Sergio Ranaldo


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Efficient and accurate simulations of deformable particles immersed in a fluid using a combined immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann finite element method 2010 Timm Krüger
Fathollah Varnik
Dierk Raabe
+ A Model for Collision Processes in Gases. I. Small Amplitude Processes in Charged and Neutral One-Component Systems 1954 P. L. Bhatnagar
Eugene P. Gross
Max Krook
+ PDF Chat A combined Lattice Boltzmann and Immersed boundary approach for predicting the vascular transport of differently shaped particles 2016 Alessandro Coclite
Marco D. de Tullio
G. Pascazio
Paolo Decuzzi
+ PDF Chat On pressure and velocity boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann BGK model 1997 Qisu Zou
Xiaoyi He
+ An Introduction to Meshfree Methods and Their Programming 2005 G.R. Liu
Yuantong Gu
+ Lattice BGK Models for Navier-Stokes Equation 1992 Y. H. Qian
Dominique d’Humières
Pierre Lallemand
+ PDF Chat Predicting the vascular adhesion of deformable drug carriers in narrow capillaries traversed by blood cells 2018 Alessandro Coclite
G. Pascazio
Marco D. de Tullio
Paolo Decuzzi
+ PDF Chat Predicting different adhesive regimens of circulating particles at blood capillary walls 2017 Alessandro Coclite
Hilaria Mollica
Sergio Ranaldo
G. Pascazio
Marco D. de Tullio
Paolo Decuzzi
+ PDF Chat Immersed Boundary Simulations of Active Fluid Droplets 2016 Carl A. Whitfield
Raymond J. Hawkins
+ Numerical simulation of artificial microswimmers driven by Marangoni flow 2017 Laura Stricker
+ Nonequilibrium dynamics of mixtures of active and passive colloidal particles 2017 Raphael Wittkowski
Joakim Stenhammar
M. E. Cates
+ PDF Chat Deciphering the relative contribution of vascular inflammation and blood rheology in metastatic spreading 2018 Hilaria Mollica
Alessandro Coclite
Marco Elvino Miali
Rui C. Pereira
Laura Paleari
Chiara Manneschi
Andrea DeCensi
Paolo Decuzzi
+ PDF Chat Active microrheology of colloidal suspensions: Simulation and microstructural theory 2016 Ehssan Nazockdast
Jeffrey F. Morris
+ PDF Chat Kinematic and dynamic forcing strategies for predicting the transport of inertial capsules via a combined lattice Boltzmann – Immersed Boundary method 2018 Alessandro Coclite
Sergio Ranaldo
Marco D. de Tullio
Paolo Decuzzi
G. Pascazio
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of groups of magnetically driven artificial microswimmers 2019 Jake Buzhardt
Phanindra Tallapragada
+ PDF Chat A Model for Red Blood Cells in Simulations of Large‐scale Blood Flows 2011 Simone Melchionna
+ PDF Chat Clustering of microswimmers: interplay of shape and hydrodynamics 2018 Mario Theers
Elmar Westphal
Kai Qi
Roland G. Winkler
Gerhard Gompper
+ PDF Chat Buckling of spherical capsules 2011 Sebastian Knoche
Jan Kierfeld
+ PDF Chat Injection of Deformable Capsules in a Reservoir: A Systematic Analysis 2019 Alessandro Coclite
Alberto Gambaruto
+ PDF Chat On the effects of membrane viscosity on transient red blood cell dynamics 2020 Fabio Guglietta
Marek Behr
Luca Biferale
Giacomo Falcucci
Mauro Sbragaglia
+ PDF Chat Bacterial Hydrodynamics 2016 Eric Lauga
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers 2006 Are Magnus Bruaset
Aslak Tveito
+ PDF Chat Active colloidal suspensions: Clustering and phase behavior 2014 Julian Bialké
Thomas Speck
Hartmut Löwen
+ PDF Chat <i>In Silico</i> Vascular Modeling for Personalized Nanoparticle Delivery 2012 Shaolie S. Hossain
Yongjie Zhang
Xinghua Liang
Fazle Hussain
Mauro Ferrari
Thomas J.R. Hughes
Paolo Decuzzi
+ PDF Chat Pattern formation in liquid-vapor systems under periodic potential and shear 2014 Alessandro Coclite
Giuseppe Gonnella
A. Lamura