Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ | Bidirektionale Mehrzielmethode zur Lösung von Zweipunkt-Randwertaufgaben | 1993 |
Theodor Meis Ralf Scheurer Wolfgang Siegel |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
Ralf Scheurer | 1 |
Theodor Meis | 1 |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ | A stepsize control for continuation methods and its special application to multiple shooting techniques | 1979 |
Peter Deuflhard |
1 |
+ | Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I | 1983 |
Josef Stoer |
1 |
+ | Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik II | 1978 |
Josef Stoer Roland Bulirsch |
1 |
+ | Numerical solution of the singular Ginzburg-Landau equations by multiple shooting | 1976 |
P. Rentrop |
1 |