Marius A. Schmidt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stein’s method for the TAP equations An iterative scheme for the SK model 2025 Stephan Gufler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Spectral Coarse-Graining and Rescaling for Preserving Structural and Dynamical Properties in Graphs 2024 Marius A. Schmidt
Fabio Caccioli
Tomaso Aste
+ PDF Chat Role of the Coulomb Potential in Compton Scattering 2024 N. Melzer
M. Kircher
A. Pier
Lothar Kaiser
J. Kruse
N. Anders
Jonathan Stindl
L. Sommerlad
Daniel F. McGinnis
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On the GREM approximation of TAP free energies 2024 Giulia Sebastiani
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat On the concavity of the TAP free energy in the SK model 2023 Stephan Gufler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On the REM approximation of TAP free energies 2023 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
Giulia Sebastiani
+ AMP algorithms and Stein's method: Understanding TAP equations with a new method 2023 Stephan Gufler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Complexity of local maxima of given radial derivative for mixed $p$-spin Hamiltonians 2022 David Belius
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On concavity of TAP free energy in the SK model 2022 Stephan Gufler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On the REM approximation of TAP free energies 2022 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
Giulia Sebastiani
+ Phase diagram for the tap energy of the $p$-spin spherical mean field spin glass model 2022 David Belius
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Triviality of the Geometry of Mixed p-Spin Spherical Hamiltonians with External Field 2021 David Belius
Jǐƕı ČernĂœ
Shuta Nakajima
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit 2020 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process 2020 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat A simple proof of the DPRZ theorem for 2d cover times 2020 Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Optimal designs for Poisson count data with Gamma block effects 2019 Marius A. Schmidt
Rainer Schwabe
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann. The replica symmetry phase 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Optimal Designs for Poisson Count Data with Gamma Block Effects 2018 Marius A. Schmidt
Rainer Schwabe
+ Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process. 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ A Simple Proof of the DPRZ-Theorem for 2D Cover Times 2018 Marius A. Schmidt
+ High points of branching Brownian motion and McKean’s Martingale in the Bovier-Hartung extremal process 2018 Constantin Glenz
Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ First passage percolation in the mean field limit 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ A Simple Proof of the DPRZ-Theorem for 2D Cover Times 2018 Marius A. Schmidt
+ On McKean's martingale in the Bovier-Hartung extremal process 2017 Constantin Glenz
Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Optimal cutpoints for random observations 2015 Marius A. Schmidt
Rainer Schwabe
+ On the replica symmetry phase of the independent set problem 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Marius A. Schmidt
Nicola Kistler
+ From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ A note on the point processes of rare events 1996 J. HĂŒsler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ A note on the point processes of rare events 1996 J. HĂŒsler
Marius A. Schmidt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of two-speed branching Brownian motion 2014 Anton Bovier
Lisa Hartung
+ PDF Chat Slowdown for Time Inhomogeneous Branching Brownian Motion 2012 Ming Fang
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Polymers on disordered trees, spin glasses, and traveling waves 1988 Bernard Derrida
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Genealogy of extremal particles of branching Brownian motion 2011 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
N. Kistler
+ Maximal displacement of branching brownian motion 1978 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Broken Replica Symmetry Bounds in the Mean Field Spin Glass Model 2003 Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat A Conditional Limit Theorem for the Frontier of a Branching Brownian Motion 1987 Steven P. Lalley
T. Sellke
+ Convergence condition of the TAP equation for the infinite-ranged Ising spin glass model 1982 T. Plefka
+ Derrida’s Random Energy Models 2015 Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Cover times for Brownian motion and random walks in two dimensions 2004 Amir Dembo
Yuval Peres
Jay Rosen
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Percolation, First-Passage Percolation and Covering Times for Richardson's Model on the $n$-Cube 1993 James Allen Fill
Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat The subleading order of two dimensional cover times 2016 David Belius
Nicola Kistler
+ Gaussian Processes on Trees: From Spin Glasses to Branching Brownian Motion 2016 Anton Bovier
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat The replica symmetric formula for the SK model revisited 2022 Christian Brennecke
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat On the concavity of the TAP free energy in the SK model 2023 Stephan Gufler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Some Limit Theorems for Random Functions. I 1959 В. А. Đ’ĐŸĐ»ĐșĐŸĐœŃĐșĐžĐč
Yu. A. Rozanov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic approximation of crossing probabilities of random sequences 1983 JĂŒrg HĂŒsler
+ Gaussian Processes on Trees 2016 Anton Bovier
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Random Matrices 2009 Greg W. Anderson
Alice Guionnet
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat An Iterative Construction of Solutions of the TAP Equations for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Model 2013 Erwin Bolthausen
+ Random Measures, Theory and Applications 2017 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Chat On Convergence of the Cavity and Bolthausen’s TAP Iterations to the Local Magnetization 2021 Wei‐Kuo Chen
Si Tang
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Approach to the TAP Equations for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick Model 2021 Arka Adhikari
Christian Brennecke
Per von Soosten
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat Maxima of a randomized Riemann zeta function, and branching random walks 2017 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
David Belius
Adam J. Harper
+ PDF Chat Branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2012 Élie AĂŻdĂ©kon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ Calculating the extremal index for a class of stationary sequences 1991 Michael R. Chernick
Tailen Hsing
William P. McCormick
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Sojourn times and the exact Hausdorff measure of the sample path for planar Brownian motion 1963 Daniel Ray
+ PDF Chat Derrida's Generalised Random Energy models 1: models with finitely many hierarchies 2004 Anton Bovier
+ A boundary-crossing result for Brownian motion 1992 Thomas Scheike
+ PDF Chat Full extremal process, cluster law and freezing for the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian Free Field 2018 Marek Biskup
Oren Louidor
+ PDF Chat Minima in branching random walks 2009 Louigi Addario‐Berry
Bruce Reed
+ Kac’s moment formula and the Feynman–Kac formula for additive functionals of a Markov process 1999 P. J. Fitzsimmons
Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat Branching random walks in time inhomogeneous environments 2012 Ming Fang
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat A Quenched Large Deviation Principle and a Parisi Formula for a Perceptron Version of the GREM 2011 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion 2013 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ Extremes and Related Properties of Random Sequences and Processes 1983 M. R. Leadbetter
Georg Lindgren
Holger Rootzén
+ PDF Chat Extended variational principle for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model 2003 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Shannon Starr
+ The Optimality of Single-group Designs for Certain Mixed Models 2006 Thomas Schmelter
+ A note on exceedances and rare events of non-stationary sequences 1993 J. HĂŒsler
+ PDF Chat Entropic Repulsion and the Maximum of the two-dimensional harmonic 2001 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Giambattista Giacomin
+ PDF Chat Convergence in Law of the Maximum of the Two‐Dimensional Discrete Gaussian Free Field 2015 Maury Bramson
Jian Ding
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture 2012 Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat Spin glasses and Stein’s method 2009 Sourav Chatterjee
+ PDF Chat On the structure of quasi-stationary competing particle systems 2009 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Michael Aizenman
+ PDF Chat TAP free energy, spin glasses and variational inference 2021 Zhou Fan
Mei Song
Andrea Montanari
+ PDF Chat Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of Random Unitary Matrices 2016 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
David Belius
Paul Bourgade
+ PDF Chat The Bethe lattice spin glass revisited 2001 Marc MĂ©zard
Giorgio Parisi