Markus Brede


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integration vs segregation: evidence from measuring and comparing interdisciplinarity in funded and unfunded research using a network approach 2024 A. Du
Michael G Head
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Optimising structure in a networked Lanchester model for fires and manoeuvre in warfare 2020 Alexander C. Kalloniatis
Keeley Hoek
Mathew Zuparic
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Zealotry and Influence Maximization in the Voter Model: When to Target Partial Zealots? 2020 Guillermo Romero Moreno
Edoardo Manino
Long Tran-Thanh
Markus Brede
+ How does active participation effect consensus: Adaptive network model of opinion dynamics and influence maximizing rewiring 2019 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Effects of time horizons on influence maximization in the voter dynamics 2018 Markus Brede
Valerio Restocchi
Sebastian Stein
+ PDF Chat Multiplex model of mental lexicon reveals explosive learning in humans 2018 Massimo Stella
Nicole Beckage
Markus Brede
Manlio De Domenico
+ PDF Chat Topology-dependent rationality and quantal response equilibria in structured populations 2017 Sabin Roman
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Multiplex lexical networks reveal patterns in early word acquisition in children 2017 Massimo Stella
Nicole Beckage
Markus Brede
+ Multiplex model of mental lexicon reveals explosive learning in humans 2017 Massimo Stella
Nicole Beckage
Markus Brede
Manlio De Domenico
+ PDF Chat Planar growth generates scale-free networks 2016 Garvin Haslett
Seth Bullock
Markus Brede
+ Planar growth generates scale free networks 2016 Garvin Haslett
Seth Bullock
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Mental Lexicon Growth Modelling Reveals the Multiplexity of the English Language 2016 Massimo Stella
Markus Brede
+ Planar growth generates scale free networks 2016 Garvin Haslett
Seth Bullock
Markus Brede
+ Planarity as a driver of Spatial Network structure 2015 Garvin Haslett
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Patterns in the English language: phonological networks, percolation and assembly models 2015 Massimo Stella
Markus Brede
+ How Evolution Learns to Generalise: Principles of under-fitting, over-fitting and induction in the evolution of developmental organisation 2015 Kostas Kouvaris
Jeff Clune
Louis Kounios
Markus Brede
Richard A. Watson
+ PDF Chat A -deformed model of growing complex networks with fitness 2014 Massimo Stella
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Growth and Optimality in Network Evolution 2011 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Playing against the fittest: A simple strategy that promotes the emergence of cooperation 2011 Markus Brede
+ Constructing scale-free networks by a matrix stability approach 2011 Markus Brede
John Finnigan
+ Growth and Optimality in Network Evolution 2011 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat The synchronization transition in correlated oscillator populations 2010 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Coordinated and uncoordinated optimization of networks 2010 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Small worlds in space: Synchronization, spatial and relational modularity 2010 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Optimal synchronization in space 2010 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Optimal synchronization on strongly connected directed networks 2010 Markus Brede
+ Analysing Weighted Networks: An Approach via Maximum Flows 2009 Markus Brede
Fabio Boschetti
+ PDF Chat Synchronization on directed small worlds: Feed forward loops and cycles 2008 Markus Brede
+ The synchronization transition in correlated oscillator populations 2008 Markus Brede
+ The synchronization transition in correlated oscillator populations 2008 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Synchrony-optimized networks of non-identical Kuramoto oscillators 2007 Markus Brede
+ Assortative mixing by degree makes a network more unstable 2005 Markus Brede
Sitabhra Sinha
+ Relations between Some Characteristic Lengths in a Triangle. 2005 Wolfram Koepf
Markus Brede
+ Growing Networks with Enhanced Resilience to Perturbation 2004 Markus Brede
John Finnigan
+ PDF Chat Patterns in randomly evolving networks: Idiotypic networks 2003 Markus Brede
Ulrich Behn
+ PDF Chat Architecture of idiotypic networks: Percolation and scaling Behavior 2001 Markus Brede
Ulrich Behn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 RĂ©ka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Entangled Networks, Synchronization, and Optimal Network Topology 2005 Luca Donetti
Pablo I. Hurtado
Miguel A. Muñoz
+ PDF Chat Synchrony-optimized networks of non-identical Kuramoto oscillators 2007 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Network Structures from Selection Principles 2004 Vittoria Colizza
Jayanth R. Banavar
Amos Maritan
Andrea Rinaldo
+ PDF Chat Small worlds: How and why 2001 Nisha Mathias
Venkatesh Gopal
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in Complex Networks with Age Ordering 2005 Dong‐Uk Hwang
Mario ChĂĄvez
Andreas Amann
Stefano Boccaletti
+ PDF Chat Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Data 2009 Aaron Clauset
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Optimal synchronization in space 2010 Markus Brede
+ Synchronization in complex networks 2008 Àlex Arenas
Albert Dı́az-Guilera
JĂŒrgen Kurths
Yamir Moreno
Changsong Zhou
+ PDF Chat The Large‐Scale Structure of Semantic Networks: Statistical Analyses and a Model of Semantic Growth 2005 Mark Steyvers
Joshua B. Tenenbaum
+ The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks 2014 Stefano Boccaletti
Ginestra Bianconi
Regino Criado
Charo I. del Genio
JesĂșs GĂłmez‐Gardeñes
Miguel Romance
I. Sendiña–Nadal
Z. Wang
Massimiliano Zanin
+ PDF Chat Assortative Mixing in Networks 2002 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Coordinated and uncoordinated optimization of networks 2010 Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Networks in Cognitive Science 2013 Andrea Baronchelli
Ramon Ferrer‐i‐Cancho
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Nick Chater
Morten H. Christiansen
+ PDF Chat Global organization of the Wordnet lexicon 2002 Mariano Sigman
Guillermo Cecchi
+ PDF Chat Universality in the Synchronization of Weighted Random Networks 2006 Changsong Zhou
Adilson E. Motter
JĂŒrgen Kurths
+ PDF Chat Urban road networks – spatial networks with universal geometric features? - A case study on Germany’s largest cities 2011 Sonic H. Y. Chan
Reik V. Donner
Stefan LĂ€mmer
+ PDF Chat Weighted scale-free networks in Euclidean space using local selection rule 2006 G. Mukherjee
S. S. Manna
+ PDF Chat Emergence of hierarchy in cost-driven growth of spatial networks 2013 RĂ©mi Louf
Pablo Jensen
Marc Barthélemy
+ PDF Chat Synchronization on small-world networks 2002 Hyunsuk Hong
M. Y. Choi
Beom Jun Kim
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneity in Oscillator Networks: Are Smaller Worlds Easier to Synchronize? 2003 Takashi Nishikawa
Adilson E. Motter
Ying‐Cheng Lai
Frank C. Hoppensteadt
+ PDF Chat A topological pattern of urban street networks: Universality and peculiarity 2007 Bin Jiang
+ PDF Chat Spatial networks 2010 Marc Barthélemy
+ PDF Chat Modeling Urban Street Patterns 2008 Marc Barthélemy
Alessandro Flammini
+ PDF Chat Exploring Maps with Greedy Navigators 2012 Sang Hoon Lee
Petter Holme
+ PDF Chat Maximal planar networks with large clustering coefficient and power-law degree distribution 2005 Tao Zhou
Gang Yan
Bing-Hong Wang
+ PDF Chat Geographical embedding of scale-free networks 2003 Daniel ben‐Avraham
Alejandro Rozenfeld
Reuven Cohen
Shlomo Havlin
+ PDF Chat Random planar graphs and the London street network 2009 A. Paolo Masucci
Duncan Smith
Andrew Crooks
Michael Batty
+ PDF Chat Connectivity distribution of spatial networks 2003 Carl Herrmann
Marc Barthélemy
Paolo Provero
+ PDF Chat A Review of Recent Studies of Geographical Scale-Free Networks 2006 Yukio Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks 2012 Emanuele Strano
Vincenzo Nicosia
Vito Latora
Sergio Porta
Marc Barthélemy
+ PDF Chat Connectivity of Growing Random Networks 2000 P. L. Krapivsky
S. Redner
F. Leyvraz
+ PDF Chat Damage and Fluctuations Induce Loops in Optimal Transport Networks 2010 Eleni Katifori
Gergely J. SzöllƑsi
Marcelo O. Magnasco
+ PDF Chat Topology of the conceptual network of language 2002 Adilson E. Motter
Alessandro P. S. de Moura
Ying‐Cheng Lai
Partha Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Patterns in the English language: phonological networks, percolation and assembly models 2015 Massimo Stella
Markus Brede
+ PDF Chat Origin of degree correlations in the Internet and other networks 2003 Juyong Park
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Spatially embedded random networks 2007 Lionel Barnett
Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
Seth Bullock
+ PDF Chat Paths to Synchronization on Complex Networks 2007 JesĂșs GĂłmez‐Gardeñes
Yamir Moreno
Àlex Arenas
+ PDF Chat Planar unclustered scale-free graphs as models for technological and biological networks 2010 AlĂ­cia Miralles
Francesc Comellas
Lichao Chen
Zhongzhi Zhang
+ PDF Chat Mathematics and morphogenesis of cities: A geometrical approach 2011 Thomas Courtat
Catherine Gloaguen
Stéphane Douady
+ PDF Chat Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns 2006 Alessio Cardillo
Salvatore Scellato
Vito Latora
Sergio Porta
+ PDF Chat Evolution of cooperation on spatially embedded networks 2012 Pierre Buesser
Marco Tomassini
+ PDF Chat Optimization in Complex Networks 2003 Ramon Ferrer‐i‐Cancho
Ricard V. Solé
+ PDF Chat Synchronizability determined by coupling strengths and topology on complex networks 2007 JesĂșs GĂłmez‐Gardeñes
Yamir Moreno
Àlex Arenas
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations and Redundancy in Optimal Transport Networks 2010 Francis Corson
+ PDF Chat Structural measures for multiplex networks 2014 Federico Battiston
Vincenzo Nicosia
Vito Latora
+ PDF Chat Handbook of Graphs and Networks 2002 Stefan Bornholdt
Heinz Georg Schuster
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model 1975 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett