J. M. Varah


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Numerical Equivalences among Krylov Subspace Algorithms for Skew-Symmetric Matrices 2016 Chen Greif
Christopher C. Paige
David Titley-PĂ©loquin
J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants 2012 David F. Gleich
Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants 2011 David F. Gleich
Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants. 2011 David F. Gleich
Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants 2011 David F. Gleich
Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ Minimizing the Condition Number for Small Rank Modifications 2006 Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ An Algebraic Analysis of a Block Diagonal Preconditioner for Saddle Point Systems 2005 Gene H. Golub
Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ Positive definite Hankel matrices of minimal condition 2003 J. M. Varah
+ <title>Shape reconstruction from moments: theory, algorithms, and applications</title> 2000 Peyman Milanfar
Mihai Putinar
J. M. Varah
Bjoern Gustafsson
Gene H. Golub
+ Block Stationary Methods for Nonsymmetric Cyclically Reduced Systems Arising from Three-Dimensional Elliptic Equations 1999 Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ Iterative Solution of Cyclically Reduced Systems Arising from Discretization of the Three-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation 1998 Chen Greif
J. M. Varah
+ The prolate matrix 1993 J. M. Varah
+ On the conditioning of parameter estimation problems 1990 J. M. Varah
+ Relative Sizes of the Hessian Terms in Nonlinear Parameter Estimation 1990 J. M. Varah
+ On Fitting Exponentials by Nonlinear Least Squares 1985 J. M. Varah
+ Computational methods in linear algebra 1984 J. M. Varah
+ Pitfalls in the Numerical Solution of Linear Ill-Posed Problems 1983 J. M. Varah
+ Stability Restrictions on Second Order, Three Level Finite Difference Schemes for Parabolic Equations 1980 J. M. Varah
+ Stiff Stability Considerations for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods 1980 J. M. Varah
+ Optimal Harvesting of a Randomly Fluctuating Resource. II: Numerical Methods and Results 1979 Donald Ludwig
J. M. Varah
+ On the Separation of Two Matrices 1979 J. M. Varah
+ A Practical Examination of Some Numerical Methods for Linear Discrete Ill-Posed Problems 1979 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat On the efficient implementation of implicit Runge-Kutta methods 1979 J. M. Varah
+ Stiffly Stable Linear Multistep Methods of Extended Order 1978 J. M. Varah
+ On the Efficent Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods 1978 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations 1978 J. M. Varah
+ On the Stability of Boundary Conditions for Separable Difference Approximations to Parabolic Equations 1977 J. M. Varah
+ Alternate Row and Column Elimination for Solving Certain Linear Systems 1976 J. M. Varah
+ A lower bound for the smallest singular value of a matrix 1975 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat A Comparison of Some Numerical Methods for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1974 J. M. Varah
+ On a Characterization of the Best $l_2 $-Scaling of a matrix 1974 Gene H. Golub
J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat A comparison of some numerical methods for two-point boundary value problems 1974 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Stability of High Order Accurate Difference Methods for Parabolic Equations with Boundary Conditions 1971 J. M. Varah
+ Stability of Difference Approximations to the Mixed Initial Boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Systems 1971 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Latent Roots and Latent Vectors 1971 J. M. Varah
Sven Hammarling
+ PDF Chat Computing invariant subspaces of a general matrix when the eigensystem is poorly conditioned 1970 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Maximum norm stability of difference approximations to the mixed initial boundary-value problem for the heat equation 1970 J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Rigorous machine bounds for the eigensystem of a general complex matrix 1968 J. M. Varah
+ Two working algorithms for the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix 1966 W. Kahan
J. M. Varah
+ PDF Chat Certification of Parlett’s ALGOL eigenvalue procedure Eig 3 1966 J. M. Varah
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Stability of parabolic difference schemes in the maximum norm 1966 Olof B. Widlund
+ PDF Chat Accurate Difference Methods for Linear Ordinary Differential Systems Subject to Linear Constraints 1969 Herbert B. Keller
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ PDF Chat The principle of minimized iterations in the solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem 1951 Walter E. Arnoldi
+ Collocation at Gaussian Points 1973 Carl de Boor
Blair Swartz
+ PDF Chat Maximum norm stability of difference approximations to the mixed initial boundary-value problem for the heat equation 1970 J. M. Varah
+ A NEW DIFFERENCE SCHEME FOR PARABOLIC PROBLEMS**This work was supported by the U. S. Army Research Office, Durham, under Contract DAHC 04-68-C-0006. 1971 Herbert B. Keller
+ <i>Analysis of Numerical Methods</i> 1967 Eugene Isaacson
Herbert B. Keller
George H. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Line Iterative Methods for Cyclically Reduced Discrete Convection-Diffusion Problems 1992 Howard C. Elman
Gene H. Golub
+ Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter 1979 Gene H. Golub
Michael T. Heath
Grace Wahba
+ Large-Scale Optimization of Eigenvalues 1992 Michael L. Overton
+ On Extrapolation Algorithms for Ordinary Initial Value Problems 1965 William B. Gragg
+ Singular Perturbation Theory and Geophysics 1970 G. F. Carrier
+ PDF Chat On the Solution of Block-Tridiagonal Systems Arising from Certain Finite-Difference Equations 1972 J. M. Varah
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden
+ Stability of Difference Approximations to the Mixed Initial Boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Systems 1971 J. M. Varah
+ An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 1973 C Moler
G. W. Stewart
+ PDF Chat Accurate Difference Methods for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1974 Herbert B. Keller
+ The automatic integration of stiff ordinary differential equations. 1968 C. W. Gear
+ PDF Chat Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 James Watt
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Asymptotically Fast Triangularization of Matrices over Rings 1991 James Lee Hafner
Kevin S. McCurley
+ Linear Systems over Commutative Rings. A Survey 1976 Eduardo D. Sontag
+ PDF Chat A comparison of some numerical methods for two-point boundary value problems 1974 J. M. Varah
+ Solution of Sparse Indefinite Systems of Linear Equations 1975 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ Collocation for systems of boundary value problems 1974 Robert D. Russell
+ A collocation method for boundary value problems 1972 Robert D. Russell
L. F. Shampine
+ PDF Chat Difference approximations for boundary and eigenvalue problems for ordinary differential equations 1972 Heinz‐Otto Kreiss
+ PDF Chat <i>p</i>-cyclic matrices: A generalization of the Young-Frankel successive overrelaxation scheme 1959 Richard S. Varga
+ Computational Experience with Confidence Regions and Confidence Intervals for Nonlinear Least Squares 1987 Janet R. Donaldson
Robert B. Schnabel
+ PDF Chat Efficient higher order single step methods for parabolic problems. I 1980 James H. Bramble
Peter H. Sammon
+ Linear Systems over Commutative Rings 1986 J. W. Brewer
John W. Bunce
F. S. Van Vleck
+ Iterative Solution Methods 1994 Owe Axelsson
+ Eigenvalues and invariants of tensors 2006 Liqun Qi
+ The Rotation of Eigenvectors by a Perturbation. III 1970 Chandler Davis
W. Kahan
+ Numerical Solution of Convection-Diffusion Problems 2019 K. W. Morton
+ Controllability and completion of partial upper triangular matrices over rings 1992 Leonid Gurvits
Leiba Rodman
Tamir Shalom
+ A comparison of some algorithms for the nonlinear least squares problem 1977 HĂ„kan Ramsin
Per-Åke Wedin
+ Alternate Row and Column Elimination for Solving Certain Linear Systems 1976 J. M. Varah
+ Augmented Lagrangian Methods: Applications to the Numerical Solution of Boundary-Value Problems 1983 Michel Fortin
R. Glowinski
+ Tensor and Matrix Inversions with Applications 2011 Michael Brazell
Na Li
Carmeliza Navasca
Christino Tamon
+ A special stability problem for linear multistep methods 1963 Germund Dahlquist
+ PDF Chat On least squares exponential sum approximation with positive coefficients 1980 John Evans
William B. Gragg
Randall J. LeVeque
+ A-stable Runge-Kutta processes 1971 F. H. Chipman
+ On Solving Block-Structured Indefinite Linear Systems 2003 Gene H. Golub
Chen Greif
+ Optimal Harvesting of a Randomly Fluctuating Resource. I: Application of Perturbation Methods 1979 Donald Ludwig
+ A Useful Form of Unitary Matrix Obtained from Any Sequence of Unit 2-Norm <i>n</i>-Vectors 2009 Christopher C. Paige
+ PDF Chat On the instability of leap-frog and Crank-Nicolson approximations of a nonlinear partial differential equation 1973 Bengt Fornberg
+ Wiley Classics Library 1988 Richard Courant
E. J. McShane
+ A special family of Runge-Kutta methods for solving stiff differential equations 1978 Kevin Burrage