М. В. Невский


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Estimation of interpolation projectors using Legendre polynomials 2024 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Optimal Lagrange Interpolation Projectors and Legendre Polynomials 2024 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Geometric Estimates in Linear Interpolation on a Cube and a Ball 2024 М. В. Невский
+ On Some Estimate for the Norm of an Interpolation Projector 2023 М. В. Невский
+ On the Minimal Norm of a Projection Operator for Linear Interpolation on an $$n$$-Dimensional Ball 2023 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On a geometric approach to the estimation of interpolation projectors 2023 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ The Minimum Norm of a Projector under Linear Interpolation on a Euclidean Ball 2023 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat О минимальной норме проектора при линейной интерполяции на $n$-мерном шаре 2023 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Properties of a Regular Simplex Inscribed into a Ball 2022 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Some Estimate for the Norm of an Interpolation Projector 2022 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Properties of a Regular Simplex Inscribed into a Ball 2021 М. В. Невский
+ Estimates for Interpolation Projectors and Related Problems in Computational Geometry 2021 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ Linear Interpolation on a Euclidean Ball in ℝn 2020 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ Geometric Estimates in Interpolation on an n-Dimensional Ball 2020 М. В. Невский
+ On Some Problems for a Simplex and a Ball in $${{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}$$ 2019 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Geometric Estimates in Interpolation on an n-Dimensional Ball 2019 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Linear Interpolation on a Euclidean Ball in Rⁿ 2019 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Ukhalov Properties of (0, 1)-matrices of order n having maximal determinant 2019 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Interpolation by Linear Functions on an $n$-Dimensional Ball 2019 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Линейная интерполяция на евклидовом шаре в Rⁿ 2019 М. В. Невский
Алексей Юрьевич Ухалов
+ PDF Chat On Some Problems for a Simplex and a Ball in R<sup>n</sup> 2018 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Minimal Absorption Index for an n-Dimensional Simplex 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Optimal Interpolation by Linear Functions on n-Dimensional Cube 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On n-Dimensional Simplices Satisfying Inclusions $$S \subset {{[0,1]}^{n}} \subset nS$$ 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Optimal Interpolation by Linear Functions on an n-Dimensional Cube 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Perfect simplices in $${\mathbb R}^5$$ R 5 2018 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ Some Properties of 0/1-Simplices 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Numerical Characteristics of a Simplex and Their Estimates 2017 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat New Estimates of Numerical Values Related to a Simplex 2017 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Five-dimensional Perfect Simplices 2017 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On n-Dimensional Simplices Satisfying Inclusions S ⊂ [0, 1]<sup>n</sup> ⊂ nS 2017 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat New Estimates of Numerical Values Related to a Simplex 2017 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Numerical Characteristics of а Simplex and their Estimates 2016 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Some Problem for a Simplex and a Cube in Rⁿ 2015 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Yaroslavl International Conference on Discrete Geometry (dedicated to the centenary of A. D. Alexandrov) 2015 Н. П. Долбилин
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Alexander Ivanov
Oleg R. Musin
М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Some Results in the Geometry of Convex Bodies and their Applications 2015 М. В. Невский
+ On one problem for a simplex and a cube in ℝ n 2014 М. В. Невский
+ Computation of the Longest Segment of a Given Direction in a Simplex 2014 М. В. Невский
+ On the minimal positive homothetic image of a simplex containing a convex body 2013 М. В. Невский
+ О гипотезе Лассака для выпуклого тела 2011 М. В. Невский
+ On the Lassak Conjecture for a Convex Body 2011 М. В. Невский
+ On the axial diameters of a convex body 2011 М. В. Невский
+ О геометрических характеристиках n-мерного симплекса 2011 М. В. Невский
+ On Geometric Characteristics of an <i>n</i>-Dimensional Simplex 2011 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Properties of Axial Diameters of a Simplex 2011 М. В. Невский
+ Geometric Estimates in the Polynomial Interpolation 2011 М. В. Невский
+ On a property of n-dimensional simplices 2010 М. В. Невский
+ Ортогональное проектирование и минимальная линейная интерполяция на n-мерном кубе 2007 М. В. Невский
+ Минимальные проекторы и максимальные симплексы 2007 М. В. Невский
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On a property of n-dimensional simplices 2010 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Properties of Axial Diameters of a Simplex 2011 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Properties of axial diameters 1989 P. R. Scott
+ PDF Chat Parallelotopes of Maximum Volume in a Simplex 1999 Marek Lassak
+ PDF Chat New Estimates of Numerical Values Related to a Simplex 2017 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ Computation of the Longest Segment of a Given Direction in a Simplex 2014 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Optimal Interpolation by Linear Functions on n-Dimensional Cube 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Perfect simplices in $${\mathbb R}^5$$ R 5 2018 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Numerical Characteristics of а Simplex and their Estimates 2016 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat The content of some extreme simplexes 1969 D. Slepian
+ PDF Chat On Numerical Characteristics of a Simplex and Their Estimates 2017 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat New Estimates of Numerical Values Related to a Simplex 2017 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Linear Interpolation on a Euclidean Ball in Rⁿ 2019 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Optimal Interpolation by Linear Functions on an n-Dimensional Cube 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat On Some Problems for a Simplex and a Ball in R&lt;sup&gt;n&lt;/sup&gt; 2018 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On n-Dimensional Simplices Satisfying Inclusions S ⊂ [0, 1]&lt;sup&gt;n&lt;/sup&gt; ⊂ nS 2017 М. В. Невский
Alexey Ukhalov
+ On the axial diameters of a convex body 2011 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Minimal Absorption Index for an n-Dimensional Simplex 2018 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ On Geometric Characteristics of an <i>n</i>-Dimensional Simplex 2011 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat On Properties of a Regular Simplex Inscribed into a Ball 2021 М. В. Невский
+ On the minimal positive homothetic image of a simplex containing a convex body 2013 М. В. Невский
+ Improvements of n-dimensional Euler inequality 1994 Yang Shi-guo
Jia Wang
+ A Simplex Contained in a Sphere 2008 Andrew Vince
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 2
+ The Circumradius-Inradius Inequality for a Simplex 1979 Murray S. Klamkin
George Tsintsifas
+ Family of equal-sized n-dimensional polyhedra satisfying Cavalieri’s principle 2015 Федор Михайлович Малышев
+ Special Convex Bodies 1993 Erhard Heil
Horst Martini
+ Essentials of Programming in Mathematica 2015 Paul R. Wellin
+ Advanced Combinatorics 1974 Louis Comtet
+ Linear Interpolation on a Euclidean Ball in ℝn 2020 М. В. Невский
A. Yu. Ukhalov
+ PDF Chat Hadamard Matrices and Their Applications 1978 A. Hedayat
W. D. Wallis
+ PDF Chat Ellipsoids of maximal volume in convex bodies 1992 Keith Ball
+ Essentials of Programming inMathematica® 2015 Paul R. Wellin
+ Geometric Estimates in the Polynomial Interpolation 2011 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat Geometric Estimates in Interpolation on an n-Dimensional Ball 2019 М. В. Невский
+ Mixed Volumes and Slices of the Cube 1998 Richard Ehrenborg
Margaret Readdy
Einar Steingrı́msson
+ Geometric Estimates in Interpolation on an n-Dimensional Ball 2020 М. В. Невский
+ PDF Chat О минимальной норме проектора при линейной интерполяции на $n$-мерном шаре 2023 М. В. Невский
+ Advanced Combinatorics: The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions 1974 Louis Comtet
J.W. Nienhuys
+ An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry 1997 Keith Ball
+ Approximation of convex bodies by rectangles 1993 Marek Lassak
+ PDF Chat Relationships between widths of a convex body and of an inscribed parallelotope 2001 Marek Lassak
+ Some characterizing properties of the simplex 1989 Horst Martini
+ W. Blaschke, Kreis und Kugel. 2., durchgesehene und verbesserte Auflage. VIII + 167 S. Berlin 1956. Walter de Gruyter &amp; Co. Preis geb. 18,60 DM 1957 H. L. Burmeister
+ PDF Chat A sequence of (±1)-determinants with large values 1965 G. F. Clements
Björn Lindström
+ PDF Chat Approximation of convex bodies by inscribed simplices of maximum volume 2011 Marek Lassak
+ None 2000 Volker Barthelmann
Erich Novak
Klaus Ritter
+ Polynomial Interpolation in Several Variables 1994 Carl de Boor
+ Hyperplane Sections of the &lt;em&gt;n&lt;/em&gt;-Dimensional Cube 2012 Rolfdieter Frank
Harald Riede