Sarah Beall Zelinke


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ None 2000 Joanne F. Carlisle
+ Direct and Indirect Roles of Morphological Awareness in the English Reading Comprehension of Native English, Spanish, Filipino, and Vietnamese Speakers 2012 Michael J. Kieffer
Nonie K. Lesaux
+ Influence of oral language and phonological awareness on children's bilingual reading 2007 H. Lee Swanson
Kelly Rosston
Michael M. Gerber
Emily J. Solari
+ Measurement invariance, factor analysis and factorial invariance 1993 William Meredith
+ Morphological awareness: A key to understanding poor reading comprehension in English. 2011 Xiuli Tong
S. Hélène Deacon
John R. Kirby
Kate Cain
Rauno Parrila
+ The Relation Between Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension: Evidence From Mediation and Longitudinal Models 2014 S. Hélène Deacon
Michael J. Kieffer
Annie Laroche
+ PDF Chat Developmental Relations Between Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension: A Latent Change Score Modeling Study 2014 Jamie Quinn
Richard K. Wagner
Yaacov Petscher
Danielle Lopez
+ Teaching Vocabulary During Shared Storybook Readings: An Examination of Differential Effects 2004 Michael D. Coyne
Deborah C. Simmons
Edward J. Kameenui
Michael Stoolmiller
+ How problems of reading fluency and comprehension are related to difficulties in syntactic awareness skills among fifth graders 2006 Kouider Mokhtari
H. Brian Thompson
+ The role of vocabulary depth in predicting reading comprehension among English monolingual and Spanish–English bilingual children in elementary school 2011 C. Patrick Proctor
Rebecca D. Silverman
Jeffrey R. Harring
Christine Montecillo
+ Metalinguistic contributions to reading and spelling in second and third grade students 2011 Kenn Apel
Elizabeth B. Wilson-Fowler
Danielle Brimo
Nancy Perrin
+ Using Multiple Measures of Morphological Awareness to Assess its Relation to Reading 2013 Kenn Apel
Emily A. Diehm
Lynda Apel
+ The reciprocal relations between morphological processes and reading 2012 Richard S. Kruk
Krista Bergman
+ Minding morphology: How morphological awareness relates to reading for English language learners 2012 Amanda P. Goodwin
Anne Corinne Huggins
María S. Carlo
Diane August
Margarita Calderón
+ The simple view of reading 1990 Wesley A. Hoover
Philip B. Gough
+ Children's Morphological Knowledge: Links to Literacy 2008 Deborah McCutchen
Laura Green
Robert D. Abbott
+ Developmental changes in the nature of language proficiency and reading fluency paint a more complex view of reading comprehension in ELL and EL1 2011 Esther Geva
Fataneh Farnia
+ Structured Latent Curve Models for the Study of Change in Multivariate Repeated Measures. 2004 Shelley A. Blozis
+ Decoding, Reading, and Reading Disability 1986 Philip B. Gough
William E. Tunmer
+ PDF Chat Morphological and Syntactic Awareness in Poor Comprehenders 2013 Xiuli Tong
S. Hélène Deacon
Kate Cain
+ PDF Chat Predictors of reading comprehension for struggling readers: The case of Spanish-speaking language minority learners. 2010 Jeannette Mancilla‐Martinez
Nonie K. Lesaux
+ Should the Simple View of Reading Include a Fluency Component? 2006 Suzanne M. Adlof
Hugh W. Catts
Todd D. Little
+ Examining general and specific factors in the dimensionality of oral language and reading in 4th–10th grades. 2015 Barbara R. Foorman
Sharon Koon
Yaacov Petscher
Alison Mitchell
Adrea J. Truckenmiller
+ Beyond phonological skills: broader language skills contribute to the development of reading 2004 Kate Nation
Margaret J. Snowling
+ Morphological Awareness and Reading Difficulties in Adolescent Spanish-Speaking Language Minority Learners and Their Classmates 2013 Michael J. Kieffer
+ PDF Chat Matthew Effects in Young Readers 2011 Kate Cain
Jane Oakhill
+ PDF Chat Roles of morphological awareness in the reading comprehension of Spanish-speaking language minority learners: Exploring partial mediation by vocabulary and reading fluency 2012 Michael J. Kieffer
Gina Biancarosa
Jeannette Mancilla‐Martinez
+ Vocabulary Development of English‐Language and English‐Only Learners in Kindergarten 2007 Rebecca D. Silverman
+ Hierarchical Linear Models 2005 Jeff Gill