Zuoqin Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bessel functions and Weyl's law for balls and spherical shells 2024 Jingwei Guo
Tao Jiang
Zuoqin Wang
Xuerui Yang
+ Riemannian metrics with prescribed volume and finite parts of Dirichlet spectrum 2024 Xiang He
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat P\'olya's conjecture for thin products 2024 Xiang He
Zuoqin Wang
+ Equivariant Morse theory for Lie algebra actions on Riemannian foliations 2024 Yi Lin
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Cheeger estimates of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators on infinite subgraphs of graphs 2023 Bobo Hua
Yan Huang
Zuoqin Wang
+ Riemannian metrics with prescribed volume and finite parts of Dirichlet spectrum 2023 Xiang He
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Integral representations of isotropic semiclassical functions and applications 2022 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat The Weyl formula for planar annuli 2021 Jingwei Guo
Wolfgang Müller
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ Integral representations of isotropic semi-classical functions and applications 2021 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ Inverse spectral results for non-abelian group actions 2020 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ Inverse spectral results for non-abelian group actions 2020 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ The Weyl formula for planar annuli 2019 Jingwei Guo
Wolfgang Müller
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ On the relative heat invariants of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators associated with Schrödinger operators 2018 Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat An Improved Remainder Estimate in the Weyl Formula for the Planar Disk 2018 Jingwei Guo
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat On isospectral compactness in conformal class for 4-manifolds 2018 Xianfu Liu
Zuoqin Wang
+ Cheeger estimates of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators on infinite subgraphs of graphs 2018 Bobo Hua
Yan Huang
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat First eigenvalue estimates of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators on graphs 2017 Bobo Hua
Yan Huang
Zuoqin Wang
+ First eigenvalue estimates of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators on graphs 2017 Bobo Hua
Yan Huang
Zuoqin Wang
+ An improved remainder estimate in the Weyl formula for the planar disk 2017 Jingwei Guo
Weiwei Wang
Zuoqin Wang
+ Spectral properties of semi-classical Toeplitz operators 2017 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ On Isospectral compactness in conformal class for 4-manifolds 2016 Xianfu Liu
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat The generalized Legendre transform and its applications to inverse spectral problems 2015 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ Canonical forms for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator 2013 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Spectral Invariants for Schrödinger Operators 2012 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ A semiclassical heat trace expansion for the perturbed harmonic oscillator 2012 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ Differentiability of t-functionals of location and scatter 2011 Richard M. Dudley
Sergiy Sidenko
Zuoqin Wang
+ Band invariants for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator 2011 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ A semiclassical heat trace expansion for the perturbed harmonic oscillator 2011 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Stability Functions 2009 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Differentiability of t-functionals of location and scatter 2009 R. M. Dudley
Sergiy Sidenko
Zuoqin Wang
+ on smooth manifolds, Representation of Lie groups and Lie algebras, Structure of compact Lie groups. Elementary theory of Lie algebra. Text: No textbook are required. We will upload course notes to the course website after each lecture. There are many good textbooks on this subject, includes 2009 Zuoqin Wang
+ Semiclassical Spectral Invariants for Schrödinger Operators 2009 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat The Mellin Transform and Spectral Properties of Toric Varieties 2008 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ Differentiability of M-functionals of location and scatter based on t likelihoods 2008 R. M. Dudley
Sergiy Sidenko
Zuoqin Wang
+ Geodesics on weighted projective spaces 2008 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Zuoqin Wang
+ Stability Functions 2008 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ Some classes of rational functions and related Banach spaces 2007 R. M. Dudley
Sergiy Sidenko
Zuoqin Wang
Fangyun Yang
+ The twisted Mellin transform 2007 Zuoqin Wang
+ The Mellin transform and spectral properties of toric varieties 2007 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ On the Fundamental Group of Open Manifolds with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature 2003 Sen-Lin Xu
Zuoqin Wang
Fangyun Yang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Spectral Invariants for Schrödinger Operators 2012 Victor Guillemin
Zuoqin Wang
+ PDF Chat Riemann sums over polytopes 2007 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg
+ The spectral theory of Toeplitz operators 1981 L. Boutet de Monvel
Victor Guillemin
+ The asymptotic expansion of bessel functions of large order 1954 F. W. J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Das asymptotische Verteilungsgesetz der Eigenwerte linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen (mit einer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Hohlraumstrahlung) 1912 Hermann Weyl
+ Moment Maps and Combinatorial Invariants of Hamiltonian Tn-spaces 1994 Victor Guillemin
+ On the spectrum of positive elliptic operators and periodic bicharacteristics 1975 J. J. Duistermaat
Victor Guillemin
+ Exponential Sums and Lattice Points III 2003 M. N. Huxley
+ PDF Chat Distribution laws for integrable eigenfunctions 2004 Bernard Shiffman
Tatsuya Tate
Steve Zelditch
+ PDF Chat Singular unitarity in “quantization commutes with reduction” 2008 Hui Li
+ The first Steklov eigenvalue, conformal geometry, and minimal surfaces 2010 Ailana Fraser
Richard Schoen
+ Mean square of zeta function, circle problem and divisor problem revisited 2017 Jean Bourgain
Nigel Watt
+ PDF Chat Smooth Billiards with a Large Weyl Remainder 2015 Suresh Eswarathasan
Iosif Polterovich
John A. Toth
+ A Lower Bound for the Smallest Eigenvalue of the Laplacian 2015 Jeff Cheeger
+ The Geometry of the First Non-zero Stekloff Eigenvalue 1997 José F. Escobar
+ PDF Chat Inverse Spectral Problems for Schrödinger Operators 2009 Hamid Hezari
+ Spectral geometry of the Steklov problem (Survey article) 2017 Alexandre Girouard
Iosif Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Semi-classical weights and equivariant spectral theory 2016 Emily B. Dryden
Victor Guillemin
Rosa Sena‐Dias
+ Semiclassical analysis 2019 Semyon Dyatlov
Maciej Zworski
+ Geometric quantization and multiplicities of group representations 1982 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ PDF Chat Une inégalité de Cheeger pour le spectre de Steklov 2015 Pierre Jammes
+ Universal Donsker Classes and Metric Entropy 2010 R. M. Dudley
+ PDF Chat Multiway Spectral Partitioning and Higher-Order Cheeger Inequalities 2014 James R. Lee
Shayan Oveis Gharan
Luca Trevisan
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Procedures Invariant Under Linear Transformations 1971 Robert L. Obenchain
+ Finiteness Theorems for Riemannian Manifolds 1970 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Hamiltoniens périodiques et images convexes de l'application moment 1988 Thomas Delzant
+ PDF Chat Kaehler structures on toric varieties 1994 Victor Guillemin
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ Kato’s inequality and asymptotic spectral properties for discrete magnetic Laplacians 2006 Józef Dodziuk
Varghese Mathai
+ A Survey on Spectra of infinite Graphs 1989 Bojan Mohar
Wolfgang Woess
+ An Isoperimetric Inequality and the First Steklov Eigenvalue 1999 José F. Escobar
+ Averages of functions over hypersurfaces in ? n 1985 Christopher D. Sogge
Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Some facts about functionals of location and scatter 2006 R. M. Dudley
+ PDF Chat Redescending $M$-Estimates of Multivariate Location and Scatter 1991 John T. Kent
David E. Tyler
+ A curious likelihood identity for the multivariate t-distribution 1994 John T. Kent
David E. Tyler
Yahuda. Vard
+ Remarks on the Zeros of Cross-Product Bessel Functions 1964 James Alan Cochran
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the 1-Laplacian and Cheeger's Constant on Graphs 2015 Kai‐Wei Chang
+ Spectral theory on S2: Some open questions 1981 Victor Guillemin
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Compactness of conformal metrics with integral bounds on curvature 1993 Matthew J. Gursky
+ PDF Chat Band invariants for perturbations of the harmonic oscillator 2012 Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
Z. Wang
+ Sharp Sobolev Inequalities on the Sphere and the Moser--Trudinger Inequality 1993 William Beckner
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat On the Breakdown Properties of Some Multivariate M-Functionals* 2005 Lutz Dümbgen
David E. Tyler
+ PDF Chat Bootstrapping General Empirical Measures 1990 Evarist Giné
Joel Zinn
+ PDF Chat Spectral determination of analytic bi-axisymmetric plane domains 2000 Steve Zelditch
+ The spectral density function of a toric variety 2007 D. Burns
Victor Guillemin
Alejandro Uribe
+ Some Local Measures of Complexity of Convex Hulls and Generalization Bounds 2002 Olivier Bousquet
Vladimir Koltchinskii
Dmitriy Panchenko
+ PDF Chat Spaces of constant curvature 2010 Joseph A. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Isospectral conformal metrics on 3-manifolds 1990 Sun‐Yung A. Chang
Paul Yang