and a Minkowski function 2008 Giovanni Panti
+ PDF Chat A property of power series with positive coefficients 1949 P. Erdős
William Feller
Harry Pollard
+ PDF Chat 'The mother of all continued fractions' 2000 Karma Dajani
Cor Kraaikamp
+ PDF Chat Metrical Theory for a Class of Continued Fraction Transformations and Their Natural Extensions 1981 Hitoshi Nakada
+ On the Metrical Theory of Continued Fraction Mixing Fibred Systems and Its Application to Jacobi-Perron Algorithm 2003 Hitoshi Nakada
Rie Natsui
+ PDF Chat Weak singularity spectra of the Patterson measure for geometrically finite Kleinian groups with parabolic elements. 1999 Bernd O. Stratmann
+ On Periodic Sequences for Algebraic Numbers 2001 Thomas A. Garrity